Strength: 12/13 (practiced Kendo as a hobby and what with lifting my kid around I guess I have a bit of strength)
Dexterity: 10 (i don't exactly drop everything I touch but I'm not an expert dart thrower either)
Constitution: 10 (what with living in a sheltered city environment I doubt it would take much to make my health go down; would probably have to be a Drow in RPing because I have a mild sun sensitivity & allergy ^_^)
Intelligence: 16 ( software engineer by occupation, avid reader by inclination )
Wisdom: 12 (made a few bad calls in my life, made quite a few good ones ^_^)
Charisma: 9/10 (just enough)
So this would make me a... fighter/mage? kinda squishy... but cool
Str: 8 (I really, really need to work out) Dexterity: 12 (I'm thin so I'm inherently more dexterous than most people, but I'm not a gymnast) Constitution: 16 (I can hold my liquor and rarely get sick) Intelligence: 16 (I do well in school) Wisdom: 12 (I'm no yoda) Charisma: 6 (I'm incredible shy)
STR 13 - Both my jobs and home chores involve me lifting and carrying big, bulky and awkward objects. DEX 12 - I can cross my legs without using my hands and I can use my body to get through tight spaces. CON 13 - My physique is nothing impressive but I got a good immune system and managed to drink plenty of sugary drinks without getting diabetes. INT 13 - I may not be an honor student but I do have academic potential if it weren't for my laziness. WIS 8 - I'm naive, lack common sense and usually absent minded. CHA 6 - Asperger's syndrome is a bitch, isn't it?
Strength: 12 (My profession steeled my body to some degree) Dexterity: 8 (I possess the mobility of a tree) Constitution: 13 (Healthy, but at the same time allergic against most mammal hair) Intelligence: 9 (Neither an idiot nor an mastermind) Wisdom: 17 (Who says that atheist shouldn't possess high wisdom? ) Charisma: 11 (I recon that I possess a misanthropic aura. And rightfully so if I may add.)
Well, I suppose both my mindset and those stats speak for the druid. Needless to say I *won't* choose an mammal as my animal companion! ψ(*`ー´)ψ
Isn't 9's across the board the average commoner in the d&d setting?
I'd probably be:
Str. 11 slight above average Dex 10 ditto Con 13 I never get sick Int 14' physics and engineering majors in undergrad and grad Wis 11 a bit above avg Cha 11 well liked,good looking
Str: 12 -- Maybe a little above average -- I'm a big fella. Dex: 8 -- I'm somewhat clumsy. Con: 13 -- I almost never get sick, but while my health is decent, I'm in very poor shape. Int: 15 -- I'm considerably smarter than the average bear, though I'm not a genius. Wis: 16 -- I tend to look at things from every angle. Cha: 6 -- Very shy and awkward in social situations.
Based on these scores, I'd have to be a bard ( skald maybe?) or a fighter, which sux because I play Mage! Then again, skald could be cool.... Maybe next play through?
Strength: 8 - Useless in melee combat. Can't do too much heavy lifting. Dexterity: 12 - While a bit clumsy, I can move very quietly and have nimble fingers. Constitution: 10 - I'm not very healthy, but I can take a hit. Intelligence: 15 - More intelligent then most people I meet, but not a genius. I can converse well enough in two languages. Wisdom: 12 - I can be a little hot-headed sometime and not see the bigger picture. Charisma: 13 - I can talk my way out of trouble.
Strenght - 9 - Good build, poor maintenance, can barely lift 40kgs worth of suitcase into the back of a car, errm 40kgs worth of gibberling into a backpack Dexterity - 14 - Pretty good with my hands, and nimble enough to avoid charging bulls Constitution - 16 - Let's just say I haven't been sick once in the last 8 years. 30kms of cycling a day might have something to do with it. Intelligence - 15- Always top of my class, not so in university, only near the top, mainly because I never studied for exams. Not very smart on that one... Wisdom - 14 - Friend's grandparents asking you for financial advice is usually a give away that people find you wise. Charisma - 15 - A practicing architect has to make a living convincing people that spending more when you could spend less is a good call, for the future value of your property of course!! Good windows keep those pesky Tasloi out of your underwear drawers.
