Deleting Pre-Generated Characters

Is there any way to remove the pre-generated characters like Abdel, Halen and Adelia in BG:EE and BG2:EE? I've tried looking for their character files (01FIGHT) but no luck...
You have to have an override folder in the game directory. When you start up Near Infinity, go to MISC.BIF and you'll see the character files (01FIGHT, etc.). Transfer them over, then go to the override folder and manually delete them.
Be warned, if you don't have at least one character saved (yours or pregenerated), the game will crash. So create/export your character, then delete the pregenerated ones.
When you say go into MISC.BIF, how do you do this? I can edit MISC.BIF but see no .CHR files in there. Like @Yulaw9460 , I can see the CHAR folder with 6 files on the left, but they are grayed out. How did you exactly transfer them from MISC.BIF to your Override folder?
Edit: Perhaps it changed with a recent patch... instead of MISC.BIF, I found 4 of the 6 pregenerated characters in CHAR.BIF... Still looking for the paladin and bard char files tho, they were strangely absent.
Edit #2: Found the other 2 chars in IWDEE.BIF