Solaufein for BG2:EE
in BGII:EE Mods
Are there plans to update Solaufein for EE or has it already been and I'm just late?
If you like stuff like permanently invisible protected from all kinds of magic especially the kind of magic that lets you dispel his invisiblity vampire liches then by all means go for this mod.
The mod illustrates how powerful the fighter/mage can be but you'd better play a charname F/M without the extra weapons and spells.
The initial idea was excellent though.
This mod is an early masterpiece. However (humble warning) I wanted to point out that the mod is designed with tactical challenges in mind. And perhaps it won't meet your RP expectations.
Moreover it will be difficult to ignore how powerful the npc is/becomes, unbalancing your party composition.
I was going to edit him a bit in EE Keeper but he is not compatible with it. All the text gets messed up and scrambled, one spell scroll gets renamed to some undes, lol.
I uninstalled his mod opened eekeeper made the changes, saved and reinstalled that seems to have worked.
Run it and have it extract to the path above then run his setup file.
1. Download the mod from the Weidu site. I accidentally loaded the v103 instead 104, and had to dig around a little to find the v104.
2. Make a backup of your BG2:EE with Steam's backup helper tool just in case. (The game is at Steam\steamapps\common)
3. From the folder lang\en_US pick up the dialog.tlk and copy it to the Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition-root folder, where your Setup_Solaufein.exe is waiting. Because I'm overly careful, I made another copy in another folder just incase I messed things up.
4. Run the .exe file. If it bugs, create an "override" folder in the root folder and try again.
5. Take the dialog.tlk and move it back to lang\en_US.
That should do it.
When i install the Solamod and invite him, my PC are hang-up and i must reset. I have found this Thread and testet the Tipp from Hiisi.
My PC not hang-up, but Solaufein have no Text, there are missing Strings.
And a updated version from this mod is not available... i like this mod very much.
Because its the only reasonable mod for a female Player... the only other Romance is.. Anomen.... *Urgh!* Oh and Rasaad.. but the End from him is not so good... can someone help?
The game crashed due to incorrect encoding. To remedy other languages requires encode tra files from the language folder to utf-8 encoding
The mod seems to work okay, just that Sola's portrait is incorrectly sized.
maybe someone would like to translate it :P
Wah Angel, i love you! *hug hug* It works!
Hach i like Fans and her Community. They have answer for problems and fix it. From the Publisher... looking of the German Soundproblem. The Steam Version is two Years old and wath have in the Time done? Nothing!
White Angus from baldurs-gate Forum, have made a Fix for the Community by herself.
So, this works with 2.X?
But if you replace the number 3 with a 4 in that URL, you can download version v014:
EE compatibility
@brunardo and others who have been asking, I had a cursory look at the mod's TP2 code and TRA files (and the associated patches in the Big World Fixpack).I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that:
- If you install the English version of the mod with Big World Setup, it'll hopefully work fine on the EE... Except for one incorrectly encoded letter in Sola's dialog when he turns into a Vampire, which will either cause that letter to be missing in that line of dialog if you're luckly, or cause a crash if you're unlucky.
- If you install it on the EE without BWS (and also don't manually apply the patches that BWS applies), you might break unrelated parts of the game in subtle ways, because some IDS files will be overwritten with their BG2:ToB (pre-EE) versions.
- If you install one of the non-English translations on the EE without fixing the encoding first, the game will almost certainly crash when you reach the mod content.
I got to go now, but I might add more details (and an attempt at properly fixing the encoding issue) later today.Solafein V1.04+
White Queen
Back to Brynnlaw
Foundling: Between Shades NPC
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COM Encounters
Amber/Ninde/Saerileth/Isra NPC
Angelo/Tsujatha NPC
Vampire Tales
Banterpack/IEP Banter Pack
UB/Almateria restoration
BG tweaks
Drizzt saga BG1 (Wyrm)
BG Mini quest
Quest pack
Dungeon Crawl
Tower of Deception (wyrm)
Ellistraee's Song (SHS)
Shadows of Soubar
The Undying
Freedom reign/reign of virtue
Tales of Deep Gardens
Portrait everywhere
Wheels of Prophecy?
Weidu/Item upgrade
Corans/Ajantis extended talk
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BG NPC Project/Music Banter
Stone of Avaskar
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Boat to Kara Tur
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Team BG BG2EE weapon/armor
The picture standard
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