Strength-- 9 (Average; I can haul groceries and open my own pickles.) Dexterity-- 9 (I can successfully put one foot in front of the other most of the time.) Constitution-- 9 (Below average stamina since I'm round, but a pretty rockin' immune system.) Intelligence-- 15 (Masters Degree and contemplating switching fields and going for a PhD) Wisdom-- 16 (Empathy, perception, insight, curiosity about the world...yeah, that's me.) Charisma-- 12 (I teach, so I have to be engaging enough to keep their attention.)
I'd probably wind up a cleric. Not sure which deity in FR, though. I'd be the reluctant one, the one who has to go because I'd A. have researched the whatsit the party is after and B. want to keep the others safe. I'd want to do right in the world, but I'd be bad at commiting violent acts myself.
STR: 10 - I d say average (if 10 is considered average) DEX: 10 - same as above CON: 12 - I was gonna put 10 but when I saw arguments others used (never ill ,no broken bones -ever , ect.) INT: 17 - was gonna put 18 coz it s really my strongest side but didnt want to seem to cocky WIS: 13 - sure I m wise CHA: 8 - Not that I have any trouble finding friends ,it s just that I m a bit intoverted
Str: 6 (I've always dreamed about being able to do a push up or a pull up. Any "up" really.) Dex: 16 ( I got some wicked piano skills and can solve a rubik's cube in about a minute. I'm also oddly agile) Con: 9 (I was a very sickly kid, but a bit better now) Int: 13 (Slighty above average, but I ain't no doctor) Wis: 14 (I'm the friend that gives the sagely advice. It's a burden, I swear to God) Cha: 12 (Sometimes I'm funny... I try at least)
I think I'd be a Bard because I'm a musician and wannabe actor (AKA community theatre actor)
STR: 8 (I'm tall and thin but I have super strong hands/grip, I always get to open stubborn jars - but I also have damaged shoulders from too much static computer work*cough*gaming so I guess it balances itself out to something average-ish doh)
CON: 7 (My stamina is quite bad, I have seasonal allergies that sometimes come with mild asthma - yaay)
DEX: 15 (Good hand-eye coordination and reflexes that have been honed by many years of gaming, excellent balance too)
INT: 11 (According to the BG2 manual intelligence measures a characters memory, reasoning and learning ability. I'm fairly logical and I have a very reliable memory when it comes to recalling events but much lower when it comes to remembering passages from textbooks (selective memory?) - so I guess my learning ability suffers, also not a big math fan.)
WIS: 16 (Spiritual in a zen way, I meditate regularly and always play counselor for my friends when they need to talk.)
CHA: 13 (Very uneven and paradoxical here - have some dormant leadership abilities that surface from time to time, while simultaneously suffering from stage fright. A shy leader? "Let's attack the monsters over yonder men!!! Uhm.. I mean, if that's OK with you guys...? I mean... is it? OK I mean.. with you... yeah...)
Tot: 70
Class: Some form of monk using dex-based weapons maybe? At least my AC would be decent :P
Str: 8 (I'm weak as hell tbh) Dex: 8 (I'm pretty clumsy and can't juggle or throw a ball) Con: 6 (I get ill more often than I should!) Int: 18 (Required for my PhD in Biomedical Optical Imaging) Wis: 12 (Fairly good common sense) Cha: 18 (My greatest strength is how good I am with people)
I think my stat distribution isn't really ideal for any class, but I always play bards in D&D.
Str: 9 (Just below average strength) Dex: 18 (Great hand eye coordination with video games, magic tricks, yo-yo's, etc) Con: 9 (Have played sports but was always near the middle-bottom of the class) Int: 18 (Completed a 3 1/2 year course in 18 months) (Finished some 3 hr exams in 20 mins) Wis: 7 (I prefer not to over analyse or think about stuff too much) Cha: 9 (Usually will listen and not as talkative as others)
Str: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper Dex: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper Con: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper Int: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper Wis: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper Cha: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper
If I have to be serious... well I don't really know.
