7385 [CORE] The usability flag "Neutral ..." (5) should not exclude True Neutral

The automatically generated usability description at the bottom of each item description appears to be missing the "True Neutral" alignment entry.
The usability option for "True Neutral" can be set by either of two separate bits in the item usability flags. Setting bit 3 (...Neutral) does show the "True Neutral" string correctly. Setting bit 5 (Neutral...) does NOT show the string, even though the item restriction is active.
The usability option for "True Neutral" can be set by either of two separate bits in the item usability flags. Setting bit 3 (...Neutral) does show the "True Neutral" string correctly. Setting bit 5 (Neutral...) does NOT show the string, even though the item restriction is active.
Post edited by Jalily on
Registered as 7385.