Your ability scores (mini-game)

I have a little game for you guys:
1. You have 70 ability points
2. Tell us why you gave yourself that amount of point
3. After you spend all your points, give yourself a class based on your ability scores
4. Don't lie
I'll start:
Strength: 12 (i'm a big guy, but too much time at the pc screwed my strength, have problems opening pickle jars now)
Dexterity/Agility: well 10 (big guy can be a tall guy or ... a BIG guy, well i'm the second)
Constitution: 17 (how fat you are goes in here
Intelligence: 13 (did well in school/highschool, never got to college)
Wisdom: 14 (people come to me for yea)
Charisma: 4 (well not my strong point)
Well it seems i am a cleric.
1. You have 70 ability points
2. Tell us why you gave yourself that amount of point
3. After you spend all your points, give yourself a class based on your ability scores
4. Don't lie

I'll start:
Strength: 12 (i'm a big guy, but too much time at the pc screwed my strength, have problems opening pickle jars now)
Dexterity/Agility: well 10 (big guy can be a tall guy or ... a BIG guy, well i'm the second)
Constitution: 17 (how fat you are goes in here

Intelligence: 13 (did well in school/highschool, never got to college)
Wisdom: 14 (people come to me for yea)
Charisma: 4 (well not my strong point)
Well it seems i am a cleric.
Post edited by raclariu on
Dexterity: 14 (I'm doing well with throwing knives, throwing tomahawks, I'm running decent fast)
Constitution: 14 (I have no trouble with my health, have a good cold/hot resistance)
Intelligence: 14 (did well in school but choose to work at 18, never had money issue)
Wisdom: 0 (I'm atheist, if god exist, I suppose that I hate him, always up to take a stand for what 'I believe', no matter what the consequances)
Charisma: 14 (hmhm... 7/10, I'm fine with myself ^^)
[Edit: I forgot the class, hm, some kind of rogue berzerker I suppose.]
10 Dex (Not clumsy, but not an athlete. I get by)
14 Con (I pretty much never get sick. I shook off food poisoning like it was a stomach cramp once.)
14 Int (I'm smarter than the average bear! Working on my English Bachelor's, so I'd say I have some smarts)
8 Wis (Staying focused, empathy, hearing, and faith are not my strong suits.)
13 Cha (I can be pretty charming when required, and I'm not half-bad-looking if I do say so myself!)
I guess I'd pretty much have to be a Mage or Bard with those numbers.
Though, if I actually lived in a D&D universe you can bet your ass I'd be the guy training to be a Fighter, inspired by overly romantic stories of killing dragons with a sword.
10 CON (Average and unremarkable.)
10 DEX (Average and unremarkable.)
13 INT (I do quite well in school and love to learn new things.)
13 WIS (I often like to analyze the world, give and take advice, and balance the elements of my life.)
14 CHA (People tell me that I can be charming, and I make friends rather easily.)
I would be a Bard because I am training to be an actor in real life, and I also like to know a little bit about everyone and everything.
DEX 13 I tend to drop things quite often.. but I'm also an artist and play a few musical instruments (without dropping them)
CON 12 I look starved though have a little endurance for some things
INT 14 I have some academic interests and have studied science (briefly) and art
WIS 14 I think I'm a reasonable person, there is no wisdom in faith (or as Dawkins would put it, "the process of non-thinking")
CHA 8 I have to work with people, but I'm not fond of doing so.
STR 12-13 (Considering above post, I can bench 95 kg x6, stronger in other lifts)
DEX 13 (Play drums just fine, used to do small hobby painting)
CON 13 (No health problem whatsoever, but need to incorporate more cardio in workouts)
INT 13 (Do allright)
WIS 13
Cha 12-13
DEX 10 - Not the fastest man on earth, not good at dodging OR throwing either!
CON 14 - I am resilient, although last 31st of December made me doubt that highly.
INT 12 - Average Bob I guess? XD
WIS 16 - I've been told I am a wiseass. Maybe it's true!
CHA 3 - Anti-charismatic to say the least!
I'll pick... Duh, I don't know, Fighter I guess?
DEX 10 (Fairly quick and nimble, but struggle with fine motor skills)
CON 18 (Great health; Can run for hours and look buff even though I'm not very strong. Also never had any real ailment, not even a broken bone, and can't remember the last time I had a cold.)
INT 16 (Graduated with honors both undergraduate and in graduate school.)
WIS 11 (Usually make the "mature" decision, but I am only 24.)
CHR 8 (Making friends is not my strong point)
I guess I would be some kind of hearty mage.
DEX: 15 - Racing slick.
CON: 9 - Don't bet on it, Imma die old.
INT: 10 - You'll have to forgive me.
WIS: 11 - I know one thing, that I know nothing.
CHA: 5 - Fuck you too, my man!
Class: couch-potato
STR - 10
DEX - 10
CON - 12
INT - 10
WIS - 15
CHA - 13
DEX: 12 - I'm an accomplished piano player and have excellent mouse-eye coordination. I'd probably suck with any ranged weapons though.
CON: 13 - Above average stamina, rarely ill.
INT: 16 - I spent my childhood reading encyclopedias and science magazines. I've breezed through all my education often to the point of boredom. I've been consistently rated by my peers and mentors as gifted. I'm a software engineer of some skill and I pretty much master logic and argumentation.
WIS: 14 - I've been deeply religious for most of my life (currently atheist though), have gone through and witnessed much suffering, and I tend to act and talk slowly and thoughtfully.
