A new, improved version of the Shadowdancer kit in BG2:EE

So, with the manuals for BG2:EE available now, we can see the Shadowdancer kit gets amazing HLAs.
I just have not enough words to say thank you to the Devs who have created these NEW shiny HLAs and thus have made the Shadowdancer kit truly unique:
o SHADOW FORM: This ability temporarily transposes some of the Shadowdancer’s tissue with shadow-material, making the subject partially incorporeal. For the next 5 rounds, all physical attacks directed against the Shadowdancer deal only 50% of their normal damage. During this time the Shadowdancer is also under the effects of Improved Invisibility and cannot be directly targeted by spells.
o SHADOW MAZE: This ability opens a temporary gateway to a small pocket within the Plane of Shadow. All enemies within 10 feet of the Shadowdancer must make a saving throw vs. spells at a -4 penalty or become trapped inside a shadowy labyrinth, as per the Maze spell.
o SHADOW TWIN: This ability creates an almost exact duplicate of the Shadowdancer for 2 turns. The duplicate is created at 60% of the level at which the Shadowdancer is currently on. It has all the abilities that the Shadowdancer would have at that level. It also has 60% of the hit points of the Shadowdancer. The duplicate is fully under the control of the Shadowdancer.
And now the Shadowdancer kit gets the impoved backstab progression:
o Level 1-4: x1 (no multiplier)
o Level 5-8: x2
o Level 9-12: x3
o Level 13+: x4
It clearly shows the Devs hear what we (common gamers) say and constantly try to make the game better.
I think this news will be interesting especially for those of us who played and discussed the Shadowdancer kit a lot, including @Basillicum , @Aranthys , @Infiltrator , @Edvin , @enneract and many others
I just have not enough words to say thank you to the Devs who have created these NEW shiny HLAs and thus have made the Shadowdancer kit truly unique:
o SHADOW FORM: This ability temporarily transposes some of the Shadowdancer’s tissue with shadow-material, making the subject partially incorporeal. For the next 5 rounds, all physical attacks directed against the Shadowdancer deal only 50% of their normal damage. During this time the Shadowdancer is also under the effects of Improved Invisibility and cannot be directly targeted by spells.
o SHADOW MAZE: This ability opens a temporary gateway to a small pocket within the Plane of Shadow. All enemies within 10 feet of the Shadowdancer must make a saving throw vs. spells at a -4 penalty or become trapped inside a shadowy labyrinth, as per the Maze spell.
o SHADOW TWIN: This ability creates an almost exact duplicate of the Shadowdancer for 2 turns. The duplicate is created at 60% of the level at which the Shadowdancer is currently on. It has all the abilities that the Shadowdancer would have at that level. It also has 60% of the hit points of the Shadowdancer. The duplicate is fully under the control of the Shadowdancer.
And now the Shadowdancer kit gets the impoved backstab progression:
o Level 1-4: x1 (no multiplier)
o Level 5-8: x2
o Level 9-12: x3
o Level 13+: x4
It clearly shows the Devs hear what we (common gamers) say and constantly try to make the game better.
I think this news will be interesting especially for those of us who played and discussed the Shadowdancer kit a lot, including @Basillicum , @Aranthys , @Infiltrator , @Edvin , @enneract and many others
The Shadow Maze ability shouldn't allow a save, the HLA is basically worse than the labyrinth spell
Edit.: Otherwise, it's awesome
Edit: Goes to read the manual...
*Edit* Having looked at the manual, we'll need to see what's actually implemented ingame. The manual lists thief skills at 15 points per level as opposed to BG:EE v1.2s 20 points per level. The Backstab multiplier chart there could be referring to an older build.
I will stick to my plan of dualling to Mage at a lower level this time around, but I will definitely try out the HLAs with a full-on Shadowdancer some other time. They look awesome.
A Bachstab indeed.
P.S ... when you get those shadowdancer levels back, you can use HIPS and backstab while polymorphed, trololololol OVERPOWERED.
TBH I dont like it anymore, I levelled my character to 10 Shadowdancer / 11 Mage, and even with 19 str it can barely hit or backstab stuff. You need to keep a Shadowdancer pure like an Assassin and wait till higher levels to be able to hit things. I'm going back to using the swashbuckler kit for my dual classes instead.