ALOT OF FLAWS IN BGII: Enhanced Edition

So I have noticed there is ALOT of flaws in this new, enhanced version of the game. Sure there was some in the old one aswell, but I find there are even more in the enhanced baldur's gate series. I have to admit I am abit disapointed with the game as it is, considering there are sooo many bugs and the like. In my own opinion it is kinda stupid to release a game before it is done. There is much that has to be done.
Is there anyone out there who knows if there will be a new patch in the near future so that the game is at least the same quality as before? For me it is not playable, hardly enjoyable, when there are so many risks of e.g. crashes, not to mention the more obvious flaws etc.
Yes, the graphics might be enhanced, but the game itself with its bugs and flaws is impaired! Big thumbs down. I should have done some more research before I bought the game it seems.
Is there anyone out there who knows if there will be a new patch in the near future so that the game is at least the same quality as before? For me it is not playable, hardly enjoyable, when there are so many risks of e.g. crashes, not to mention the more obvious flaws etc.
Yes, the graphics might be enhanced, but the game itself with its bugs and flaws is impaired! Big thumbs down. I should have done some more research before I bought the game it seems.
Do you have any specific issues that someone might help you with, or was your intent to just make a general complaint? I've run into a couple problems myself, but nothing serious, and I'm having a blast with the game so far. Best video game purchase in recent memory for me.
My intent is actually a question, if you read it carefully. And if there are any developers on this site it might aswell be a big fat complaint. There should atleast be some kind of notification to the customer about these issues.
I'm very disapointed.
The new voiced lines added in the EE aren't really up to snuff (not just companions, but NPCs as well). It's like the voice actors recorded their lines in a poor studio with sub-par equipment. The quality really isn't all that better than some of the player-made mods out there. There's varying levels of loudness, even between the EE-added stuff only (compare Dorn to the Helmites you need to kill for his quest).
The worst thing is that it's very obvious which lines were added, as they're blatantly inferior to the original Bioware audio clips. As I said, it's a minor detail, and it won't stop me from enjoying the game or supporting the devs through future DLC purchases, but still, they could've done better.
What grates on my nerves the most is that Baeloth was amazing and his own lines were indistinguishable from the original BG1 content, while, at the same time, that monk in the tomb (Hexxat's quest) sounds like he was voiced by some random mod-making guy using a 5-year-old mic.
Strange. Just... strange.
Also, for me as an old gamer, I really enjoy the little details. It's the small details that makes the game. In this enhanced game these small details are really bad and in many cases becoming an issue/flaw which jeopardize the quality of the game.
However, my intent was to gather knowledge wether or not there will be any patch coming soon that may fix these problems or not.
The latest patch just fixed a minor amount of the issues that is out there. There is still alot of catching up to do. To release a half-done game is just bad. Very bad image. If the company, "Beamdog" or whatever it is called, expect a lucrative business, they really need to sharpen up!
To you that say "Which flaws/bugs?" - GO TO THE BGII:EE DISCUSSION REGARDING BUGS! There you have your list of people posting their issues. However, that's not the point. My intent with this thread was to know if someone is working on a major patch or not. Yes, there was a patch released, but as far as I understand, there's still much to be done. Strange the beta-testers didn't notice...
I wonder if there is a chance of a reclaim, or complain of so that people might get their money back. Hmm...
However, you keep avoiding my question. Are there some dudes out there working on patches that might be released within a couple of weeks or not? If so, yes, then it might be worth spending some time on the game knowing some flaws actually might change. Generally speaking of course.
P.S. I am extremely picky. You must be able to take criticism in order to improve. Also, I think that one should be informed about the chances of bugs and diffrent flaws before you buy the game. That's what enhanced stands for, isn't? D.S.
To answer your question, we are still working hard to resolve the outstanding issues.
Because it is a type of commercial markets around the game, the customers have the right to make certain demands. I don't want to make the company repay for my purchase. But of course you already know this. I look forward to wait for the next update.
Is this a special kind of troll, or am I just missing the point?
If you are really concerned about crashes, there is a folder entitled "Crash" that contains information dumps that you can send to the beamdog so they can fix your issues as soon as possible.
Do you also know, in the bugs forum, they just compile known complaints, attempt to reproduce them and then attempt to find solutions to fix them. They don't go into each and every thread and reply "OK, thanks for letting us know, we'll get to it ASAP." Because that'd be just stupid, counter productive and gives the original poster false hope that it'll be fixed sooner than possible.
