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Party of Dorn, Hexxat, Rasaad and Neera. Who to choose as a CHARNAME and the 5th NPC?

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
So, it will be THIS WEEKEND. Only several days to wait ;)

I have no doubts the Devs have put so much effort into writing new quests related to new NPCs. To try them ALL I've decided to start the first BG2:EE playthrough taking Dorn, Hexxat, Rasaad and Neera in one brand-new party.

The first question I'm going to ask is what class/kit is good to take for a CHARNAME in this party. And the second question is which NPC is good to accompany us.


Sun Soul Monk
Wild Mage

NPC - ?

I think this discussion can be interesting not only for me but for others as well because the decision to take all 4 new NPCs may suggest itself.


  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    You'll need a cleric, and Viconia will probably have more banters with Rasaad...
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    Indeed, you need a cleric, and Viconia is the best one! As for Charname, I cannot imagine a better class to start over BG2 after so many years than a Cavalier! (can't wait to fight dragons and get Carsomyr!)
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    CHARNAME - Oozemaster

    NPC - Jan Jansen

    May the turnips be with you!
  • Immy and a cleric/mage!

    I am playing all-new NPC in BG1 now and play an Thief/cleric but an mage/cleric is better because you will probably have Hexxat early.
  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    Inquisitor and Aerie, or
    Berserker/mage and Viconia
  • Take all the NPCs before Immy!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited November 2013
    I'll no doubt take every NPC available as a 6th place to complete his (her) personal quest at least and to see how he (she) interacts with new NPCs. I think nearly everyone should do it at least once playing BG2:EE.

    The NPC in question is the last one - the one I'll include in the final variant of the party going into the later stages of the game.

    I'll look at such options as a CHARNAME as a Cleric/Mage + Cernd, a CHARNAME as an Avenger + Haer'Dalis, a CHARNAME as an Avenger + Imoen, a CHARNAME as a Cleric/Mage + Imoen, a CHARNAME as an Avenger + Viconia.

    Thanks for your suggestions so far and keep them coming;)
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I was thinking an EEKeepered Dwarven Defender/Cleric multi.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    it looks some people have had the same idea as me...

    I wanted a new people only + imoen run too, so for bg:ee i've gone

    cleric/illusionist, imoen (lvl5 dual), dorn, neera, rasaad and then add hexxat in bg2ee

    we're kicking ass, the amount of arcane magic to disable enemies is awesome! lots of blindness all round
  • ChorazyGlusChorazyGlus Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013
    As a NPC I'll go with Viconia. My PC is going to be an evil dualclassed F/M and -4 inherent rep for Viconia and Dorn is just neat. This way I can do some "good" quests without pissing off evil party members and at the same time have enough reputation to keep Rasaad in my party.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    edited November 2013
    I'd say Jaheira or Viconia or both. Or even Anomnomnomen.
    Or go with an evil or neutral cleric kit PC (your party looks evil with only 1 good character) and pick up all the remaining NPCs one by one for their quests.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    Fighter/Cleric, either dual or multi for me, Half Orc if multi(or Aasimar if i can cheat it :p), and the other member will be Imoen or Viconia, depending on whether or not i want more heal and buffing power, or pew pew power.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited November 2013
    LE Blackguard, Viconia, Dorn, Hexxat, Neera, Edwin
    CE Assassin, Viconia, Dorn, Hexxat, Korgan, Edwin
    CN Assassin, Viconia, Dorn, Hexxat, Jan, Edwin
    NE Enchantress, Viconia, Dorn, Hexxat, Korgan, Edwin

    Those are what I plan as my first 4 playthroughs. :D
    I do not like Rasaad at all, Neera is unreliable, Dorn is awesome, and I'm curious about this Hexxat.

    Neera is unreliable for me since I always have unlucky rolls concerning the wild magic table.

    So mostly just CHARNAME and Viconia.
    Post edited by GemHound on
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    Nalia and Neera both have very irritating voices - Neera is perhaps more irritating than Jeheria... (I forget as I usually leave her upstairs on the third floor and take bugs bunny Fighter Elf alone if I take either of them... I suppose I will just take her at some point as I am plodding around just to see what new area or quest she takes me to... I will take Dorn and Rashad about a bit too- maybe keep Dorn and Hexcat if they prove to not be too wack and kill Keldorn or smash Jan over the gead when he claims he met their aunt in a privy behind the Friendly Amn Inn and helped her clean it up so she they could poop together...
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    bengoshi said:

    So, it will be THIS WEEKEND. Only several days to wait ;)

    I have no doubts the Devs have put so much effort into writing new quests related to new NPCs. To try them ALL I've decided to start the first BG2:EE playthrough taking Dorn, Hexxat, Rasaad and Neera in one brand-new party.

    The first question I'm going to ask is what class/kit is good to take for a CHARNAME in this party. And the second question is which NPC is good to accompany us.

    CHARNAME - ?

    Sun Soul Monk
    Wild Mage

    NPC - ?

    I think this discussion can be interesting not only for me but for others as well because the decision to take all 4 new NPCs may suggest itself.

    The answer is obvious: HALF-ORC/CLERIC/THIEF

    You need a cleric, and you need a thief to pilfer your way through the first game. Cleric thieves are a very fun combination.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    Better combo is Half-orc/Cleric/Thief/Assassin like in the Slaver Lord series...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Go with Jan :)
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Jan and a cleric PC or viccy and a swashbuckler pc
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    Well... with that party I would create a dual War/Clr from BG:EE so you could have a good healing man and go melee too, the 5th NPC should be a Mage, for me...
    Of course you could do the opposite creating a good Mage or Sorcerer and taking Anomen as a War/Clr.
    DarkDogg said:

    Or even Anomnomnomen.

    @DarkDogg: you've made my day with this! XD
  • XerxesVXerxesV Member Posts: 187
    DarkDogg said:


    Isn't that the headhunter in Jabba's palace?
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Fighter/Cleric charname, so you don't have to take Anomen and still have a tanky frontliner (Rasaad and Dorn are more in the damage dealing camp). That way, you fill all roles and can cycle through the remaining NPCs for quests and banters.
  • amftronamftron Member Posts: 109
    Charname should be an EEkeepered Gnome Shapeshifter just for the lulz.

    NPC for me would be either Viconia, Aerie or Haer'Dalis....though Aerie wouldn't really fit with that party so maybe Jan ?

  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Altair said:

    Indeed, you need a cleric, and Viconia is the best one! As for Charname, I cannot imagine a better class to start over BG2 after so many years than a Cavalier! (can't wait to fight dragons and get Carsomyr!)

    A Cavalier would have a hard time not falling in that team!

    The PC really needs to be of neutral alignment to hold the team together.

  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    If Baeloth isn't available I wonder if you could edit in his character? He might make a good addition to that party.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @RedGuard: Someone's going to make a mod for that eventually, I'm certain of it. :)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    I thought about running a party with all new NPCs, but I have a hard time justifying including Rasaad and Dorn in the same group (and wonder if they eventually will fall out in BG2EE).
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Roll a divine caster of some kind. Cleric, Fighter/Cleric, Avenger Druid, etc. Then pick up Jan.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    You know that is a good idea- just to bring some horror and anger to the game - maybe try not to save much... Have Rasaad and Dorn in the same party- then get up to make a sandwhich then come back and see some funny dialogue and that they both left the party and see a armored somewhat wounded Dorn in a blue circle standing over a pile of hunked stuff a some boots and a sling on the ground... mmm maybe I will just play it by complete fancy and chance and assume I can meet most of them in the inn where Korgen Ammoen and the rest just stand about for no reason other than to wait on my leisure...
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