Earliest Haste Scroll

Topic says it all; spoiler: The earliest haste scroll I know of in bg classic is in cloakwood mines on a mage 2nd floor. anyone know a quciker way to get haste apart from recruiting edwin when he is level 6?
Aside from that it is a rare random drop from creatures that drop level 3 spell scrolls such as ogre mages, doppelgangers and greater basilisks and others.
TALANTHYR! Not Tethyr, Saradush is in Tethyr.
You can get lots in Durlag's Tower's second basement, but it will be difficult for low level parties, you can easily do it in chapter 2 if you have a good thief.
Going to Cloakwood will be waaay faster unless playing a very small party.
But Cloakwood is so far... I feel like the game is mostly over if I can beat Dave. I'd rather go pop some basilisks for xp.
in my opinion this is probably the easiest and fastest way to get a haste scroll that doesn't require going to cloakwood or durlags tower to get one, I've done this a few times to get one, sometimes it takes 100 reloads, sometimes it takes 10
I mean obviously we all want one, but to go out of your way, it must be important.
I was just wondering if there was something in particular the OP wanted it for, some exploit or other, or plan to be carried out.
(in other words, have they got an idea that the rest of us might like to use now it's been thought of)
although I have had games where I unintentionally find like 5 of them in one game, but then I could play 10 games in a row and not find it at all, but because I do the reload ogre mage thing, I always find at least one now