Stand out Memorable BG1 Moments (Spoilers Obviously)
Member Posts: 241
Just thought some discussion on what made BG1 what it was would be healthy for any future DLC or content.
One thing that always comes to mind: going up against other parties! When I think back on BG1's highlights I always remember that battle in the Helm and Cloak where I sided with another party against the "Maulers of Undermountain?" and dispatched them in the most thoroughly humiliating way possible. I don't think any RPG I've played since either had other adventurers, or created encounters as funny/engaging as those party battles.
One thing that always comes to mind: going up against other parties! When I think back on BG1's highlights I always remember that battle in the Helm and Cloak where I sided with another party against the "Maulers of Undermountain?" and dispatched them in the most thoroughly humiliating way possible. I don't think any RPG I've played since either had other adventurers, or created encounters as funny/engaging as those party battles.
I really thought I was doing something wrong...
On the other hand, the increased tension of the last two chapters is also amazing. Chapter 6 was the Plot Twist Chapter, and the first time you play the game its full of suspense. Chapter 7, on the other hand, is equally incredible. Storming Baldur's Gate, publicly discrediting and humiliating the man who's caused you so much pain, and finally defeating him. Man, so good.
Particularly defining moments would have to be:
Bandit Camp battle. First really epic fight you encounter.
Entering Baldur's Gate for the first time. If only it weren't such a pain to navigate...
The Big Reveal in chapter 6
Any battle involving this music:
Heh, I remember first playing this game when I was a little kid. I assumed that the Nashkel Mines were the end of the game, and once you restored it the iron would all be back to normal and the day would be saved. So for me, finding out that the road from Candlekeep to rescuing the mines was probably only around 5% of the game was THE defining moment.
Reaching Mulahey ALIVE was also a special feeling. I always felt like rushing through the mines with 6 characters, each on level 1. Man, was it fun! XD
Stepping for the first time ever in Baldur's Gate city... man, that was a grand feeling. Too bad that 5 minutes in, the game crashed and corrupted my savegame. I was soooo angry.
- Saving Xan from Mulahey and giving him his epic Moonblade back.
- Letting Yeslick join my party and battling Davaeorn in Cloakwood Mines.
- Entering Baldur's Gate.
- Getting to understand the whole Iron Throne conspiracy. Simply, so inspiring!
- Chapter 7. All of it. Brilliant!
After a couple reloads where we all died horribly from barrages of ice arrows