What should overhaul do next?

So BG1 and BG2 now both have an enhanced edition.
We will see the inevitable patches in the coming months, but now Overhaul is drifting directionlessly in the black void of post-development uncertainty.

Clearly only you and I can solve this existential dilemma. So what is the answer?
Should they:
1. Continue producing large amounts of post launch content for both games of breathtaking scale?
2. Start enhancing another infinity engine game?
3. Start enhancing another D&D game?
4. Start enhancing another game?
5. Stop enhancing games, and start making their own games which they may or may not be able to enhance another 12 years down the line?
6. Start making Baldur's gate 3?
7. Start making what is basically Baldur's gate 3, but not actually called Baldur's gate 3?
8. Start making an entirely new D&D game?
9. Start making an entirely new rpg?
10. Start making an entirely new game?
11. Something else?
We will see the inevitable patches in the coming months, but now Overhaul is drifting directionlessly in the black void of post-development uncertainty.

Clearly only you and I can solve this existential dilemma. So what is the answer?
Should they:
1. Continue producing large amounts of post launch content for both games of breathtaking scale?
2. Start enhancing another infinity engine game?
3. Start enhancing another D&D game?
4. Start enhancing another game?
5. Stop enhancing games, and start making their own games which they may or may not be able to enhance another 12 years down the line?
6. Start making Baldur's gate 3?
7. Start making what is basically Baldur's gate 3, but not actually called Baldur's gate 3?
8. Start making an entirely new D&D game?
9. Start making an entirely new rpg?
10. Start making an entirely new game?
11. Something else?
Maybe they could do it together with something else and use the assets in both games.
This for upgrading BG through post launch content.
Now in general, i think they should do either of the 2 things below:
1) IF ART ASSETS AVAILABLE(especially for character art, *cough* and see before) then make IWD:EE.
2) If not, then start planning BG3, because i don't see anything else people will care about.
BG3 it has been a dream for many of us I think
I'll pay £5 for a decent dungeon crawl with a few new items.
Or hell just new modules within the existing engine. It seems that the existing interface would work well with that, since you already choose bg1, bg2, black pits etc. Imagine there being 'The Gates Of Bumfluff', or whatever. Simply a professionally made mini adventure based around player level.
After that? Hmm. Well, the obvious route would be enhancing another Faerun game - "Icewind Dale" being the most logical choice, especially if they could secure the rights to actually get some characters in there.
"Planescape Torment"? That's a very tricky prospect, because its story is so meticulous - every party member has a purpose and a plotline that directly intersects with the protagonist's, so you couldn't drop half a dozen new characters in there. Then again, sticking purely to technical enhancements would probably be an easier job than having to come up with new content, so who knows?
Turning their gaze towards another game to receive the EE treatment is definitely a possibility, one I would be very interested in. Planescape: Torment! Icewind Dale!
Making their own game is perhaps the greatest of approaches. Whether it's a D&D game, an Infinity Engine game, a Baldur's Gate spiritual sequel without the name, or an entirely fresh RPG, is something only they can best decide. Whatever their course of action, if this was their choice, I would give my backing and my support. The creativity found in The Black Pits and the new NPC's is of a very fine quality, and piques my curiosity concerning a fully fledged game of their own.
would like to see what kind of game they can make that is 100% new content built on the Infinity engine (or a new very similar engine), shouldn't be BG3 tho as expectations for the game would be to big for overhaul to fulfill and I don't think they are ready to make it yet
Though i know nothing about how the infinity engine works so that may be untrue.
Fix all the bugs in BGEE and BG2EE FIRST!
Oh right l, that will never happen in any video game. But its funny how a company can 'enhance' an old game like this one while adding so many game breaking bugs that were never present in the original, its like they had absolutely no play testing carried out of the game.
love to see and icewind dale enhanced edition along with dlc for bgee and bg2ee.
although a new game all together would be cool.
I don't know whether it should be new companions, since they've already added four, but maybe a dungeon crawl akin to Watcher's Keep, or even something in Throne of Bhall to go off and do, to add more life to ToB.
Icewind Dale 3 (#8)
There are a LOT of stories still to tell - gaps between BG1 and BG2, gaps between BG2 and TOB, more DLC characters, Watcher's Keep-style dungeons, etc. They've already done the groundwork with the engine and proven that they can write, so they might as well build up some revenue with some quality downloadable content.
Maybe do a "Season Pass" option to include, say, 2 new NPCs, one 4-hour adventure, and a massive optional dungeon all to be released over time. I've been loving the overwhelming majority of Beamdog's new BG2 content so far and would really like to see more of it.
and 7 (Start making what is basically Baldur's gate 3, but not actually called Baldur's gate 3?)
I'd love to see 1 but they're a business first and with that in mind I don't know whether the additional sales it would generate justifies devoting a ton of resources to it.
With that in mind, if they're going to be making new content I think it would be a better move for them to make the content its own game. I'd rather not have the BG name attached because it comes with all sorts of baggage and no matter how good the game is, there will always be people who complain that it's not worthy of the name. That said, I love the feel and mechanics of BG so I hope any game they choose to make keeps that.
More content; especially companions, kits, item balancing and improved aesthetics
Release on all platforms: Win/Mac OSX/IOS/Android/Linux
Once these are done Torment:EE would be awesome, but only afterwards.
Fix the framerate issues / get an accurate system requirements posted, asap
Release On All Platforms : Android/Linux, iOS/OSX, and Windows.
Improve Multi-player with general chat rooms along with game post launch chat rooms.
Icewind Dale I & II : EE.
Improve AI.
Create a module standard to incorporate multiple mods created by the community.
Create Purchasable DLC art that recreates all art for 2.5 and 4k monitors.
Then maybe make some kickass expansion for BGII:EE with an entirely new plot and characters to make what is basically BGIII but not BGIII, circumventing having to use the whole stupid 4th edition.