@meagloth, it is possible to avoid facing the umberhulks in the chamber before Torgal by luring them down to the cave below the prison area to eat dog meat stew.
After killing the dogs, you have to cook the meat at the stove at the bottom of the stairs on the keep entrance level. Then, an invisible or stealthed character has to take the dog meat stew past the umberhulks and drop it into the feeding cave. They will run down there and stay there as long as your invisible character makes it back up to Torgal's outer chamber without being seen.
Nalia's servant at the secret keep entrance gives you the clue about doing this if you talk to him and go over all the information he has.
@meagloth, it is possible to avoid facing the umberhulks in the chamber before Torgal by luring them down to the cave below the prison area to eat dog meat stew.
After killing the dogs, you have to cook the meat at the stove at the bottom of the stairs on the keep entrance level. Then, an invisible or stealthed character has to take the dog meat stew past the umberhulks and drop it into the feeding cave. They will run down there and stay there as long as your invisible character makes it back up to Torgal's outer chamber without being seen.
Nalia's servant at the secret keep entrance gives you the clue about doing this if you talk to him and go over all the information he has.
I thought as much, but I'd never had that much trouble with the umber hulks. And the dogs have names. I could never kill them.
Yoshimo was completely unexpected. Found Kangaxx the hard way on my first run-through (that's when I started reading dialogs more carefully). Walked face-first into Firkraag "hmmm, seems like a big open room with nothing..." sprite spawn. Irenicus final battle, part 2, and then 3.
But even with all that, the most memorable moment to this day was Bondari.
Finding all the treasure in the Duchal Palace after a Doppelganger ran away. Total wtf... even a cutscene!
wait, what? Would you kindly explain ?
Its a pretty impressive haul of dough, the staircase is at the top right corner of the area where you save Belt and whatshername from the doppelgangers. I found it purely by accident. After MANY years of play. Its hardly worth the time, since its just a big heap of valuable gems and gold... when you have enough gold to buy the damn palace nearly. wtf! It even had a cutscene.
The trapped portraits in Spellhold dungeon. 'You may take the portrait if you wish.' then it shoots green disintegrate ray. Whoosh! 'Aeugggh!' a npc gone forever. always gets me for some reason.
First time close encounter with a pack of beholders/gauths was memorable too. Huh? Are they bugged, how many spells are they casting wait where is Minsc (disintegrated) now they petrified Aerie, woah my pc is held, what is going on here!?!?
So this just happened: I guess they're supposed to comment when the rep changes, but it was still high enough to get a positive reaction. It was funny though.
As a ranger, returning to my home in the woods near that little village only to find out that I can not enter. All my valuable items locked inside forever.
I was in another plane ffs. In a huge spaceship sphere fighting demons. That is why you could not find me to assist you with whatever attacked the village.
If this is not the ultimate excuse I do not know what is.
So this just happened: I guess they're supposed to comment when the rep changes, but it was still high enough to get a positive reaction. It was funny though.
This pic made me totally want to start a new (crazy?) Chaotic Neutral Bard adventure, sweeping Neera off her feet
She's more sane than she seems. She actually takes it seriously. I have to admit, Im a little disappointed.
So this just happened: I guess they're supposed to comment when the rep changes, but it was still high enough to get a positive reaction. It was funny though.
Great! A very interesting thread! Where to begin at and where to finish? I wonder...
