*SPOILERS* what did you choose for Dorn?

So at the end of his quest line in SoA you have a choice, give up his blackguard abilities and become a fallen blackguard and power up the 2h sword abit more or serve Azothet
which choice did you choose?
which do you reckon is more "worth" it? the sword kinda sucked
Btw, is this the end of Dorn's quests and events for SoA and the story continues only in ToB?
which choice did you choose?
which do you reckon is more "worth" it? the sword kinda sucked

Btw, is this the end of Dorn's quests and events for SoA and the story continues only in ToB?
You can also triple-cross Azothet and stay with Ur-Gothoz, btw.
Ps: So is it atm? No deal with Demogorgon to get an decent patron (the prince of demons) or at least the lesser demon lord from Ush Natha?
I did the triple cross and had Dorn remain in Ur-Gothoz's service. I thought it seemed the most Blackguard-like of all the options. I'm still in Ch 5, so I have a ways to go before ToB.
Isn't it now using the animation of Planescape Torment: Glaberazu? Which was already used in ToB, where we had a lot of more different animations.
Anyway from my personal opinion i believe Beamdog (or ATARI) should had ordered the production of new animations, after all you're (or ATARI is) reviving the game and charging for it, but this is my personal opinion only.
The green-skinned/haired, wingless Erinyes in ToB wasn't exactly the best rendition of the PnP Erinyes:
@LiamEsler The journal entry for the "binding Ur-Gothoz path" refers to Azothet as a Demon (marilith), as well as the description for the Abyssal Blade, so I was confused when you said she's a Devil.
Azothet's sprite is a marilith, she is referred to as a demon several times in the quest, and the sword's extra damage is applied to demons and devils alike in the game mechanics. She might as well be a demon. Story-wise, it's also very plausible that a greater demon would hate and try to defeat/usurp another greater demon through underhanded means.
If the game treats demons and devils identically mechanically, does sealing both Ur-Gothoz and Azothet give a collective +10 damage to demons or is one of them just made redundant?
Imps, Erinyes, and Cornugons are assigned the imp class, so the extra damage should apply to them. Pit Fiends, however, are classed as tanar'ri, which is unfortunate since they're the most powerful of the devils in the game.
One last "thing": The sword with Ur-Gothoz's essence gives a damage bonus against devils and the one with Azothet does additional damage toward demons. Shouldn't it be the other way around, since Dorn's patron and demon buddies would be more vulnerable to the effects of the sword?
So basically triple-crossing Azothet seems to be the best route to take in terms of sheer statistical gains, since you gain a sword that does bonus damage against demons (the majority of outsider opponents), the Visage helm/mask, and Dorn keeps all his powers to boot.
In special, Beamdog lost an excelent opportunity of make an true evil consequence in watcher's keep by making the player allied with Demogorgon, and sealing the contract with the change of patronage of Dorn.
Demogorgon patron would be perfect for a Main Char blackguard also.
If let him loose on the prime is too great to be left to happen (and still it's a vannila option), make the party defeat Demogorgon and seeing the power of the main char (or Dorn) he would propose the covenant to still partake from the thousand deaths that a children of bhaal from the oracle legend would surelly make.