lol... feminism/equality blas blas has always been pushed initially by marxism.. you got of course all that with (Heil!) Staline WW2 troopers (and every similar illuminated & wise great leaders of the XXth, like Mao, pol pot, etc..and now, sign of the times..was also required a lot in the occidental armies..pressured by who (which ideologistic groups?), i let you guess.. */ )..not a surprise you got many women too used by those differences for them indeed..a corpse is a corpse, no problems (a cannon feeder for the front lines too)..marxism has always been with a long tradition with that, no worries^^ You always also got that in israelis first Kibbutz experiments (again, obviously marxism inspired theories..about total equality, 'everything is only cultural' -about genders too, etc.- sort of thing..) equality in early education men/women, common showers, etc..the experiments was abandonned and found a failure after 2/3 generations..yes, young girls in the end just could not bear to have promiscuity everytime with boys (and vice versa), they were the first to ask the rules to be changed, now the first idealists and most hard first times were a little over..^ for the militaries, you also have the many troubles reported with total mixity in the frontlines -rapes cases, etc..and not only from foreigners troups..with isolated women, from 'fellow' soldiers too..however strong they could be, women usually can't really fight against that..- (in US military in Irak for exemple..a lot of sinister cases like that..but that would touch any militaries anyway..why this is now apparently a common admitted knowledge too to avoid to put women in the front occidental armies, not yet totally commies too..i guess that will soon be the same with new equality rights claims for other 'minorities' styles when isolated in the middle of foreign soldiers too..situation in syria comes to mind too with **ù*ù*ù extremists in front of you able to rape and cut your throat for much less than that usually..according to their 'other cultural' beliefs too of course -aka not progressive occidental greatness everywhere, some people do forget often nowadays in occident, it seems..especially the 'equality' extremists in occident eager to copycat their marxist good old wise mentors -90%+ 'equality' movements are marxism inspired when you look and read a little their..founders, major thinkers, etc^- ..and totally benevollent marxist thinkers on those matters too, of course..for the occident too.. */ ^).. etc, etc.. */
well, could say a few other things too but well, would be too much...could be funny too, but well.. *//
It's absolutely a cultural phenomenon. Think about the history you learned in school, which likely either glossed over the ways women have fought throughout history or presented them as isolated incidents rather than a regular occurrence. Think about how rarely movies, games, television, and novels present women on the battlefield as anything other than innocent bystanders or maybe medics. This is why representation is important: it's these stories which determine what is considered "normal" or a matter of course and what's considered "unrealistic" or "unthinkable."
I don't know about school, but I've more recently studied modern european history and ancient roman history at a university level (admittedly first year subjects), and there was no glossing over. You could argue that ancient sources might be inaccurate at conveying the roman military machine in it's entirety, but modern european history is fairly well documented, and the conflicts they fought also. Women in combat roles have been the exception, that's just the way it is.
It may be a cultural phenomen, but it's one that has played out time and again throughout human history. Of all the numerous cultures, and all the militaries that have represented those cultures, why is it that female participation in frontline warfare has always been a negligible presence? Even now, with women's rights in full force, why is it that the female frontline soldier is the exception, not the norm? Lastly, human culture is driven by human behaviour, and human behaviour is decided at a biological level, whether that be in response to an external stimuli or an internal stimuli. Culture cannot exist without human behaviour acting on it. As mentioned in a far earlier post, there is definite sexual dimorphism in humans as a species, with men on average being larger, more heavily muscled, and aggressive. These traits are reflected in aspects of our behaviour, and by extension, our culture.
Oh god, I was wading through all this equality debate which I stumbled on by accident from the previously much more interesting discussion about romance-able single mothers in videos games only to stumble onto this gem that made me spit my tea out all over my computer screen.
I too was interested in getting in on the single mother romance discussion, but as per the norm, people started throwing out stereotypes and other inflammatory comments which pissed off all the otherwise-reasonable folks.