1) From BG1, late game. When you learn that Gorion had been a Harper! 2) The autograph from Larryl, Darryl, and Darryl. 3) The doomsayer who guarded the archeology site and the idol of Kozah the Stormstar. I mean, his attack was a REAL, PROPER ambush! 4) The drop of the riddle that made no sense and had no solution. About the chair and its legs. That you can sell for 100 gp. 5) The tour... of a dungeon...?!? As if it was a sightseeing for tourists! Then the final boss appear and kill everyone? What a poor and terrible tourist policy and practice! 6) The incident in baldur's gate, about an ugly, old, perverted mage, watching secretly and stalking at night, a pair of underage, child, girls, "while they were undressing"! Plus, a kinky druid woman, doing exactly the same, and asking you to kill the man, so she can keep the "loot" all to herself! I was so WTF there, that i left no one alive, besides ONLY the 2 little, poor, hapless girls, that were also very frightened and crying (poor things). 7) That Irenicus, "touched, Imoen". And after that, she was absent minded, mumbling nonsense, and her belt was missing. Damn that old pervert, as if the cloned queen and the dryad collection had not been enough for his "experiments" already! Some people are greed incarnate! 8) The bureaucracy of Amn. It reminded me about real life, laws, documents, the bureau, etc. Something is forbidden, outlawed, punishable by law, even by imprisonment and/or death, yet lots of people in power doing it as they please without consequences, and if you shadily pay up a tidy sum, or get the errand boy the connections' way, you are allowed LEGALLY and OFFICIALLY to indulge in whatever it was that was illegal and punishable, not two minutes ago, supposedly for everyone and without discrimination... 9) That from all the children, only Imoen and Sarevok could ever ally with us. And only one of them never attempted to harm us. 10) The talking sword... That one was fabulous, priceless, epic. Near the epicness of Minsc and Boo, i daresay. 11) Minsc and Boo. The epitome of epicness and WTF moments in, no, throughout the entire saga. But those two need an entirely different category, all by themselves!
From all these, mostly number six left me dumbstruck. And i really wonder; is the game, really, 13+??? I mean, the concubines, the dryads, the sirines, the nymphs, the npc psychos that try to abuse aforementioned creatures (ragefast locking the nymph into his house etc)... I don't know. Fantasy or no fantasy, the game was a little bit troubling, awkward and downright creepy, in many fields, should you actually bother to explore a lot and struggle to look into everything around you, in its world...
P.S. I was really very WTF at the map, wherein a boy asks you to find his dog, which was a wolf, and the child an Ogre Mage from the nine hells! One of my favorites, too!
7) That Irenicus, "touched, Imoen". And after that, she was absent minded, mumbling nonsense, and her belt was missing. Damn that old pervert, as if the cloned queen and the dryad collection had not been enough for his "experiments" already! Some people are greed incarnate!
Ugh, I know, I felt so bad for Imoen. ;___;
First one had to be the girl at the waterfall with her dead cat. Second, finding out that there was a sequel. Third, well, this one is actually pretty funny. Sooo when I would...regularly uninstall and reinstall BG games because I had no idea what "mod install order" meant, I'd just dump my old portrait and sound folders info the game directory and call it a day. Then, upon starting a new game, I noticed Imoen's portrait was different! It was Alyson Hannigan. And her big, soul-trapping brown eyes. At first, I was like, "eh, whatever, must be some mod component". Nope, kept happening. Only much later on did I figure out what I'd done, and this is why I get sort of uncomfortable whenever I see Alyson Hannigan. Fourth, the first time I saw Bodhi. I was sooort of freaked. Fifth, my first chunking. Sixth, returning to Candlekeep. Maaan.
But after having to slaughter an entire city of not-entirely-cursed people in WarCraft III, nothing else that came up in games really bothered me that much. !
Overkill much???
After killing the dogs, you have to cook the meat at the stove at the bottom of the stairs on the keep entrance level. Then, an invisible or stealthed character has to take the dog meat stew past the umberhulks and drop it into the feeding cave. They will run down there and stay there as long as your invisible character makes it back up to Torgal's outer chamber without being seen.
Nalia's servant at the secret keep entrance gives you the clue about doing this if you talk to him and go over all the information he has.
Playing really evil bounty hunter solo in tutu, and slsughtering 3 or 4 Flamming Fist gangs... for almost 0 xp. Ffs, those guys were tough.
Got my revenge in the big city... I kept triggering the 'summon guards' script and left at least 50 corpses for the Silvershields to clean up.
First time I played evil, not knowing how the jerks spawn would get me swarmed to death by Flamming Fist. Wtf, why even let me be evil?! lol
Finding all the treasure in the Duchal Palace after a Doppelganger ran away. Total wtf... even a cutscene!
Found Kangaxx the hard way on my first run-through (that's when I started reading dialogs more carefully).
Walked face-first into Firkraag "hmmm, seems like a big open room with nothing..." sprite spawn.
Irenicus final battle, part 2, and then 3.
But even with all that, the most memorable moment to this day was Bondari.
