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laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
Hi i was wondering if anyone could help me. i am currently doing dorn's quest slaughtering the radiant heart. but now that we cleaned up the opposition. All the door's are locked and i can't seem to find the way? am I missing something painfully obvious like a lever or switch? I have looted all the bodies and haven't found a key :O.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • HollowataraXiaHollowataraXia Member Posts: 5
    I'm in the same position. Is this normal?
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    Me too!!! I was just about to create a thread. @Dee, do you know anything about this?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Have you tried talking to Dorn?
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    Yeah, I tried to force conversation a couple of times last night and nothing happened so I gave up. Let me give it another go.
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    @Dee, nothing doing. I even tried leaving the map and coming back. Killed all of the guards outside as well. Nothing appears to be triggering a conversation of any kind. Tried looking for secret doors to no avail. Tried to talk to him inside the building, outside on the Temple map, and in the Slums when I went to a different map. Nothing happened.
  • SpungiSpungi Member Posts: 219
    Think Dorns quest is heavily bugged in general? No matter what I do, after Dorn got upset that I didn't go to Radiant Heart, he "ported" us there ... And now he talks, nonstop... And if I ignore his request to go there, he just keeps openning up with same conversation, about how we should go there .. like... now! So !#)"!# annoying!
  • HollowataraXiaHollowataraXia Member Posts: 5
    I reloaded a previous save and I'll try again. I assume not everyone is stuck?
  • HollowataraXiaHollowataraXia Member Posts: 5
    Ok I gave a different answer to the guy at the door; previously I had answered the "you said nothing about a wedding"-line, now I assumed I knew about it, said I'm with the groom, and after killing these guards the wedding was taking place inside as intended
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    so thats how you got it to work? you have to play along? too bad i really liked the line- DEATH TO THE RADIANT HEART!
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    if the quest is indeed bugged i can wait for a fix (painfully though, as dorn is a badass and hes now on par with korgan as favorite npc's) but the game was just released, can't expect it to be all sunshine and bunnies, and bugs will pop up, and ill report them if it helps :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    @Dee could this be related to #5331? I remember having this problem a long time ago.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    So this only occurs if Dorn teleports you there via the reminder dialog?
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    my problem was, i picked up dorn as soon as i saw him right outside the radiant heart headquarters. and went straight in. the doorman asked me who i was. I told dorn i wasnt expecting this do be a wedding. then we proceeded to attack everything in sight. and after we cleaned house. all of the doors were locked magically (could not be picked). and i could not find a key or a switch anywhere. even after looting all the bodies
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    That definitely doesn't sound right; I'll look into it, cheers!
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    sure thing @LiamEsler just let us know if ya find anything! cheers pal!
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88

    my problem was, i picked up dorn as soon as i saw him right outside the radiant heart headquarters. and went straight in. the doorman asked me who i was. I told dorn i wasnt expecting this do be a wedding. then we proceeded to attack everything in sight. and after we cleaned house. all of the doors were locked magically (could not be picked). and i could not find a key or a switch anywhere. even after looting all the bodies

    Mine exhibited the exact same behavior under the exact same circumstances.
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    edited November 2013
    Hi i would like to add that pretending to be friends with the groom and luring the guards out to kill them then proceeding with the rest of the wedding scene does indeed complete the quest as @HollowataraXia stated earlier on this thread. -cheers PS- the dialogue choices for the rest of this quest is HILARIOUS!
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    The dialog for that quest is some of my favorite in BGII:EE, particularly playing as a male PC.
  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    Oh man i need to message you personally about what i picked! its just too funny!
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
  • AkachiAkachi Member Posts: 38
    Lol, poor Colin :D

    Male PC :"I'm bearing Colin's child!"

    Colin: "That's not true. That doesn't even make sense!"

  • laptopman666laptopman666 Member Posts: 283
    oh man! that was great!
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    @LiamEsler any news yet on a way to fix the quest? I don't have an old save to reload and I would really rather not have to do Chateau Irenicus again...
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @forktheworld Send your savegame to and I'll see if I can work some magic ;)
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    @LiamEsler Sent. Thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. :)
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @forktheworld Actually, your savegame is fine -- there's nothing wrong with the quest progression at all. :) In order for the next stage of Dorn's quest to occur, a week has to have past since the Radiant Heart, and his level has to be 12 or higher.
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    @LiamEsler But...But...All the doors are locked in the Order. Is that not an issue? He never started any conversation or anything and I only cleared the main room.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @forktheworld Apparently not! I mean, that is a bug, but it doesn't stop his quest from progressing. It continues fine. :)
  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    Huh, well that sounds good to me then!
  • WigginnsWigginns Member Posts: 18
    What a great quest.

    Favorite line:

    "No more half measures, [charname]."

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