Using EE Keeper to use your favorite BG1EE NPC Party in BG2EE

Just curious if anyone besides me did this?
I used EE Keeper to export two my favorite party members from the final save of BG1EE and imported them into BG2EE.
Xzar and Montaron.
I know the're in BG2EE already as plot related quest, But I wanted them back as my canon party from BG1EE...
So after finishing BG1EE, i imported them into the BG2EE Multiplayer Game. Then i saved that game after speaking with Imoen and copy it to Single Player Game.
Before i start though... I made sure i extracted the BG1EE NPC's voiceset in BG2EE override folder first, before going into the BG2EE.
Even though the BG2 NPC's don't have text dialog with BG1EE NPC's. A banter can trigger between Xzar, Montaron and the BG2EE NPC's. But its random...
The NPC's don't say any text to Xzar or Montaron. So Xzar or Montaron can come off a bit crazy...
For Xzar and Montaron to come off as canon from the start. I would avoid Renfeld's request to return to the Harper Hold.
Yes... this destroys the Harper Quest. But it makes since...
I used EE Keeper to export two my favorite party members from the final save of BG1EE and imported them into BG2EE.
Xzar and Montaron.
I know the're in BG2EE already as plot related quest, But I wanted them back as my canon party from BG1EE...
So after finishing BG1EE, i imported them into the BG2EE Multiplayer Game. Then i saved that game after speaking with Imoen and copy it to Single Player Game.
Before i start though... I made sure i extracted the BG1EE NPC's voiceset in BG2EE override folder first, before going into the BG2EE.
Even though the BG2 NPC's don't have text dialog with BG1EE NPC's. A banter can trigger between Xzar, Montaron and the BG2EE NPC's. But its random...
The NPC's don't say any text to Xzar or Montaron. So Xzar or Montaron can come off a bit crazy...
For Xzar and Montaron to come off as canon from the start. I would avoid Renfeld's request to return to the Harper Hold.
Yes... this destroys the Harper Quest. But it makes since...
Post edited by Vasculio on
In the next play through im going to avoid any romance with Jaheira. Have Xzar and Montaron from the start without gear of course.
I did the same for Ajantis... I waited until after I slayed the knights in Windspear Hill. before importing him in.
The only way around that canon is to not bring Keldorn with the group.
In BG2, the "create poison arrows" doesn't work anymore, presumably because the ability doesn't exist at all. (Not that it would be very good, it's a tedious ability to begin with, so I don't mind. Changed him to Jester, but still use Long Bow/Spear/Scimitar).
Dynaheir has always been one of my favorite BG1 NPCs, but I never cared much for Minsc (at least not in BG1 - he's a lot better in BG2 admittedly). During my current playthrough, Minsc was killed in the Nashkel mines and I rescued Dynaheir without ever bothering to resurrect Minsc. I'd love for a way to start off BG2 with Dynaheir exported from BG1, and also somehow remove Minsc's character file from the game so that he isn't present in his cell - or would that just cause the game to crash?
The second idea would definitely be a problem for me - not only because of the complexity, but I almost always have Aerie in my BG2 party.
Anyway, I should probably start a separate thread on this topic before I derail someone else's.
I thought replacing/transforming Minsc into someone you're less attached to would work, so you'd have an easier time not opening the cell (or simply dismissing the new NPC early). With Aerie, you'd have mismatched dialogue all the time, with comments about Dynaheir being dead. So yeah, not optimal.
On a similar note, I really wish I could replace Minsc with Shar-Teel. She's a frequent endgame party member in BG1, while I never have Minsc or Jaheira (or Imoen, for that matter). Shar-Teel would even fit in the role and break her own cage, but it's even harder to ignore a sudden male voice on her.
Were you able to extract the subtitles for the voices as well?
UPDATE: I just experimented with Dynaheir and found that the subtitles apparently extract along with the character herself. I'm not sure how to extract the voice files, so she just remains silent while the subtitles read, "Watch thee where thy place that pointer!," LOL.
I was able to get the sounds working alright, but the subtitles no longer appear once I assign the voice set to the character. Do you or @Vasculio know of a way to keep the subtitles? (not that it's that big of a deal)
I once proposed an "alternate evil" beginning for BG2 which included Shar-Teel:
I always felt the makers of BG2 really dropped the ball by not bringing back Shar-Teel. For starters, there was a lot of potential to explore her backstory (as you yourself described in another thread, IIRC). She also would've been very useful as a dual-classed thief, given that one of the game's biggest deficiencies is its lack of thieves (even still IMO, despite the addition of Hexxat). She also would've provided another evil NPC, which the game also suffers from a lack of.
Xzar, as I posted on various occassions, would also make a really good addition. There are Imoen, Nalia and Aerie as good aligned arcane casters, and only Edwin for evil. Xzar had so much potential here - with the stat boost all returning NPCs got, he would be able to dual to cleric (or already come dualed like Imoen) and be the evil counterpart to Aerie (though mechanically slightly inferior with no mage advancement). There is already the small quest that could as well be a recruitment quest, and a 50/50 chance that you really rescue Montaron and get both (or the assassin and it plays out like it does now) could add a nice twist. Lots of story potential, too, to further explore the Harpers vs Zhentarim conflict. He and Monty (who would also address the lack of thieves) could be open about it this time and add a lot more backstory.
It would be great if the starting NPCs would depend at least a bit on charname's alignment - sort of an educated guess who was in the BG1 party (it's a guess now, too). Neutral charnames would find Imoen, Jaheira and possibly Branwen (who fits the "breaking cage with strength" best from the neutrals), evil charnames would find Shar-Teel (in Minsc's role), Imoen (for story reasons, obviously) and Eldoth (with Skie as "dead spouse", just a less... heartbroken dialogue when finding the body - sticking with the Jaheira/Khalid dynamic, and maybe the loss can somehow be used to explain why Shar-Teel didn't kill him - It's hard to find an evil NPC who has a different class than her and isn't in the game already otherwise; Tiax would be a nice fit if he wasn't in Spellhold. Could even have him brought there by Irenicus if you completely rewrote the beginning...)
I'll attach so you can download it yourself. Just go into the Baldurs Gate folder of either BG1EE or BG2EE and just open all the folder until you spot the chitin.key file. Open it and you will see all the content catagories