What do you think about BG3?

Does it really have to be launched?
- What do you think about BG3?139 votes
- Yes, it would be nice79.14%
- No need for BG3, but combining the 'BG:EE' and 'BG2:EE' in 'BG:EE Complete' would be cool  9.35%
- No, since the originality of the game would be questionable, and probably the game will not bring the same "feeling" as the previous two games11.51%
In short, same focus, different story and I'm game.
But remember, The Black Hound was going to be a true sequel, it had the same gameplay but updated to the maxx. If we get something like that I'm happy. Or we could play as a new Bhaalspawn, or the Ward's Love Child from that hooker in Amn. Either way, I hope for a sidequest that honours Black Isle's cancelled The Black Hound.
I want a party based top-down isometric cRPG set in a d&d setting, i just don`t know if it`s BG3 i want.
@tr_ond: I agree, but i wouldn't be adverse to a top done iso rpg in the fallout universe either. 3d doesn't seem to work for me in that game.
But beside that.. I just want more of that Infinity engine gaming!
So really.. if you at a point dont have anything else to use your spare time on, give Fall out New vegas another try
As for 'sequel', I'm not sure why it has to be one at all. Baldur's gate is a big place. Evil sprouts up wherever this is opportunity. killed all of the main evil threats, leaving a vacuum for new would-be evil to fill. It requires that we take up our Boots of Butt Kicking, +3, along w
I'm also all for Infinity Engine (or something similar – 2D in any case) and hope that if it's made, it's within AD&D or 3(.5)ED setting and rules, not that post 1374 DR crap when they start to kill off all deities.
BG 1 & 2 could be about the Bhaalspawn's story, BG 3 & 4 could be about a CHARNAME 50/100 years later, centered in the area around Baldur's Gate and that part of the Sword Coast.. and if we happen to get the same kind of interconnected maps that were in 1 rather than the half-dozen outdoor areas that were in 2 I'd be even happier.
I think the franchise has great potential, the suits just need finish negotiations already
1 and 2 made the basic for the gameworld, they have fantastic histories, the humor is great and the random encounters alone have made my day more than once. I prefer the isometric view of the old games to the new "first person" view. And especially when it comes to fallout 3 the grey on grey enviroment got on my nerves in the long run.
On the plus side, for the new games that is, I think they have gotten the fallout humor just right, especially if you have the "wild wasteland"-perk. It adds some of those whacky encounters that I really loved in the original games. I also really like their take on the roaming around in the wasteland. But once again I find that New Vegas do it better.. simply because there are so many damn buildings blocking your way, in Fallout 3. One thing I think Fallout 3 does better though, is the radio stations.. 3 Dog is just so damn great. New Vegas man in New Vegas try to pick up the torch.. but at least in my oppinion he is still abit from it.
Of the 2 new games, Fallout New Vegas is the best without a doubt. The enviroment changes some, and that at least is important for me. And funny that you mention it.. I also had an encounter or 2 with rad scorpions just east of the starting village.. running like a little girl, is probably the best description of my tactic with that encounter...
I also like the ending in Fallout New vegas better.. Without spoiling it.. I find that you can tailor it more to your personal liking.
But as I started out saying.. judging between these games are rather hard. Fallout 1 and 2 were some of the best games I played back then.. and espcially New Vegas are one of the better new games I have played.
I hope this ramble gave you an idea of, if you should try out new vegas or not