Funny Jester side effect

I was playing through the black pits (after downloading the patch) when something funny happened. Two of my party members died after killing the fire giant, but my remaining characters couldn't hurt the flame elementals. I was just running around trying to think of a way to damage them, and I had my Jester play his confusion song. Lo and behold, my DEAD party members stood up with the confused swirls above their heads, and attacked the elementals. Apparently they had weapons that worked because the elementals died. Then we won the match.
Did you know Jesters were necromancers? His parents told him that practicising would wake the dead.
Edit: I think the game must treat them as unconscious neutrals when they die so Baeloth can resurrect them. Still, it was an unexpected and hilarious turn of events.
Did you know Jesters were necromancers? His parents told him that practicising would wake the dead.
Edit: I think the game must treat them as unconscious neutrals when they die so Baeloth can resurrect them. Still, it was an unexpected and hilarious turn of events.
Have you read this yet? :P