LOL2 ) ... personnally, the other day, I was wading through all this equality debate which I stumbled on by accident from the previously much more interesting discussion about romance-able single adopting transexuals in videos games only to stumble onto this gem. I too was interested in getting in on the single adopting transexuals discussion, but as per the norm, people started throwing out stereotypes and other inflammatory comments which pissed off all the otherwise-reasonable folks. *//
@Reaper331 "Bioware games are full of characters with 'daddy issues'." ...yes, the trend is not new..i think you might be on smthg here.. the 'old' Bioware began on that -plus indirect sexuality contents, as that was always the norm then..- (not just them btw; we could say that was -and always is btw- a general trend, that..but the constant 'positive daddy figures attacks' too..against the 'patriarcal societies of the past' as would say the brand new top modern progressists & feminists -and/or transgenderists too now..!- of nowadays of course.. *)) ).. the new Bioware is putting frontal sexuality and bisexual galores everywhere now (& others too btw!).. talking about a cool progression actually.. i am really eager to see the next 20 years videogames gen..i am almost sure we will see a new step we evoked above, there are many new 'minorities' that would rightly claim their right to be represented in videogames and mainstream affairs now..discriminations are enough, hate speeches, bigotry, blas etc etc (typical marxist mémé you would notice again btw..if you know a little those ones.. no total coincidence too.. a guy named Gramsci knew very well how to use symbolism and cultural means to pass marxist views on education, sexuality, family, order to progressively transform -at last!- the so far not so cooperative too traditional societies to be changed and take over more easily like that..he even did a full theory on that..and one of the best learnt and beloved later...coincidence too..certainly too.. *// ). To finish on a light humorous note always.. the 'daddy issue' thing reminds me an absolutely hilarious article i saw somewhere on the vast WWW, doing a top10 of the most 'abused' heroes in videogames history (a full program in itself)!.. in some of the very best places we had 2 scenes the legendary modern 'Kratos' video icon with..a golden subtitle to one of his video with the memorable line ; "(..) He's constantly being stabbed and stripped of his power, only to regain it by the end of the game and perpetrate some horror because of daddy issues. Not only does he get abused himself, but he ruins the world around him. Dude is such a killjoy." lol..o vaguely familiar too, somehow..with other similar things indeed...but less graphics initially, k..progressism & evolution in actions and representations too, k.. *)) That article is absolutely fascinating btw, to realize how long is the way already done in videogames talking about 'progressvness' cool things!.. ; ultra pure violence, etc are the common things now, no wonders too..progressism is great..always..and can only give a better world in the they said... yes, sure.. good old Gramsci would approve the new trends ever.. but that's another thing, isn't it?... yes, sure too...anyway, the results are sure too, the occidental societies are better & better nowadays, the society links stronger than ever, etc, etc..ideal for good old Gramsci too...just a little further effort and..yes, will be ready..completely.. but i rant again.. end, k.. nice other trendy videogames page though..true..for the current trends on another progressive level too.. *))
bah, I'm being sucked in by the allure of a good debate haha
I'll just finish by saying, apparently controversially, that I fully support equality in normal everyday life, I just think that if there was ever a profession solely the domain of men, then frontline combatant is probably it
Comments for the militaries, you also have the many troubles reported with total mixity in the frontlines -rapes cases, etc..and not only from foreigners troups..with isolated women, from 'fellow' soldiers too..however strong they could be, women usually can't really fight against that..- (in US military in Irak for exemple..a lot of sinister cases like that..but that would touch any militaries anyway..why this is now apparently a common admitted knowledge too to avoid to put women in the front occidental armies, not yet totally commies too..i guess that will soon be the same with new equality rights claims for other 'minorities' styles when isolated in the middle of foreign soldiers too..situation in syria comes to mind too with **ù*ù*ù extremists in front of you able to rape and cut your throat for much less than that usually..according to their 'other cultural' beliefs too of course -aka not progressive occidental greatness everywhere, some people do forget often nowadays in occident, it seems..especially the 'equality' extremists in occident eager to copycat their marxist good old wise mentors -90%+ 'equality' movements are marxism inspired when you look and read a little their..founders, major thinkers, etc^- ..and totally benevollent marxist thinkers on those matters too, of course..for the occident too.. */ ^)..
etc, etc.. */
well, could say a few other things too but well, would be too much...could be funny too, but well.. *//
It may be a cultural phenomen, but it's one that has played out time and again throughout human history. Of all the numerous cultures, and all the militaries that have represented those cultures, why is it that female participation in frontline warfare has always been a negligible presence? Even now, with women's rights in full force, why is it that the female frontline soldier is the exception, not the norm?
Lastly, human culture is driven by human behaviour, and human behaviour is decided at a biological level, whether that be in response to an external stimuli or an internal stimuli. Culture cannot exist without human behaviour acting on it. As mentioned in a far earlier post, there is definite sexual dimorphism in humans as a species, with men on average being larger, more heavily muscled, and aggressive. These traits are reflected in aspects of our behaviour, and by extension, our culture.
... personnally, the other day, I was wading through all this equality debate which I stumbled on by accident from the previously much more interesting discussion about romance-able single adopting transexuals in videos games only to stumble onto this gem. I too was interested in getting in on the single adopting transexuals discussion, but as per the norm, people started throwing out stereotypes and other inflammatory comments which pissed off all the otherwise-reasonable folks. *//
"Bioware games are full of characters with 'daddy issues'."
...yes, the trend is not new..i think you might be on smthg here..
That article is absolutely fascinating btw, to realize how long is the way already done in videogames talking about 'progressvness' cool things!.. ; ultra pure violence, etc are the common things now, no wonders too..progressism is great..always..and can only give a better world in the they said... yes, sure.. good old Gramsci would approve the new trends ever.. but that's another thing, isn't it?... yes, sure too...anyway, the results are sure too, the occidental societies are better & better nowadays, the society links stronger than ever, etc, etc..ideal for good old Gramsci too...just a little further effort and..yes, will be ready..completely.. but i rant again.. end, k.. nice other trendy videogames page though..true..for the current trends on another progressive level too.. *))
There was an old woman from Chult
Unable to touch sea for salt
From Brynnlaw shuttled
By shark-kin scuttled
Her presence did no-one find fault
I'll just finish by saying, apparently controversially, that I fully support equality in normal everyday life, I just think that if there was ever a profession solely the domain of men, then frontline combatant is probably it