Dexterity: 10 (i don't exactly drop everything I touch but I'm not an expert dart thrower either)
Constitution: 10 (what with living in a sheltered city environment I doubt it would take much to make my health go down; would probably have to be a Drow in RPing because I have a mild sun sensitivity & allergy ^_^)
Intelligence: 16 ( software engineer by occupation, avid reader by inclination
Wisdom: 12 (made a few bad calls in my life, made quite a few good ones ^_^)
Charisma: 9/10 (just enough)
So this would make me a... fighter/mage? kinda squishy... but cool
Dexterity: 12 (I'm thin so I'm inherently more dexterous than most people, but I'm not a gymnast)
Constitution: 16 (I can hold my liquor and rarely get sick)
Intelligence: 16 (I do well in school)
Wisdom: 12 (I'm no yoda)
Charisma: 6 (I'm incredible shy)
DEX 12 - I can cross my legs without using my hands and I can use my body to get through tight spaces.
CON 13 - My physique is nothing impressive but I got a good immune system and managed to drink plenty of sugary drinks without getting diabetes.
INT 13 - I may not be an honor student but I do have academic potential if it weren't for my laziness.
WIS 8 - I'm naive, lack common sense and usually absent minded.
CHA 6 - Asperger's syndrome is a bitch, isn't it?
Strength: 12 (My profession steeled my body to some degree)
Dexterity: 8 (I possess the mobility of a tree)
Constitution: 13 (Healthy, but at the same time allergic against most mammal hair)
Intelligence: 9 (Neither an idiot nor an mastermind)
Wisdom: 17 (Who says that atheist shouldn't possess high wisdom? )
Charisma: 11 (I recon that I possess a misanthropic aura. And rightfully so if I may add.)
Well, I suppose both my mindset and those stats speak for the druid. Needless to say I *won't* choose an mammal as my animal companion! ψ(*`ー´)ψ
I'd probably be:
Str. 11 slight above average
Dex 10 ditto
Con 13 I never get sick
Int 14' physics and engineering majors in undergrad and grad
Wis 11 a bit above avg
Cha 11 well liked,good looking
Interesting link to determine your d&d character:
I ended up as a true neutral human sorceror , which is about spot on for what I almost always play.
Dex: 8 -- I'm somewhat clumsy.
Con: 13 -- I almost never get sick, but while my health is decent, I'm in very poor shape.
Int: 15 -- I'm considerably smarter than the average bear, though I'm not a genius.
Wis: 16 -- I tend to look at things from every angle.
Cha: 6 -- Very shy and awkward in social situations.
Have a go guys, it's sweet!
My stats were
17 str
10 dex
12 con
12 int
10 wis
14 char
Based on these scores, I'd have to be a bard ( skald maybe?) or a fighter, which sux because I play Mage! Then again, skald could be cool.... Maybe next play through?
Dexterity: 12 - While a bit clumsy, I can move very quietly and have nimble fingers.
Constitution: 10 - I'm not very healthy, but I can take a hit.
Intelligence: 15 - More intelligent then most people I meet, but not a genius. I can converse well enough in two languages.
Wisdom: 12 - I can be a little hot-headed sometime and not see the bigger picture.
Charisma: 13 - I can talk my way out of trouble.
Class: Thief/Mage.
Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 11
Charisma 11
Dexterity 10
Constitution 10
Intellect 16
Wisdom 14
Carisma 8
A wild, wild mage.
Dexterity - 14 - Pretty good with my hands, and nimble enough to avoid charging bulls
Constitution - 16 - Let's just say I haven't been sick once in the last 8 years. 30kms of cycling a day might have something to do with it.
Intelligence - 15- Always top of my class, not so in university, only near the top, mainly because I never studied for exams. Not very smart on that one...
Wisdom - 14 - Friend's grandparents asking you for financial advice is usually a give away that people find you wise.
Charisma - 15 - A practicing architect has to make a living convincing people that spending more when you could spend less is a good call, for the future value of your property of course!! Good windows keep those pesky Tasloi out of your underwear drawers.
