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Major WTF?? Moments in the Games (SPOILERS)

OK, so I've killed my evil half-brother Sarevok in the first game. Then at the end of the second game, I have to kill him (or at least his ghost) ALL OVER AGAIN! in Hell. And then I meet him at the start of the third game, in Hell, where I have to resurrect him and he then offers to join my party.

That's one (well, two!) of those times when I thought "WTF!? Kudos to the developers for this twist!"

What moments in the games really made an impression on you? Learning about your heritage? Finding out about Irenicus' real goal? Finding that Adalon was a Silver Dragon? Or maybe learning who was The Imprisoned One?


  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    @Eudaemonium: All too true. ToB was a rushed product and the storyline shows more or less all the way through. :-(
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    nano said:

    One moment I really liked was talking to Balthazar and getting ready for a fight before realizing - wait... he's not evil?

    Yes, that is why I liked the storytelling of Ascension mod. Getting Bathazzar to see reason. Overall just looking at "good" Sarevok, aka redeemed in a way, Imoen sister and Balthazar the good monk + protagonist, 4 most powerfull Bhallspawns united together against all that their father stood and wanted, his ressurection in murder of all of his children at their own hands. It felt right, a lot more right then killing Balthazar.

  • WolkWolk Member Posts: 279
    The githyanki attack. I rescued Imoen, I can finally go back in Amn, find a shop, rest a bit... NOT! You get attacked by extraplanar beings trying to get back what Saemon stole, you defeat them and then your boat sinks because of Sahugin. Meanwhile Saemon runs away.
  • TheGraveDiggerTheGraveDigger Member Posts: 336
    The Underdark...
    ToB... mostly because of how crap it was.
    The secret of the Golden Pantaloons.
  • BigfishBigfish Member Posts: 367
    Amanuator, a largely dead God, having TWO areas he's involved in during BG2.

    Also, the crazy amount of traps in Durlag's Tower made all the worse that so many can be tripped multiple times.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    This are the type of things that make me say "WTF?!".
    Those moments were some of the biggest "WTF?!" of my life.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    AAAAAAAAAAND more WTF moments...
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    For me I do have to say it was piecing together Irenicus' reasons for everything he was doing and what was taken from him and Bodhi. The slow pacing of the information they feed you throughout the game is perfect. Little snippets about an obvious lost love in his first dungeon, his journals in spellhold. The cut scene with him, the drow and the elven prisoners. He is one of the best written villains ever. It's just a bonus that he's voiced by David Warner, who also did The Lobe from Freakazoid, another of my favorite villains.

    Also fighting Firkraag the first time and having him send your whole party flying across the room, and losing control of them all as they flee in terror.

    Most of the Lich fights, too. But that's just because they're the spam the same instant death move over and over again kind of cheese. When you know it's coming, and how to deal with them, it's a snap, but I don't see how you could win some of those fights on your first try.
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    The Spectator Beholder. Aside from his total awesomeness (if a mod doesn't exist to make him an NPC, it needs to), he turns up again in TOB. Expected neither.

    Sendai's Enclave: Oh, I've just blasted through endless hordes of dwarves, spiders, mind flayers and drow. No matter how powerful their leader is, she won't be that much of an issue. Wait, why is there more than one of her? That's okay, I can handle a couple at a time. Wait, there's reinforcements? Okay, I'll just kill them and turn back to her. The reinforcements are never ending. They arrive faster than I can kill them. Okay, I'm screwed...

    Abazigal's Lair. Oh, this guy, Draconis, is on guard? That name's suspicious, but he's just a mage. I've killed thousands by now. Damn, he's a tough one, with his Timestopping uber spell shenanigans, though he'll still fall soon enough. WTF why am I now fighting a Dragon that I cannot prepare for? Hours and hours of play through the saga and now this guy flummoxes me...
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Garrick has a rare selection sound "music has the charms to sooth the savage breast" . Isn't it supposed to be beast?
    The first time I heard it I thought I had misheard it, but it was in the subtitle text. Right now I'm hoping I haven't actually misheard it and will be shamed when I find out it was just me being dumb. :P
    That was a serious wtf moment.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    I've never killed the dogs. What is that all about?
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