Bug in arnise keep?

So i clear the arnise Keep and cant get into the room where the fighter with the 3rd flail head is for whatever reason. I finish the quest and now i can get in but the fighter is gone. Is this a known bug and if yes how can i solve it? Really want that flail

But no, I'm pretty sure you can't get the flail head after the Keep changes hands (the interior map changes).
Since you've completed the quest, the item is gone. The only way to get it is via Keeper or using C:CreatItem(). Download EE Keeper (and set the installation directory), load your save game, go to the inventory tab and and double click one of the inventory slots, find the flail head in the Item Browser that should now be displayed and click "Add to [Your character's name]". C:CreateItem("BLUN14C") is a lot quicker.