The Black Hound or Baldur's Gate 3

Now let's get this clear, they used to be the same game. They USED TO BE. Now it's just some cancelled game that you USED TO KNOW!. I know, Black Isle's Ghost cries out to Interplay, screaming "You didn't Have to Cut Me off" all the while Dark Alliance II becomes a collectable game sometimes selling for 350 dollars.
Read both opinions for each game and then choose which one you would rather have?
Negative Opinion on Baldur's Gate 3:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? Baldur's Gate 3 - A continuation of the Bhaalspawn Saga, non-canon in the Realms-verse (because after the mess that Athans wrote, there is no way in fu*k that even Karpyshyn, with a second shot, could fix it) game where you essentially go through the same game, some guy tries to take your power, and you have some morality factor judging where you can be a Good God, Bad God or Guy who believes himself not good enough to be a god. Oh and it's in 4e rules, good luck with that, bitch.
Positive Opinion on Baldur's Gate 3:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? Baldur's Gate 3 - The True Conclusion to the Bhaalspawn Saga, long awaited, new graphics, updated gameplay and a story bound by NO Canon (because after the Spellplague, there is NO WAY the devs are making Duergar Devils). If it ain't broke, don't fix it, because we all know that we want to see the successor of Bodhi to try and take your powers, we all want the return of Bhaal, we all want this and we all just want that GAMEPLAY UPDATED TO MODERN RULES, just so that we can play cleaner, because 2e won't translate into what BG3 will be.
Negative Opinion on The Black Hound:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? The Black Hound - An original game set in the Dalelands, a land not touched yet by RPG lore aside from Tethyamar and allowing for such room from expansion, that the devs, after thinking of worthless original ideas, are just going to shit themselves and take that in hand. Because we all know that after the Spellplague, everything got watered down in sick shit that flows out like but not diarrhea. All original ideas suck, look at Road to Wrestlemania, look at the Reclaimer Trilogy, look at Makarov and Mass Effect 3. And the gameplay, your making an original game, bound only by name, yet people are going to tell the devs what should or shouldn't be in the gameplay, to stay true to the franchise that it no longer is IN. And 4e can be a bitch.
Positive Opinion on The Black Hound:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? The Black Hound - An original game set in the Dalelands, not yet touched by RPG Lore aside from Tethyamar, fan opinions can be taken in and mixed with the creative thoughts of Samuel L. Oster, we can get an original idea brought from the true source of The Black Hound: Its Cult Following. The unique story brought from this "Cult Hound Following" will allow a game not created by the developers, but created by YOU and YOU yourself, because this could be the game that you actually wanted. Who says all original ideas suck? Look at Dragon Age II's story (not gameplay), look at Rayman Legends, look at the Attitude Mode and finally, look at Branching Stories in CoD. And once again, bound to a NEW Franchise, 4e can be anything you want it to be.
So, tell me, what one would you rather
Read both opinions for each game and then choose which one you would rather have?
Negative Opinion on Baldur's Gate 3:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? Baldur's Gate 3 - A continuation of the Bhaalspawn Saga, non-canon in the Realms-verse (because after the mess that Athans wrote, there is no way in fu*k that even Karpyshyn, with a second shot, could fix it) game where you essentially go through the same game, some guy tries to take your power, and you have some morality factor judging where you can be a Good God, Bad God or Guy who believes himself not good enough to be a god. Oh and it's in 4e rules, good luck with that, bitch.
Positive Opinion on Baldur's Gate 3:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? Baldur's Gate 3 - The True Conclusion to the Bhaalspawn Saga, long awaited, new graphics, updated gameplay and a story bound by NO Canon (because after the Spellplague, there is NO WAY the devs are making Duergar Devils). If it ain't broke, don't fix it, because we all know that we want to see the successor of Bodhi to try and take your powers, we all want the return of Bhaal, we all want this and we all just want that GAMEPLAY UPDATED TO MODERN RULES, just so that we can play cleaner, because 2e won't translate into what BG3 will be.
