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[Ranger Stronghold Quest 2] Delon never showed up to warn me and now the townspeople hate me.



  • gcharmagcharma Member Posts: 6
    That's basically correct - at this point, in that save I haven't been back to Umar Hills yet as when I did and spoke to the mayor, he told me how crappy a Ranger I was, etc. :)

    I reloaded and started looking for options, which led me here. It was just that second Ranger quest where Delon gets involved where it all fell apart. Any way out for me?
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Try this @gcharma‌ I have moved the ogronassault timer to about 3 times the previous value.
  • gcharmagcharma Member Posts: 6
    That seems to have done it! I went to Umar Hills, talked to the mayor, and he assigned me the quest. Finished it up and everything seems good. As a test, I took the value for OgronAssault from the save you edited (it was set to 9293718), added it to another save I worked on a bit after I sent you the file and it worked a treat.

    Thanks all!
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Good to hear it. Bumping the number up often works with timers!
    (whatever the first digit is I replace it with a 9 so 3293719 becomes 9293719)
  • Nighthunter101Nighthunter101 Member Posts: 3
    I also have this problem I've tried the script posted but it doesn't work. I've attached my save and if any one could help it would be appreciated.
  • Nighthunter101Nighthunter101 Member Posts: 3
    I returned to the town in the Umar Hills and everyone now hates me. I looked this up and discovered that apparently Delon was supposed to talk to me but I must have missed him. Is there any way to fix this? I've uploaded my save in case that helps.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
  • Nighthunter101Nighthunter101 Member Posts: 3
    That fixed it. Thanks alot.
  • SdariSdari Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2014

    I have the same problem, no Devlon showed up so I missed the quest completely and am now locked out from the cabin and hated in the village.

    I've been trying to modify my save with EE keeper and I can get the ogre attack to start, problem is that Madulf is nowhere to be found. Any ideas?

    **edit: I managed to fix this by modifying an earlier save where I hadn't gone to umar and failed the quest yet.**
    Post edited by Sdari on
  • VyrulisseVyrulisse Member Posts: 108
    I had this same issue in the original Baldur's Gate 2 and the way I "avoided" it was basically just rest in the cabin a lot and each day I'd step outside to see if Delon was around. It was a rather boring little vacation but as long as I never left Umar Hills the quest always fired off like it was supposed to. :P
  • iknowjack123iknowjack123 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2015
    Hey I just ran across this bug myself. I know this thread hasn't been touched in ahwile, but is there anyway I could get the zip file that extends the ogre quest timer? I put the 7cfixer and Delon files in and they work (Delon shows up and finally gives me the quest), but the timer is still set to the normal 4 in-game days or w/e so everybody still hates my guts when I eventually make it to town.

    Any help would be much appreciated. This is the situation that happened to me:
    - You have killed the Shade Lord.
    - Madulf has agreed to protect the village.
    - You stopped Lord Tombelthen one way or another.
    - You missed the call to Umar about ogrons.
    - When you then turned up at Umar Madulf and the ogrons have gone.
    - Quest failed town hates your guts
    I know its just a minor bug, but it really grinds my gears I'm locked out of the stronghold quests because of some stupid game flaw.
  • iknowjack123iknowjack123 Member Posts: 5
    Uhh could I get some help with this please? Still locked out of the ranger quest.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    edited February 2019
    Necroing this thread.

    Had this reported to me in G3's Discord, so I poked around. Basically the quest can fail if you happen to be in Imnesvale when the timer to spawn Delon expires (details here).

    If you're already in Imnesvale, you can work around this at the console with:


    This resets the Delon spawn timer and un-fubars the quest. Once you leave the village, in any outdoor area use


    to force Delon to appear.
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