CHA: 6 - I know basic social etiquette, but I'm terrible at conversation; my persuasion and diplomatic skills don't go much beyond cold argumentation.
I'd definitely be a cleric/mage and I'd likely worship Oghma.
Dex 12
Con 9
Int 16
Wis 16
Cha 9
With no ability points limitation.
Bruce Lee (Lee Jun-fan)
STR 14
DEX 17
CON 17
INT 16
WIS 17
Cha 16
Chuck Norris
STR 16
DEX 16
CON 16
INT 13
WIS 14
Cha 13
It that accurate?
Feel free to add your personal rating of someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mohamed Ali, louis ferrigno, Andre the giant ect..
DEX - 13: i do lots of fiddley things with my hands for work (that sounds a bit wrong)
CON - 11: I'm on my feet all day and do daily light exercise
INT - 12: Average specialising in random subjects
WIS - 12: Im relatively wise i like to think
CHA - 13: Im good in social situations
If I'm drunk make CHA: 20 and INT:5
Strength 18/00
Dexterity 12
Constitution 18
Intelligence 11, wasn't the brightest let's face it
Wisdom 13
Charisma 18 duuh
Dexterity: 13, I practice historical fencing in a variety of forms, and prefer using the dagger as an off hand.
Constitution: 8, I don't like pain, and am often ill.
Intelligence: 15, Masters Student in biomedical sciences, honors student, etc.
Wisdom: 14, I love philosophy, theology, and so forth
Charisma, 10, Not amazing, not terrible.
I suppose with stats like these? Cleric/Mage Here I come!
Dexterity : 16, lightning reflexes, fast running and good movement coordination (again think basketball player). Also worked a lot with my hands (crafting, mechanics).
Constitution : 10, strong body but with some recurring pains (arthritis) and not so great endurance.
Intelligence : 11, kind of average, never been great at studying a lot. I like to learn about lots of things but rarely go deeper. Problem solver.
Wisdom : 12, atheist but been through lot of things that make people see me as thoughtful, good empathy.
Charisma : 8, kind of average looking and very quiet. Hence I tend to disappear in groups and make no effort to be social.
It all points to thief with combat abilities (close or ranged), stealth, picking locks, disabling traps and such...
Dexterity/Agility: 13 (Good reflex throws, and I repair things.)
Constitution: 8 (Still some back pain sometimes, I easily get sickness, but high drinking tolerance so maybe I get dwarf racial bonus)
Intelligence: 14 (Finished engineering studies with lazyass attitude. Tend to over-analyse my environment)
Wisdom: 12 (While not being wisest, I rarely do things that backfires.)
Charisma: 14 (I've got conversation and diplomatic skills. I know how to make people feel better when they are in a bump. I know how to get a party going, how to make people laugh. Even shy people talk to me.)
So I guess... Bard or mage. Maybe Arcane archer
Dexterity: 12 (bad hand-eye coordination, but other than that I'm above average I think)
Constitution: 13 (I don't often get sick, when I do it doesn't last long, but I can't exercise for too long either)
Intelligence: 15 (got a degree in software engineering, so I'd like to think I'm above average in that regard, I'm also pretty curious as to how things work)
Wisdom: 14 (I think a lot, both on philosophical and religious subjects)
Charisma: 9 (average, I tend to get along fine with people, but I'm not really diplomatic or anything of the sort)
So... is there some kind of druid/mage hybrid ?
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 9
Mage/Cleric I suppose. I prefer mages though.
People seems to forget that 10-11 are the average scores, not 14-15 as they seem to be treated like all over the forum.
Constitution equates to health, stamina, durability, not size.
Wisdom doesn't necessarily mean you have to be religious. Having 0 Wisdom would indicate that you are a corpse :P Wisdom is perceptiveness, social aptitude, ability to empathise, listen, analyse people etc.
Charisma isn't just attractiveness. It's your ability to hold attention socially, interact with others, and take the lead.
Strength of lower than 8 indicates that you are totally feeble. You're probably not capable of picking up a kettle without severe effort.
For me:
Str: 9 (weak, thin)
Dex: 13 (regularly part of a dance company, but dreadful hand-eye co-ordination!)
Con: 11 (somewhat redeemed by fitness, but lacking any impressive immune system)
Int: 15 (not a dedicated academic, but if I were I'd be good at it)
Wis: 17 (very perceptive, world-wise, philosophical and insightful; aware of who I am, how I see the world, and often sought out for advise or a second opinion)
Cha: 16 (very talkative; eager, animated and dynamic in social situations; rarely quiet and not inclined to stay in the background; a performer; capable of lying, persuading others, and have on a few occassions been told that I'm a little intimidating!!)
This would indicate Cleric, I suppose. But really I am a Bard - I'm committed to each of the primary spheres of performance; acting, singing, dancing. Very talkative, capable of communicating with others and recounting stories well. Capable of giving advice, and do so in the form of metaphors or comparisons with other real-life instances or with stories.
I'm a deep-thinker, academically and philosophically, which implies Mage, I suppose, but as I am not an academic, Sorcerer seems more likely. Combining this with the aforementioned traits, I feel that if I were anything in the D&D world, I'd be a natural-born Bard! ^^
Str: 8-10
Dex: 8-10
Con: 8-10
Int: 8-10
Wis: 8-10
If that the case, that a good base. But there no need to be so accurate, that a social game after all.