Major WTF?? Moments in the Games (SPOILERS)

OK, so I've killed my evil half-brother Sarevok in the first game. Then at the end of the second game, I have to kill him (or at least his ghost) ALL OVER AGAIN! in Hell. And then I meet him at the start of the third game, in Hell, where I have to resurrect him and he then offers to join my party.
That's one (well, two!) of those times when I thought "WTF!? Kudos to the developers for this twist!"
What moments in the games really made an impression on you? Learning about your heritage? Finding out about Irenicus' real goal? Finding that Adalon was a Silver Dragon? Or maybe learning who was The Imprisoned One?
That's one (well, two!) of those times when I thought "WTF!? Kudos to the developers for this twist!"
What moments in the games really made an impression on you? Learning about your heritage? Finding out about Irenicus' real goal? Finding that Adalon was a Silver Dragon? Or maybe learning who was The Imprisoned One?
More recently, the entire start of ToB was a major WTF moment because its one of most poorly paced and insane bits of storytelling I've ever seen. Within about ten minutes you learn that five powerful Bhaalspawn are on the rise, get a bunch of cryptic prophecy from a stone head, kill one of aforementioned five bhaalspawn, get teleported to a plane in hell, are expositioned at by an angel, then confronted with the shade of the first game's final boss, who you bring back to life and joins your team. That is not good story pacing, people!
Yoshimo. Enough said.
Another one was finding out about Imoen, especially since in my first playthrough when I'd originally been thinking that she was a much better romantic match for Charname than the obnoxious Druid, pathetic Mage and intolerable Drow.
Firkraag was another nicely foreshadowed surprise...
Captured by unknown wizard, tortured, stripped of all possessions and wealth, 2 of your closest companions murdered, your closest friend (later find out sister) abducted by the worst law enforcement agency you've ever met, and lost and confused in a big and dangerous city you've never been to, and nobody gives a shit about what you've just been through.
- Time Stop, Gate, Horrid Wilting, etc, etc -
what the HELL are you keeping down there?
Another moment for me was the quest at the Harper Hold. I brought the bird to Xzar, it turned out to be a Harper in disguise, she sang a song and stabbed Xzar while he was apparently too surprised to defend himself. My entire party had a good round of facepalming after that one. Couldn't you have just stabbed him in the first place!? He was standing RIGHT THERE... Jaheira, you work with these guys?
One moment I really liked was talking to Balthazar and getting ready for a fight before realizing - wait... he's not evil?
Getting Imoen stolen from my party was quite jarring. She was an essential part of my bg1 party and losing her stole my main thief and mage.
ToB... mostly because of how crap it was.
The secret of the Golden Pantaloons.
Also, any time you opened a room and found a random lich or Mindflayer. Had me yelling "No no no no no!"
Oh, and getting sucked into Hell.
Also, the crazy amount of traps in Durlag's Tower made all the worse that so many can be tripped multiple times.
Those moments were some of the biggest "WTF?!" of my life.
Aec who?
Also fighting Firkraag the first time and having him send your whole party flying across the room, and losing control of them all as they flee in terror.
Most of the Lich fights, too. But that's just because they're the spam the same instant death move over and over again kind of cheese. When you know it's coming, and how to deal with them, it's a snap, but I don't see how you could win some of those fights on your first try.
But honestly my number one WTF moment was my first play through. I was a ranger, level one, and I decided to go NORTH of the Friendly Arm in because I forgot what the NPCs said and I didn't know how to read my journal. I was there thinking "I'm a badass ranger and I'm in the wild! Nothing will stop a brave nature warrior in his natural habitat". Then a giant beetle pops out of the ground, spits on my, and my character violently combusts into small slabs of meat and gore and blood, forever scarring my 13 year old mind.
Sendai's Enclave: Oh, I've just blasted through endless hordes of dwarves, spiders, mind flayers and drow. No matter how powerful their leader is, she won't be that much of an issue. Wait, why is there more than one of her? That's okay, I can handle a couple at a time. Wait, there's reinforcements? Okay, I'll just kill them and turn back to her. The reinforcements are never ending. They arrive faster than I can kill them. Okay, I'm screwed...
Abazigal's Lair. Oh, this guy, Draconis, is on guard? That name's suspicious, but he's just a mage. I've killed thousands by now. Damn, he's a tough one, with his Timestopping uber spell shenanigans, though he'll still fall soon enough. WTF why am I now fighting a Dragon that I cannot prepare for? Hours and hours of play through the saga and now this guy flummoxes me...
The first time I heard it I thought I had misheard it, but it was in the subtitle text. Right now I'm hoping I haven't actually misheard it and will be shamed when I find out it was just me being dumb. :P
That was a serious wtf moment.
From William Congreve's The Mourning Bride, (ca. 1697):
Music hath Charms to sooth a savage Breast,
To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.
I've read, that things inanimate have mov'd,
And, as with living Souls, have been inform'd,
By Magic Numbers and persuasive Sound.
What then am I? Am I more senseless grown
Than Trees, or Flint? O force of constant Woe!
'Tis not in Harmony to calm my Griefs.
Anselmo sleeps, and is at Peace; last Night
The silent Tomb receiv'd the good Old King;
He and his Sorrows now are safely lodg'd
Within its cold, but hospitable Bosom.
Why am not I at Peace?
Edit: I can't seem to figure out how to put in the proper line breaks, sorry if that makes it illegible.