So I'd be a bard or thief/mage or something...
dex 8
con 16 (healthy as a horse)
int 16
wis 15
cha 1
class: trench coat loner
Dexterity-- 9 (I can successfully put one foot in front of the other most of the time.)
Constitution-- 9 (Below average stamina since I'm round, but a pretty rockin' immune system.)
Intelligence-- 15 (Masters Degree and contemplating switching fields and going for a PhD)
Wisdom-- 16 (Empathy, perception, insight, curiosity about the world...yeah, that's me.)
Charisma-- 12 (I teach, so I have to be engaging enough to keep their attention.)
I'd probably wind up a cleric. Not sure which deity in FR, though. I'd be the reluctant one, the one who has to go because I'd A. have researched the whatsit the party is after and B. want to keep the others safe. I'd want to do right in the world, but I'd be bad at commiting violent acts myself.
DEX: 10 - same as above
CON: 12 - I was gonna put 10 but when I saw arguments others used (never ill ,no broken bones -ever , ect.)
INT: 17 - was gonna put 18 coz it s really my strongest side but didnt want to seem to cocky
WIS: 13 - sure I m wise
CHA: 8 - Not that I have any trouble finding friends ,it s just that I m a bit intoverted
True Neutral Human Bard/Cleric (1st/1st Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 11
Dexterity- 15
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 14
Wisdom- 15
Charisma- 15
I agree with everything except for True Neutral. I'm either Neutral Good or Chaotic Good.
Dex: 16 ( I got some wicked piano skills and can solve a rubik's cube in about a minute. I'm also oddly agile)
Con: 9 (I was a very sickly kid, but a bit better now)
Int: 13 (Slighty above average, but I ain't no doctor)
Wis: 14 (I'm the friend that gives the sagely advice. It's a burden, I swear to God)
Cha: 12 (Sometimes I'm funny... I try at least)
I think I'd be a Bard because I'm a musician and wannabe actor (AKA community theatre actor)
CON: 7 (My stamina is quite bad, I have seasonal allergies that sometimes come with mild asthma - yaay)
DEX: 15 (Good hand-eye coordination and reflexes that have been honed by many years of gaming, excellent balance too)
INT: 11 (According to the BG2 manual intelligence measures a characters memory, reasoning and learning ability. I'm fairly logical and I have a very reliable memory when it comes to recalling events but much lower when it comes to remembering passages from textbooks (selective memory?) - so I guess my learning ability suffers, also not a big math fan.)
WIS: 16 (Spiritual in a zen way, I meditate regularly and always play counselor for my friends when they need to talk.)
CHA: 13 (Very uneven and paradoxical here - have some dormant leadership abilities that surface from time to time, while simultaneously suffering from stage fright. A shy leader? "Let's attack the monsters over yonder men!!! Uhm.. I mean, if that's OK with you guys...? I mean... is it? OK I mean.. with you... yeah...)
Tot: 70
Class: Some form of monk using dex-based weapons maybe? At least my AC would be decent :P
Dex: 8 (I'm pretty clumsy and can't juggle or throw a ball)
Con: 6 (I get ill more often than I should!)
Int: 18 (Required for my PhD in Biomedical Optical Imaging)
Wis: 12 (Fairly good common sense)
Cha: 18 (My greatest strength is how good I am with people)
I think my stat distribution isn't really ideal for any class, but I always play bards in D&D.
Ability Scores:
Strength- 14
Dexterity- 18
Constitution- 15
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 15
not what i expected, was thinking i'd wind up as a mage
Str: 9 (Just below average strength)
Dex: 18 (Great hand eye coordination with video games, magic tricks, yo-yo's, etc)
Con: 9 (Have played sports but was always near the middle-bottom of the class)
Int: 18 (Completed a 3 1/2 year course in 18 months) (Finished some 3 hr exams in 20 mins)
Wis: 7 (I prefer not to over analyse or think about stuff too much)
Cha: 9 (Usually will listen and not as talkative as others)
also i just looked and my opinion isn't too far from the scores that the page gave me.......hmmmm
Dex: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper
Con: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper
Int: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper
Wis: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper
Cha: 18 cuz I have real life Shadow keeper
If I have to be serious... well I don't really know.