Are you also aware that when BG1 came out, there was like 6 patches within the first two months (or something like that - someone will correct me on this, I am looking at @elminster), so to even question this team dedication to fixing issues is beyond comprehension.
Also the game is half done? I'll keep that in mind when I reach Chapter 4. I'll see the void coming when the credits start to roll. Thanks for the heads up.
And yes @rathe101 this is a special type of troll. You can tell by an exaggerated tone, vagueness of an actual complaint, expressing disappointment/disgust/unhappiness/lack of enjoyment, giving impractical advice to the company, ignoring or evading specific questions, and then asking for their money back. Next patch, he'll be back complaining that not enough was fixed and the developers need to work harder or they'll lose their entire fan base (actually, he already did it here, but he'll do it again in full vagueness next patch).
He is either attempting to get others to express complaints in this thread (so he has more ammunition to say how much beamdog failed) or attracting fan boys to start a flame war with.
And yet, I've never played a game with an online community as supportive as this one. And I'm not just talking about the forum members, but about moderators who are literally jumping on every bug report to make sure you have a positive experience. Have you ever reported a problem on a gaming forum and had a mod quickly ask you to send them a copy of your save so they could resolve your specific issue? Because until now, I sure as hell haven't.
I for one haven't experienced a single game-breaking bug, and the ones I have seen were either fixed in the latest patch (only days after release, which is NOT common) or are being actively worked on. If you had actually reported a *specific* problem instead of wrongly assuming that the game was unplayable due to bugs you've heard of, I bet you would have had a better experience here.
I know it's totally off topic, but I am curious
and to go back on topic, yes the game has few bugs, like any other game I ever played, and the devs had already release a patch in less than a week... to me they are doing a great job! I am really enjoying play bg2EE, it make me feel like I am playing it for the very first time!
"Feeding" a troll just means taking them seriously, as I and others have unfortunately done in this thread. You aren't supposed to do that. Rather, you ignore the troll thread until the troll goes away. Unfortunately, due to the nature of trolling, it's often impossible to tell beyond a shadow of a doubt who is or isn't a troll, so moderators often cannot do anything definitive about the troll and new people will continue to feed it even as others recognize and avoid the thread.
Let's not make the mistake of thinking that everyone with a complaint is just looking for attention for attention's sake.
''T-these other p-people are having minor p-problems so I want a r-refund!''
In any case, it's still not an excuse for some of the behavior I saw. "Don't feed the troll" is just as much a personal attack as "You're a moron".
some people here could really need to get some manners.. if they never saw more than 5 possible quick bugs and glitches in the original release, then they probably 1. were not very attentive.. 2. are kinda real dumb fanboys themselves (or trolls too yes) ^^ ... Just go in the bug section .. and do count the number of..possible (real) glitches noticed by some lucky ones that got/_noticed_ them (that does NOT mean at all the game is unplayable btw..much better initial state than bg1ee imo too.. hu^) ..or by some others that tried to use a game mechanism affected by some others possible glitches.. if you did not experiment that so far in your playthrough, lucky to you dudes.. but to insult people reporting they did, wow, just wow.. ^^
BTW, as noticed by Dee, the first patch is fixing more than 30 initial glitches (including the REALLY severe one /memory possible game breaking leak (possibly erasing whole save item/areas/quests contents, no less..)...way more than 5 actually (already)... but sure, that is a really good thing already done and fixed so... i am right now testing a little the new v1.2.2030 patch.. especially the 'spirit armor'/etc(countdown spells/abilities) save/rest initial bug and such (apparently always here, that one, from a quick test - my luck^ -see for exemple to 'see' what we mean by 'that' here..)..the +++++ mastery thing? [edit: already fixed apparently; #7076 -nice]... my blade offensive/defensive spins are always working weirdly with spells/potions/rings of free will/speed..) ..but i am sure already happy about the other fixes (already) done less than one week after the initial launch.. constructive criticism is always welcomed imo.. and good for all.. */
very nice first hotpatch btw.. and quick yes.. )
look at this too (for exemple) ; [another little thing to fix in the next one..not totally fixed yet apparently..that can annoy some others..even if _you_ did 'not notice' that.. others did so^^].