I'm torn between the two graphic styles

I liked the BG2 style, but I also loved the BG1 style since to me looking at characters being alittle bigger seemed alright to me in my opinion, but at the same time, I loved the new look BG2 did with the armor and such, but they shrank the people lol.
so no worry
BG2 Weapons and Armor looks
BG1 paperdolls (BG2 had the ugliest paperdolls/anything I have ever seen. Seeing an elf burned my eyes)
I hoped we would get the BG1 animations as optional to use, but this dual wielding issue is making things complicated.
The zoom feature for BG:EE helps, I guess. The characters don't have to be tinier anymore. But I've never been been a fan of the skinnier figures in BG2.
Paperdolls in BG2 vie for one of the most unsighty pictures a human's eyes could stand wihtout quite liquefying (but since the game also came with hideous inventory icons to go with them, I'd wager many gamers actually had their eyes liquefied while playing).
Don't even get me started on the shields...
BG1 Graphics all the way!!
We can all agree that, ideally, BGEE should be like this:
BG1 graphics + BG2 engine = WIN!