
Isn't it strange that by the end of Baldur's Gate 2, you get access to the spell, "Wish", which is one of the most powerful spells in the game (in both Pen and Paper and this game), but you can never Wish for Aerie to get her wings back?
I mean, if you are a good aligned character, shouldn't that be something that should occur to you?
I mean, if you are a good aligned character, shouldn't that be something that should occur to you?
Its not like there aren't cases of characters in the Forgotten Realms regrowing limbs.
I can see how a reworking of wish with about a hundred new options added might be cool.. but on the other hand, it'd just add even more versatility to the class that needs it the least.
@Drugar It's like the AD&D version of Aladdin's Genie Powers. AWESOME COSMIC POWER- no imagination.
As far as wishing for Aeries wings, I like the idea, what a nice use for the wish spell. My guess would be that the Devs never thought about it. Wish is a bad spell to implement into a videogame because it's to open. You can wish for anything (more wishes :P). You can't put that in a videogame, it's impossible to guess everything someone may want to wish.
Oh well.
sure its had to use but sure is funny
@Awong Meanie.
I think it would be more realistic, if she really *wasn't* upset about her wings, to be more concerned about people seeing her back. Even if her wings had to be amputated, her back probably didn't look like a normal elven back because of the way muscles for those wings would lie. And they couldn't have amputaed those without giving her problems lifting and raising her arms.
Yes, I am a writer, and yes, I officially think too much.
I'm normally a nice guy, but Aerie's just way too annoying, everything from her voice to her comments. When I play BG2 I usually just kill her when she still looks like an ogre.
*Dammit, should have just edited this post into the previous one.
I've never used Skie, but at least she sounds annoying in a hilarious sort of way.