Do you suspect any of these NPC drive their wagons on the other side of the road?

This topic is purely for fun and not meant to take seriously.
(I have nothing against people who don't identify them self as straight and I strongly support gay marriage and equal rights)
(I have nothing against people who don't identify them self as straight and I strongly support gay marriage and equal rights)
- Do you suspect any of these NPC drive their wagons on the other side of the road?76 votes
- Shar-Teel (Men are pathetic!)40.79%
- Garrick (No explanation needed)17.11%
- Imoen (You'r a queer fellow)  9.21%
- Minsc (...Boo)  7.89%
- Other25.00%
Let us vainly hope it stays that way.
I dunno, possibly Shar-Teel. I mean if she's ACTUALLY as convicted of "men are pathetic" as she says, then unless she's asexual (very rare, and when it comes to a Chaotic character I kind of doubt it), then ... well, it's only logical. Either that, or she has some very repressed feelings about men. Which is probably more likely. I dunno, that's my interpretation of it anyway. She's a fairly flat character, so.
Garrick seems very metrosexual to me. In BG1 he's after Skie and in BGII, he runs off with one of the bridesmaids. Now that said, almost all of BGII's BG1NPC cameos are pretty out of character so that's probably not worth much.
Minsc yeah, he pretty much shoved Boo up his ass so ... yeah... Maybe I should've voted Minsc.
And that is a good thing.
Overall, though? None of them, really. I mean, Xzar might have had a thing for Montaron if you take that one line of dialogue at face value, but he's completely insane, so... yeah. I'd say that's about it.
Shar-teel's a misandrist, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Given her nature she could take what she wants and leave a trail of broken men crying into their pillows. Anomen's pretty misogynistic and yet he's a romance option for women. Poor women.
Dorn aside, most of the BG1 characters were written in an age before Bioware started creating emotionally and romantically involved NPCs. Baldur's Gate 1 seems pretty innocent in a lot of ways.
Sorry: in hindsight, there was no way not to sound preachy when I just did this. Hope it didn't come across as too self-righteous, though. I can't pull off self-righteous nearly as well as Jahiera (who can?).
Aaaanyway, I'd probably say that ever since Viconia suggested it, I would find it quite plausible that Valygar may be gay. He rebukes her insinuations, yet I don't think he outright denies anything other than to say that by refraining from sex with a woman that does not by default make him gay. I imagine Haer'Dalis would be at least bisexual, too.
On the female side, Shar-Teel seems an obvious but appropriate choice. I haven't considered it the case for any of the other women in the saga though. Maybe Nalia? Even so, I wouldn't call any woman gay because they didn't want to marry Isaea Roenall, but all the same it seems like it would work for Nalia better than any of the other BG2 NPCs considering it would be another way in which she defies (intentionally or not) the typical noble attitudes of marrying well and copulating to sustain the family line.
Anyway, Imoen seems too young (at least in BG1) to have a clearly defined sexuality. Yeah, BG1 is relatively innocent in general, but she's on another level with that. She just seems like someone who could go in any direction and you wouldn't have any idea what to expect until you saw her act.
I have a hard time seeing Shar-Teel as a lesbian. (That's stereotyping which actually doesn't work in a lot of cases.) She'll only respect the strong; that's pretty common. The only difference is her perspective on strength.
Come to think, give Shar-Teel a major brain injury and her and Minsc might be a great couple...
The new BG2EE trailer! Ooh shiny.
Yeah, I would certainly agree that the BG1 cast was a bit too innocent and niche-fulfilling, as well at times as comedic, to actually be taken seriously as political, sexual, or racial reflections. BG2 is much more suitable for looking at character portrayal, though Mass Effect is certainly at the height of this (in my opinion) as it does portray humans of all walks of life in a reality not especially removed from ours in terms of human culture or politics.
And what was Mulahay doing with a captive elf? And he wasnt chained up, did he WANT to be there?
But anyway, I don't know about xan. He doesn't really fit any stereotypes I can think of, and to be fair, ALL the mages in that game wear dresses, not just him. Even Edwin.
Garrick is definitely a no. (His story in bg2 disproves it)
Imoen doesn't exist
Minsc is fairly Asexual
If I had to select the most likely candidate for a gay playable npc in bg1, it would probably be Eldoth
In bg2 however Haer Dalis is definitely bisexual.
Agreed about Haer'Dalis. I think he was supposed to be a romance option for any sex and it was cut due to deadlines.
As for Garrick, I think a lot of people are projecting a lot of their own cultural bias onto him. Think about how a lot of trends and styles were very garish among male nobility in the medieval to renaissance eras.
Then again, this is coming from a straight guy with a pink pony for his avatar
Also, I seriously vote for Ajantis, just because that would be awesomelarious.
Nalia stahp
stahp kissin Imoen Nalia
ur brakeing my hart
Or do you just hate Eldoth calling him a gay in an insulting meaning?
@DarkDogg: Without the bio and Skie, I can see why Eldoth would be "most likely" out of the male BG1 NPCs. He has most of of the "positive" gay stereotypes (good looks, a bit superficial, well dressed, condescending toward ugly/unattractive people, attracts women; voiceset and lines support all of that). Basically, if he was gay - not bi - he would be the dream wingman of every self-proclaimed "non homophobic, open minded" straight guy who has issues to meet women - a friend who will draw attention from women, but definitely not be any competition; which is the one and only quality the straight shy guy is interested in. Based mainly on the idea that "all women want a gay best friend" (who fits the same criteria as the wingman; neither side wants the Average Gay Joe) and finally end up with his straight, very available buddy. (That would also go for Garrick or any bard, due to the class description of being charismatic and drawing attention.)
I don't see it neccessarily as insulting to say "probably gay" and mean "better dressed, better looking, more charming/attractive than the average guy". It's just quite unrealistic because there are just as many gay guys who are none of these things - and many straight guys who are. Hence, stereotypes, just the "popular" ones and not the "gay biker daddy" image.