Avatar animations I miss

What animations on avatars do you wished there was in game?
- Avatar animations I miss84 votes
- Cloaks! It's not only mages who wants a cool cloak look.65.48%
- Hoods. It shouldn't be that hard to animate.22.62%
- Gauntlets. My monk feels naked.  1.19%
- Belts and boots. Kinda feels natural.  3.57%
- Other.  7.14%
Post edited by SamuelVarg on
To bad there is only on in the BG-series.
I want my half-elf fighter/thief to have a hood to. It's not fair.
And then go "No, this is not a phase mom! I am a Thief now!"
... and don't get me started on multiclasses. Once you take up some fighting training, your CHARNAME boldly throws away the hood and displays his glorious raven hair ignoring all that's Thief in him.
I know all the "you can't fight your destiny" stuff, but I want the hoods.
Just the hoods the Thieves get.
On any Charname I can...
There's an avatar morphing script out there that allows you to quickly and painlessly change your char's avatar to whatever you want, and you can do it in-game (no need to mess around in Shadow Keeper). It's one of the BG2 Tweak Pack components.
From BG2TP's readme:
Avatar Morphing Script
This script allows you to select whatever PC avatar you wish for your character or any joinable NPC. Assign this script to the character whose avatar you wish to change. To change the avatar return to the game screen, ensure the party AI in on (and the game is not paused) and press 'S'. This will take you to the avatar selection screen. Once the morph is complete re-assign a combat script to the character. Please note that this component can cause slowdowns on older systems.
Here's the link: http://www.gibberlings3.net/bg2tweaks/cosmetic.php
I don't really care that much. You can change your avatar with EEkeeper too. But since @SamuelVarg asked...
Nothing is more immersion breaking than gulping down an iced mug of dwarven ale, but only hearing a familiar yet refreshing sound.
For real, I would like other casting animation/incantations. I get tired of all my casters doing the same pre-spell saying (in the same male or female voice) and doing the same hand gestures.
If it had to be a thing a person wears I would probably go with boots.
*Maybe* we could have them in IWDEE? A band of bards in cloaks fighting yetis... It would be a scene!