First time close encounter with a pack of beholders/gauths was memorable too. Huh? Are they bugged, how many spells are they casting wait where is Minsc (disintegrated) now they petrified Aerie, woah my pc is held, what is going on here!?!?
Wait a second... I don't remember a portal being there before, and where am I? A lich! Not a problem. I've beaten one of those before.
HOLY #@%^!
I beat Saladrex, the Mind Flayers and the Githyanki, what's the worst that could happen?
*Casts Imprisonment on solo Charname*
I guess they're supposed to comment when the rep changes, but it was still high enough to get a positive reaction. It was funny though.
I was in another plane ffs. In a huge spaceship sphere fighting demons. That is why you could not find me to assist you with whatever attacked the village.
If this is not the ultimate excuse I do not know what is.
1) From BG1, late game. When you learn that Gorion had been a Harper!
2) The autograph from Larryl, Darryl, and Darryl.
3) The doomsayer who guarded the archeology site and the idol of Kozah the Stormstar. I mean, his attack was a REAL, PROPER ambush!
4) The drop of the riddle that made no sense and had no solution. About the chair and its legs. That you can sell for 100 gp.
5) The tour... of a dungeon...?!? As if it was a sightseeing for tourists! Then the final boss appear and kill everyone? What a poor and terrible tourist policy and practice!
6) The incident in baldur's gate, about an ugly, old, perverted mage, watching secretly and stalking at night, a pair of underage, child, girls, "while they were undressing"! Plus, a kinky druid woman, doing exactly the same, and asking you to kill the man, so she can keep the "loot" all to herself! I was so WTF there, that i left no one alive, besides ONLY the 2 little, poor, hapless girls, that were also very frightened and crying (poor things).
7) That Irenicus, "touched, Imoen". And after that, she was absent minded, mumbling nonsense, and her belt was missing. Damn that old pervert, as if the cloned queen and the dryad collection had not been enough for his "experiments" already! Some people are greed incarnate!
8) The bureaucracy of Amn. It reminded me about real life, laws, documents, the bureau, etc. Something is forbidden, outlawed, punishable by law, even by imprisonment and/or death, yet lots of people in power doing it as they please without consequences, and if you shadily pay up a tidy sum, or get the errand boy the connections' way, you are allowed LEGALLY and OFFICIALLY to indulge in whatever it was that was illegal and punishable, not two minutes ago, supposedly for everyone and without discrimination...
9) That from all the children, only Imoen and Sarevok could ever ally with us. And only one of them never attempted to harm us.
10) The talking sword... That one was fabulous, priceless, epic. Near the epicness of Minsc and Boo, i daresay.
11) Minsc and Boo. The epitome of epicness and WTF moments in, no, throughout the entire saga. But those two need an entirely different category, all by themselves!
From all these, mostly number six left me dumbstruck. And i really wonder; is the game, really, 13+??? I mean, the concubines, the dryads, the sirines, the nymphs, the npc psychos that try to abuse aforementioned creatures (ragefast locking the nymph into his house etc)... I don't know. Fantasy or no fantasy, the game was a little bit troubling, awkward and downright creepy, in many fields, should you actually bother to explore a lot and struggle to look into everything around you, in its world...
P.S. I was really very WTF at the map, wherein a boy asks you to find his dog, which was a wolf, and the child an Ogre Mage from the nine hells! One of my favorites, too!
First one had to be the girl at the waterfall with her dead cat.
Second, finding out that there was a sequel.
Third, well, this one is actually pretty funny. Sooo when I would...regularly uninstall and reinstall BG games because I had no idea what "mod install order" meant, I'd just dump my old portrait and sound folders info the game directory and call it a day. Then, upon starting a new game, I noticed Imoen's portrait was different! It was Alyson Hannigan. And her big, soul-trapping brown eyes. At first, I was like, "eh, whatever, must be some mod component". Nope, kept happening. Only much later on did I figure out what I'd done, and this is why I get sort of uncomfortable whenever I see Alyson Hannigan.
Fourth, the first time I saw Bodhi. I was sooort of freaked.
Fifth, my first chunking.
Sixth, returning to Candlekeep. Maaan.
But after having to slaughter an entire city of not-entirely-cursed people in WarCraft III, nothing else that came up in games really bothered me that much.