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Baldurs Gate Meme Thread II: Enhanced Edition (Careful, everyone, SPOILERS!)



  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Last time I checked, most girls get their period around 13.
    Or did I miss something else ...?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited September 2014
    I am being serious here, I don't understand the american rating system.
    I asked my friends from overseas via Skype, even they couldn't explain it.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited September 2014
    All posts in direct violation of the PG 13 rules were removed from the thread. They were not deleted so that reactions are not lost.

    Anyway in the future avoid posting Memes with such an open sexual content or we'll have to close another Meme thread.
    Post edited by mlnevese on
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    @Buttercheese‌ I think this is what you mean?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    CaloNord said:

    I'm really leaning towards getting a tattoo. . .


    One day. One day.
    I want the Bhaal-symbol though. On one of my bladebones.
  • Cr4zyJCr4zyJ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 208
    If this thread was truely pg13 we could dtop the f bomb once and get away with it (once per thread not once each) some basic things ive noticed about pg13 movies

    No smoking (not actually taking a drag on screen and lit cigarrets are ok)
    One "f bomb" max (dodgeball pushed this by having a second at the end of the credits)
    No nudity (some underwear but its pushing it)
    Good triumphs over evil
    Generally first base is about the equivalent of sex (so definately no thrusting and no groping)
    Minimal if no drug references (or atleast portrayed as harmful/bad/unpopular) no drug use
    Minimal alchol consumption and its by adults (lord of the rings had this)
    Minimal profanity, vulgar or overly sexual phrasing is a no no (making silly references to sex seems ok but graphic or detailed ones are not)
    Minimal blood and gore (think star wars ep 3 when you see dokus head roll away in the distance but you dont see him get decapitated or any blood... another good example are people getting stabbed with swords but the swords arent covered in blood afterward or people getting shot with no exit wounds, generally you also may see their shirts get bloody but no open wounds)
    Comic mischief (yes, its a real thing lol)
    Violence (all about presentation, no brutality. The camera will often cut away when something brutal is happening but you may hear screaming)
    Graphic language: if youre describing anything related to or involved with how babies are made you need to use vauge and silly language. Hate speech is obviously not allowed.

    A movie is a sum of its parts: the rating system is vauge. There are things that will automatically bump a movie to a r rating but a movie can get an r rating by having I guess you could say "too much pg13" packed into it. If the movie is choked full of questionable or riske line pushing content, language or phrasing its going to get slapped with an r rating. Meaning, if you were to watch the movie in one scene increments they may all be individually rated pg13 but together they paint a R picture. Your posts can be the same way. If you push to many lines to far or the same one too many times youre going to get your hand slapped.

    The absolute best guide lines for these forums is if you dont think it would be in the context of a movie like star wars or lord of the rings its probably best to leave it out. Try to keep it in the context of the topic is my suggestion...
    And yes, 2 f-bombs make a R rated movie... but every f*** after the second one is free... just ask scorsese (wolf on wall street anyone?).
    Again im not an expert but I have read enough to know the basics... I dont know how well id be able to answer questions if anyone had them so its best to google
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Cr4zyJ said:

    Good triumphs over evil

    That doesn't define if a movie is for kids or not, really? Or are we THAT DOOMED?
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Cr4zyJ said:

    If this thread was truely pg13 we could dtop the f bomb once and get away with it (once per thread not once each) some basic things ive noticed about pg13 movies

    No smoking (not actually taking a drag on screen and lit cigarrets are ok)
    One "f bomb" max (dodgeball pushed this by having a second at the end of the credits)
    No nudity (some underwear but its pushing it)
    Good triumphs over evil
    Generally first base is about the equivalent of sex (so definately no thrusting and no groping)
    Minimal if no drug references (or atleast portrayed as harmful/bad/unpopular) no drug use
    Minimal alchol consumption and its by adults (lord of the rings had this)
    Minimal profanity, vulgar or overly sexual phrasing is a no no (making silly references to sex seems ok but graphic or detailed ones are not)
    Minimal blood and gore (think star wars ep 3 when you see dokus head roll away in the distance but you dont see him get decapitated or any blood... another good example are people getting stabbed with swords but the swords arent covered in blood afterward or people getting shot with no exit wounds, generally you also may see their shirts get bloody but no open wounds)
    Comic mischief (yes, its a real thing lol)
    Violence (all about presentation, no brutality. The camera will often cut away when something brutal is happening but you may hear screaming)
    Graphic language: if youre describing anything related to or involved with how babies are made you need to use vauge and silly language. Hate speech is obviously not allowed.

    A movie is a sum of its parts: the rating system is vauge. There are things that will automatically bump a movie to a r rating but a movie can get an r rating by having I guess you could say "too much pg13" packed into it. If the movie is choked full of questionable or riske line pushing content, language or phrasing its going to get slapped with an r rating. Meaning, if you were to watch the movie in one scene increments they may all be individually rated pg13 but together they paint a R picture. Your posts can be the same way. If you push to many lines to far or the same one too many times youre going to get your hand slapped.

    The absolute best guide lines for these forums is if you dont think it would be in the context of a movie like star wars or lord of the rings its probably best to leave it out. Try to keep it in the context of the topic is my suggestion...
    And yes, 2 f-bombs make a R rated movie... but every f*** after the second one is free... just ask scorsese (wolf on wall street anyone?).
    Again im not an expert but I have read enough to know the basics... I dont know how well id be able to answer questions if anyone had them so its best to google

    This sounds right from what I've seen.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited September 2014
    "There ain't nobody but us chickens"

    It's so wise (what are we - only chickens in this big world?) that definitely it should put into the Volo's guide.

    ... At least till the new Lord of Murder fries them all by a Meteor Swarm! *Evil laugh
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • SjerrieSjerrie Member Posts: 1,238
    @bengoshi The lemurs I read in King Julian's voice...
  • Cr4zyJCr4zyJ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 208
    edited September 2014
    CrevsDaak said:

    Cr4zyJ said:

    Good triumphs over evil

    That doesn't define if a movie is for kids or not, really? Or are we THAT DOOMED?
    Its not defined as something thats specifically in the ratings for a pg 13 movie but greater guidelines for films in general (I forget by what body they were created by but they have stood for a long time) but pretty much any non rated r movie (if not then anything not nc 17) you see this will be the case. If i remeber correctly The justification is (and DONT QUOTE ME on this) something to the effect that movies are a way to pass on stories (like bards used to from town to town) and help establish the morality of society and culture by instilling "good" underlying values/morality. In short, we want the general moral compass of the country to point north and glorify heroes and doing good. To do this you have to portray good always prevailing in the end...

    NOTE: I FOUND THE GUIDELINES!!! OR AT LEAST A DATED COPY/UNOFFICIAL COPY. THiS WAS apparantly originally called the production code. Most of the concepts I touched on are mentioned or explained in more verbose detail here.

    This should hopefully answer all questions.. carry on with your memes...
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