@kimmuryiel If it's not on the list, it's probably not 100% compatible. Not all mods will get updated instantly; I've done what I could while trying to get BGII:EE out the door as well, but there are only so many hours in each day, unfortunately! blockquote>
alright XD not saying I want it NOW, just inquiring about the status another question, where do I find the configuration settings file? I literally won't make it 5 minutes without a bag of holding >_>' especially with how long it's been since I played through chateau Irenicus
@kimmuryiel If it's not on the list, it's probably not 100% compatible. Not all mods will get updated instantly; I've done what I could while trying to get BGII:EE out the door as well, but there are only so many hours in each day, unfortunately!
@LiamEsler nah no worries:) I have some translating to do first before I will make a proper run, so You'll probably finish before we do our polish translation job:)
Anybody know which mod makes Keldorn not want to kill Viconia. I had this when i played ages ago but i cant find anything of the sort to even work off of on google. I don't know if i can play through without those 2. That and a bottomless bag to hold things of course. Thanks in advance for any help.
On the subject of the BG2 Tweak Pack, could you explain a bit about components that are either redundant or incompatible with BG2:EE? I was told, for example, that "Sensible Entry Points" isn't needed, and that there's no need to remove the drow avatars because the movement glitches have been fixed; is there anything else we should avoid when installing?
I would also really like to see Refinements, or actually just the HLA portion of it. Having unique HLAs for every class, kit and multiclass is a must. If there are no plans on updating this for BG2EE, are there any other mods that rework the HLAs?
This mod works on normal Baldur's Gate II games (the expansion Throne of Bhaal is not required) as well as BG1Tutu (Tutu), Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT), Icewind Dale in Baldur's Gate (IWD-in-BG2), Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (BGEE), and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (BG2EE).
The mod was updated a bit before release and Camdawg, the author, is a member of Beamdog team, so all incompatible components should already be skipped if incompatible.
@Isaya: I understand that the mod works, the issue is that some components are technically compatible but redundant. For example, "Sensible Entrance Points" can be installed for BG:EE, but it's already implemented.
@alannahsmith Dungeon-be-Gone has already been updated to v1.7 on PPG, it works perfectly well on BG2EE.
List of mods updated to full compatibility with BG2EE on PPG: Keto NPC de'Arnise Romance Kulyok mods: Xan NPC, Tiax NPC, Coran NPC, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, in addition to the already mentioned Branwen NPC. NPC Flirt Packs Dungeon-Be-Gone Banter Packs and Unfinished Business have been updated.
On G3, the new versions of Romantic Encounters and Angelo NPC have been released.
Any idea when the download links for Unfinished Business will be around? I feel bad every time I see Suna Seni in the back alleys with Arbane's sword.
EDIT: Wish granted! Now, for my next wish... Oh, nevermind. Well, that's what you get for buying a Luck Blade used. Ah, well, I'll go find another Luck Blade! In the meantime, I'll enjoy BG II: EE, with Unfinished Business!
just a quick question: is there anything similar to Mirror Image Fix in Spell Revisions for BG2EE? (or is it already in the game?) iirc that specific mod wasn't updated to even work with BGEE, and my FMT really dislikes fireballs cast by other teammembers eating up her mirror images...
Also, I *think* SCS translations do work (assuming being in UTF-8 encoding suffices).
On the subject of the BG2 Tweak Pack, could you explain a bit about components that are either redundant or incompatible with BG2:EE? I was told, for example, that "Sensible Entry Points" isn't needed, and that there's no need to remove the drow avatars because the movement glitches have been fixed; is there anything else we should avoid when installing?
Now, it's only few mods left for me and I can start a full relax playthrough (after my translating work is done of course).
Oh what a glorious day would it be:)
List of mods updated to full compatibility with BG2EE on PPG:
Keto NPC
de'Arnise Romance
Kulyok mods: Xan NPC, Tiax NPC, Coran NPC, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, in addition to the already mentioned Branwen NPC.
NPC Flirt Packs
Banter Packs and Unfinished Business have been updated.
On G3, the new versions of Romantic Encounters and Angelo NPC have been released.
@LiamEsler I fear You'll have enough of me really soon:P
ATweaks please?:)
EDIT: Wish granted! Now, for my next wish...
Oh, nevermind. Well, that's what you get for buying a Luck Blade used. Ah, well, I'll go find another Luck Blade! In the meantime, I'll enjoy BG II: EE, with Unfinished Business!
just a quick question: is there anything similar to Mirror Image Fix in Spell Revisions for BG2EE? (or is it already in the game?) iirc that specific mod wasn't updated to even work with BGEE, and my FMT really dislikes fireballs cast by other teammembers eating up her mirror images...