How many times have you bought BG?
Member Posts: 1,060
Well, let me start:
- original CD set [+CD for expansion] when it came out
- DVD set of whole Baldur Saga some years later [when I moved and my CDs were far far away]
- GOG version [for my new Mac, when DVDs were similarly too far]
- BGEE [from Mac AppStore; yet to play it, since I was waiting for the patch for months -- still waiting]
So, my count sits at *4*. (Same for BG2; and 2 each for IWD, IWD2, PST, ToEE.)
- original CD set [+CD for expansion] when it came out
- DVD set of whole Baldur Saga some years later [when I moved and my CDs were far far away]
- GOG version [for my new Mac, when DVDs were similarly too far]
- BGEE [from Mac AppStore; yet to play it, since I was waiting for the patch for months -- still waiting]
So, my count sits at *4*. (Same for BG2; and 2 each for IWD, IWD2, PST, ToEE.)
-DVD edition after some discs became un readable due to over use
-a smaller 5 disc edition after my computer literally melting itself and graphics card being serverely deaded cuased my dad to throw PC away without thinking if there was a disc in it
and to save time ill list BG2
-aforementioned DVD version location unknown
- big box edition location under a mattress for safe keeping
- BG2:EE
Very nostalgic thing, makes me remember what it was like to be a teenager during the late nineties. Playing BG:EE often makes me want to play some music from that era and just think about how everything was easier back then.
Christ, now I feel old.
The Original Saga
- Original edition
Put's my total at 2. However, as far as BG2 is concerned, it looks like this:
- Original collectors edition box set
- Version to "Play" with so I didn't ruin my collectors edition
- Replacement CDs when one of my originals got scratched
- 2nd Replacement CDs when I "Lost" my first replacements in a move (subsequently found them in a box that never got opened)
- GOG edition
- Soon to be BG2:EE
I also have 2 copies of PST and 2 editions of IWD. But yeah, it's worth it.
A friend bought me the version through Steam, so the game has been purchased on my behalf 3 times.
BG EE from Steam.
BG EE for Ipad.
BG 2 EE pre-order from Beamdog.
I guess for this forum, that's not very dedicated at all...
I'm sorry.
All of the original CD's from 1998 to 2001.
About 7 years later i bought the DVD set of BG1 + BG2 + ToB.
And now BG:EE.
Speaking of which, I should really get me arse off me chair and pre-order BG2:EE
May we all play the latest BGHRE (Baldur's Gate: Hyper-Reality Edition) in 2018 when it comes out.
Minsc and Boo and I, warriors and gamers everywhere, rejoice!
Re-release/3 CD version
DVD Saga
BG:EE Steam
- The 4 cd original version of SoA.
- The original ToB.
- A 1 or 2 disc version of BG1 and TotSC a few years ago.
- BGEE for PC.
- BGEE for iPad.
- BG2EE preorder for PC.
Alas, no Android release. Tis for the best probably, saves me heaps of money :P
Collectors Edition version of SoA
GOG version of Both
EE edition of BG and BG2
How many new rigs did you buy for BG? (Though it is no longer a CPU power issue.)
I fully intend to buy an Android tablet after the release of BGEE on the Android.
BG2 I bought 3 times. My second copy replaced my damaged discs. The game would crash everytime I attempted to enter into the thieves guild so completely the game was difficult without the replacement.
So i guess I've owned 6 copies if BG1 in some form, and counting my 2EE pre-order 5 of BG2.
My general rule for buying games on steam is £1 = 1 hour of play time.
So if I buy a game in the sales for £10 and play it for 22 hours, it's a good purchase.
If I buy a game in the sales for £5 and I play it for 4 hours, it's a bad purchase.
By this logic, I calculate I would need to buy a total of 10-15 copies of BG:EE in order for it to become a bad purchase, and around 200-300 copies of BG originals.
So 6 with the BG:EE 1/2.
It's funny how a person can go from that level of engagement (the collectors editions may have had that unique item designed for my character) to totally jaded to the point of boycotting company practices, pre-orders, and DLC.
yeh im pretty hardcore
One original 5 disc BG - when it first came out.
One original TOTSC single disc - when it first came out.
....some time later after I had scratched the discs beyond recognition and overplaying....
One combined BG:TOTSC 6 disc pack.
One copy of BG2 when it came out.
One copy of ToB when it came out.
Later: One combined copy of BG:TOTSC & BG2:ToB (got for free with an old laptop)
Later: One extra combined copy of BG:TOTSC & BG2:ToB (After I lost some of the other CDs.)
Later: One BG:ToTSC for free from PCworld. (For some reason I couldn't get it to work.)
Later: BG:ToTSC & BG2:ToB from
BG:EE 3 times. 1) iPad 2) Steam 3) Beamdog client
It's actually ridiculous. It seems I have lost the majority of my discs APART from the ToTSC cd's. I have a pile of them somewhere - I'll see if I can dig them up and post an image or something.
What can I say? I'm just not very good at looking after CD's.
In some sad sense, we are more faithful to BG than to our love affairs.
I never broke up with Baldur's Gate, we just went to different colleges for a while. I *did* break up with EverQuest though, and I never went back. See the difference?
Then... BG:EE. Without putting a number on it, it's okay to just say "a few," right?
Well I managed to find three of them relatively easily. I am guessing there are at least two copies underneath my bed at my mum's house and one in my old attic.
2. Few years later some kind of baldur's gate collection pack which included both games and expansion packs:
3. DVD versions of both games and expansion packs
4. Digital versions of both games and expansion packs (gog)
5. Bg ee (and soon bg2ee:)
2. GoG version of all of the above
3. BGEE (both 1 & 2)
4. Second copy of BGEE for my wife.