Most Dreaded Spells

What spells do you hate the most when an enemy magic user pulls it on you?
Mine, by far, are these two: FOG spells, ICE STORM and CHAOS.
FOGS, all/any summoned creatures disappear, we're taking instant, damage, I pause and try to get my characters to run out of the cloud, but if I forget to turn off AI, they run right back in!
ICE STORM, same thing.
I've learned to pull back when these happen instead of trying to ZONE OF SWEET AIR or something; just get out of dodge. In the Sullendessalar (SoA), the Raksasha like to pull both of these too; I generally pull back and lo and behold, one or two will follow and get pummelled by us as they have culled themselves away from the herd.
But the worst, I think, is that CHAOS spell. Winning a battle depends on having control of your characters, and losing control of your characters is losing control of the battle.
CHARM spells are also a close runner-up, especially when they pull that on the strongest fighter who also happens to be wearing BOOTS OF SPEED ... and disastrous when pulled on the protagonist!
Mine, by far, are these two: FOG spells, ICE STORM and CHAOS.
FOGS, all/any summoned creatures disappear, we're taking instant, damage, I pause and try to get my characters to run out of the cloud, but if I forget to turn off AI, they run right back in!
ICE STORM, same thing.
I've learned to pull back when these happen instead of trying to ZONE OF SWEET AIR or something; just get out of dodge. In the Sullendessalar (SoA), the Raksasha like to pull both of these too; I generally pull back and lo and behold, one or two will follow and get pummelled by us as they have culled themselves away from the herd.
But the worst, I think, is that CHAOS spell. Winning a battle depends on having control of your characters, and losing control of your characters is losing control of the battle.
CHARM spells are also a close runner-up, especially when they pull that on the strongest fighter who also happens to be wearing BOOTS OF SPEED ... and disastrous when pulled on the protagonist!
Chaos and Charm is easily prevented by Chaotic Commands.
Omg the first time I came across it at the Black Dragon in Suldanesselar, I didn't even know what it was. It instantly shut down spell casting in my entire party, and despite drinking copious amounts of healing potions, I lost 4 party members before the effects of the spell wore off. Absolutely devastating.
A close second/tie would be Dispel Magic. Worse still are the Remove Magic x3 sequencers. So many buffs down the drain...
For spells if have to say death spells are a nuisance (especially if I don't have a death ward memorized or my summons all suddenly die)
Contingencies are a pain too. Just a lot of -sigh- *spam breach,true seeing,secret word, etc.*
Enchantment spells (hold, sleep, fear, charm) are a game breaker in bg1 -.-
Yes I HATE that spell. Absolutely destroyed my party in Watcher's Keep, and forced me to temporarily abandon my 'playing blind' principles in order to find a way to rescue 5 (five!) Imprisoned companions...
Yes I HATE that spell. Absolutely destroyed my party in Watcher's Keep, and forced me to temporarily abandon my 'playing blind' principles in order to find a way to rescue 5 (five!) Imprisoned companions...
Oh... and in the case of Azamantes... he cast Imprisonment on Keldorn during a Timestop! That's just cruel!
Oops and didn't mean to double post... sorry!
Getting skull trapped to death in a sequencer or time stop gets on my nerves, too.
At medium levels, Maze and Symbol:Stun are pretty bad. I've had party wipes to Symbol:Stun.
At low levels, it would be Sleep if the game didn't wisely deny it to low-level enemy casters. (SCS gives it to them, but there's *no* defense at levels 1-4. Your only recourse is to hope to kill them before they can cast, maybe through stealth and backstabbing, or to use metaknowledge and memorize the locations of all Sleep casters, until level 5.)
In the vanilla game, I think my most feared spell for low levels is Hold Person. (Rigid Thinking is pretty bad, too.) Clerics are way scarier than mages to my low level parties.
Use secret word/pierce magic/ruby ray/warding whip. Warding whip is especially nice because it keeps working. Then breach for the melee protections. Make sure you have some form of elemental damage on your weapon or poison to go through stone skin since that comes back with contingencies.
Arrows of dispelling and carosmyr and staff of the magi are great too.
In BG, imprisonment simply cast his 9 cast time, if you end the casting, the target is fucked (unless it's an berserker in berserker mode or the target has spell immunity: Abjuration active).
Of course the Trap the soul version of imprisonment that Demi-liches cast is instantaneous and require no casting time.
Kinda of remember me ascension mod, when we get immunity to imprisonment in the last battle... wow great, immunity to something that we will not be submited to anymore, very nice...
Fear/Stun can be bad if you aren't prepared for them, but confusion is always a pain no matter what.
As far as what I consider 'legitimate' spells, it's definitely Chaos in BG1. Pretty much every mage in the TotSC content uses it, and if you're using SCS then you run into it as early as Beregost. SILKE casts it, for crying out loud. At the lower BG1 levels, you can't really protect against it; you can only minimize its impact. This is another reason solo playthroughs are generally easier (despite people treating them as 'challenges'), because you only have to protect one character at a time. With a full party of 6, somebody is going to get affected and start ruining your day.
What I do hate are spells like Creeping Doom, which late in the game can wreck your buff layers if you're not careful, because you gotta dispel them somehow. I also hate frequent Time Stop + all sorts of Contingency spells combos late in the game, especially the ones with immunity buffs, because it is tedious to strip them off. Lately, I just take Keldorn with me and smack those buffing mages with a well placed dispel.
Even worse when it ends a romance automatically.
In Spellhold, I always make sure my newly-acquired "Boots of Speed" are NOT on the protagonist before meeting Bodhi ....
that about cover it? :P
So something interesting I found playing BGEE recently. If you know you're in a fight where charms will be used (yay metagaming), just make minsc berserk and he'll be immune to prolly want him surrounded by enemies first though. I learned this fighting the Sirines.
Edit: Realized some I forgot a few words while typing.