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Under Review: Nalia



  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    edited July 2014
    Great character, awful execution as far as her kits go. I like having her in the group and I like her quests and I love getting a Castle when I'm allowed but I don't find her all that useful. Her thief skills kinda suck and she can't really cast magic as well as anyone else. Although I love her I find Jan far more helpful. Not to mention, Turnips.
    What more do you need, then a big turnip.
  • fanscalefanscale Member Posts: 81
    Nalia is good as a temp: She starts to get get more spells and you want to keep her. Then she becomes boring.
    Imoen becomes boring to me as well.
  • jscohenjscohen Member Posts: 117
    At the risk of being complainy, I'm not sure the responses really cover the complete range of possibilities. Still, I voted for the "I like Nalia" one - you don't have to find a character pleasant or agree with them for them to be an interesting character. And while there is of course a limit for that, and a lot of characters in recent games, movies, and TV shows are so noxious and overbearing that you can barely watch them, Nalia works in the context of this game.

    And yeah, I know she's a cliché, but so is Dungeons and Dragons at this point. ;)
  • fanscalefanscale Member Posts: 81
    She qualifies as illusionist. That could be a much more interesting Nalia.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    edited July 2014
    @fanscale‌ I was actually going to modify her cre. file so it was an illusionist/thief, or any other specialist kit but I'm not sure if it would feel to much like a knock off of Jan. . .
    Failing that I could just change her class entirely... straight wizard or sorcerer. . . or thief and let the user decide when to dual.
  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    I don't really like her, because she's an average thief and has weird spell choices. Her personality is annoying, though not even close to how annoying Imoen is (I never use Imoen). The only time I like her is after we meet her betrothed (I don't know how to spell his name).

    And her voice annoys me after having her in my party for about a day.
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