Hey, everyone! If you're enjoying BG2:EE, can you hit up metacritic and help balance out the review
Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
Here's my review.
This edition is simply the best available version of one of the greatest RPGs.
With the new UI it looks stylish and enhanced, the graphics ARE better despite some people being a bit jaded about the game's look. (It's over 10 years old, the Devs did a really good job honestly).
I've tried going back to BG2 and it looks quite primitive after experiencing BG2:EE. Once the modding community has fully wrapped it's collective head around the new version of the engine (and even now many mods are already compatible), the only reason anyone would have to play the original versions of BG2 will be pure nostalgia.
The new NPCs are very interesting, I even find the story of one of them (Hexxat) to be one of the best plot twists in computer games. I like their abilities, their dialogs, their quests.
I've only experienced a couple of bugs but it didn't stop me to play the game properly, they are minor and will be fixed soon.
I'm loving it soooooo much now:)
So they want us to write negative reviews? :P
And, @drawnacrol, although I see you're not serious I can't just go by and will say: no matter how much more positive reviews are there if compared to negative ones, it's never excessive to add another one. Especially when we're talking about this great game and the work the Devs put into it is massive. The good example is a patch for BG2:EE that is coming out today. It will fix some bugs the reviewers mentioned ealier and its timing shows the Devs really care about us, general gamers. So, the higher the score the better.
It's so pleasant to see familiar names above the reviews: @Buttercheese , @ChinookUT , @FinneousPJ ....
Thank you all. And keep them (the reviews) coming. The Devs deserve it.
I once saw somebody bought the soft back cover of a book and gave it 1 star on Amazon because they already had it in hardcover and thought it was a new back. Half way through reading it they than realised they had read it before. The global IQ is getting lower and lower. Soon being smart will make you an outcast or supreme leader of a nation.
On a BG2:EE related note. Its working perfect on Mac for me. 10/10 for me just based on stability and bug-free performance.
I seriously dont get why people rate it 0 because they find it too outdated or hate the graphics, they didnt even buy it I'm sure.
And now 150+
Oh crap, I just noticed the date on the original post! Talk about thread necromancy.
"OMG this game is amazing and perfect and has no faults 10/10"
"This game is terrible, its so bad, the designers are just taking your money 0/10"
There are slight variations on this. Someone might give the game a 1/10 or a 9/10, but generally I find that its just very polarized.
I don't think it's right to say that when many reviews are just 0/10 or 10/10 there's no point to give your own opinion. Their system lets you see reviews by usefullness and this is when you can read really good views. Moreover, no matter what the majority says or thinks - one should always be brave to express his own opinion. And these detailed and quality opinions are always interesting to me when I use metacritic (from time to time) to decide if I want to watch a certain movie and to try a certain game.
By the way, this thread is nearly one-year old and I'm glad it became live again. The concept of this thread was laid by the word of Trent Oster because when the OP was created, reviews on BG2:EE were mostly the very "0/10"s mentioned by @elminster .