Negative Opinion on The Black Hound:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? The Black Hound - An original game set in the Dalelands, a land not touched yet by RPG lore aside from Tethyamar and allowing for such room from expansion, that the devs, after thinking of worthless original ideas, are just going to shit themselves and take that in hand. Because we all know that after the Spellplague, everything got watered down in sick shit that flows out like but not diarrhea. All original ideas suck, look at Road to Wrestlemania, look at the Reclaimer Trilogy, look at Makarov and Mass Effect 3. And the gameplay, your making an original game, bound only by name, yet people are going to tell the devs what should or shouldn't be in the gameplay, to stay true to the franchise that it no longer is IN. And 4e can be a bitch.
Positive Opinion on The Black Hound:
But what would you rather have from Overhaul Games? The Black Hound - An original game set in the Dalelands, not yet touched by RPG Lore aside from Tethyamar, fan opinions can be taken in and mixed with the creative thoughts of Samuel L. Oster, we can get an original idea brought from the true source of The Black Hound: Its Cult Following. The unique story brought from this "Cult Hound Following" will allow a game not created by the developers, but created by YOU and YOU yourself, because this could be the game that you actually wanted. Who says all original ideas suck? Look at Dragon Age II's story (not gameplay), look at Rayman Legends, look at the Attitude Mode and finally, look at Branching Stories in CoD. And once again, bound to a NEW Franchise, 4e can be anything you want it to be.
So, tell me, what one would you rather
And Shawne, that is a reasonable opinion. After all, what does the past do other than weigh us down and restrict what we can do. So I guess, go original, just another game in the City of the Best.
BG3 should use 2D isometric graphics and the same 2nd ed. ruleset with kits.
What I do not wish to see for BG3 would be 3D graphics and/or a continuation of the Bhaalspawn saga post-ToB.
As for the actual topic: The main BG series is about your character's journey; so if they make a BG3 it should be about your character and a continuation of his/her story. If that's not the case then the game should be BG: Subtitle. I'd be fine with either, but not with a BG3 that had little to do with your original character.
It'd be like having Halo 4 or Witcher 3 be about a different Spartan/Witcher than MC/Geralt.
It is strangely formulated and reads more like a stream-of-consciousness with copy-pasted bits than an invitation to discussion. As a result is very hard to understand what you're trying to say. @Dream is not saying he doesn't care, he says he has no idea what on earth you're talking about. Neither do I.
Perhaps try re-writing it taking into consideration that most people don't know what you mean by things like "Cult Hound Following" and "Spell Plague", and whether you think it's good or bad and why.
By that standard, why shouldn't Baldur's Gate 3 be an original and unrelated story that happens to be set in the same area?
but like the others, if it's not 2e, then they need to scrap wotc, and make their own system
By that standard, why shouldn't Baldur's Gate 3 be an original and unrelated story that happens to be set in the same area?
True, but different series are based on different things. NWN and IWD are based around their settings with each new iteration based in the same general area but with a new protagonist. This is also true of Dragon Age, Fallout (1 and 2 at least), Bioshock, etc. Other series, however, are based on a particular character. Halo (the main series), Witcher, the LoK games (two protagonists there), Mass Effect, Saints Row, etc. are all like this. Other series still focus around a secondary character or antagonist such as Diablo, System Shock, Crysis (the nanosuit being the focus there), etc. All are valid ways to write a series, but changing from one style to another leads to games feeling out of place (New Vegas feels much more like Fallout 3 than Fallout 3 itself does).
Up to this point the main BG series has very clearly been focused on the protagonist with the setting changing drastically between every iteration (1, 2 and ToB).
Because if you want a brand new forgotten realms game, then it MUST be in 4e.
And thankfully D&D Next does go back to the roots in all the rules that made 4e what it is.
If you don't know what the Spellplague is, it is basically the event that introduced 4th edition to the Forgotten Realms. What they did was nuke the entire setting, kill of numerous gods (Mystra for example) and move the timeline up around 100 years. So almost everything that made the setting what it was is gone.
If Overhaul has to do BG3 in 4th edition Forgotten Realms, then they might as well just forget about it as far as I am concerned.
I'd like to see a BG 3 telling the story of the Heartlands during The Horde invasion, for instance
and worse case, they can remake older games. but yeah, never understood wotc. when the game became about money, not about playing the game, i stopped caring what wotc wants.
my sons on the other hand, speak english as well as you do, and their native tounge of tagalog (pronounced ta-gall-oh) fluently, and you would never guess that either of them wasn't their native.
btw, not a joke, you at least type english better then 90% of people who do claim it as their native tongue.