The real question is: is there a way to cure Hexxat's vampirism?
We gotta remember that she didn't become a vampire by choice, and she repeatedly states that she had no desire to be one. If there is no cure, then Hexxat's gotta do what she's gotta do. She will inevitably die if she does not consume living blood, be it evil or innocent or what have you. That is what vampires do.
If, however, there is a cure to vampirism, it says a lot about Hexxat's morality if she decides to free herself of the curse. Maybe she hates killing innocent people. Maybe she hates the slick warmth sliding down her neck and nourishing her soul. Maybe she'd leap at the chance to free herself of the monster she's become.
Or... (what I think is more likely) Hexxat couldn't give a two cents about her state of being. If she has to kill to survive, then so be it. In fact, after the many times she's drunken blood, she's begun to enjoy it. There is a point when the hunger and lust takes over and she loses herself, but that moment is the greatest high a vampire can achieve. She sneaks off to feed on innocents because they do not put up a fight; they make her life easier than, say, a rogue or a bandit. There's plenty of "meat" running around anyway; it's no different than humans killing animals and roasting them at home. Why should she care about them?
If the above is true, then neutral evil suits her just fine. She's still civil. She still has her kind moments. She tries to not let her curse drag down the rest of the party. She makes friends with other companions. But that selfishness, the killing of others for her own gain--especially if it's possible to prevent--is what makes her evil.
If vampires were a natural creature then I don't think it would be necessary for them to kill anyone at all, since it would be quite impossible for them to drain all the blood out of anyone in one go anyway. They'd gain a lot of weight every time they did. But they could certainly survive taking just say, a pint from someone here and there. And in many vampire stories, that is what you see; they keep a number of humans alive as sort of cattle for themselves to feed on occasionally.
The problem with our supernatural vampires who kill each time they feed is that they're forced to kill other intelligent beings of their own species. In order to do that and not be consumed themselves by guilt, they would have to not feel any empathy for their victims so basically they're forced to become psychopaths.
Remember that many real life psychopaths are actually a lot cleverer than Hexxat, who demonstrates a staggering lack of awareness with Aerie that really would see every non-evil NPC turn on her. But they might not empathize or feel anyone elses pain, but they're quite capable of working out what other people are thinking and feeling on an intellectual level and using that to manipulate people and advance themselves. They can come across as extremely civil and kind, but really it is all about them and when you're not useful or you anger them, then, that's it.... they won't even think about it, just kill you.
I can't say I'm convinced. I perfectly understand what you people mean by 'evil but civil', but I don't think it applies to Hexxat, especially as far as the things I quoted are concerned. You would expect an evil character to firmly defend themselves when they are taking abuse (unless they are cowardly weaklings, which Hexxat certainly isn't). Now it simply looks like Hexxat is just being kind (which is a good trait), no different than Nalia behaves towards Aerie. Actually it is even more remarkable since Aerie isn't in turn nice to Hexxat as she is to Nalia.
I can't say I'm convinced. I perfectly understand what you people mean by 'evil but civil', but I don't think it applies to Hexxat, especially as far as the things I quoted are concerned. You would expect an evil character to firmly defend themselves when they are taking abuse (unless they are cowardly weaklings, which Hexxat certainly isn't). Now it simply looks like Hexxat is just being kind (which is a good trait), no different than Nalia behaves towards Aerie. Actually it is even more remarkable since Aerie isn't in turn nice to Hexxat as she is to Nalia.
Nalia doesn't sneak out and murder anyone... at least she says she only sneaks away to help them. Like I said, psychopaths and sociopaths are both capable of being extremely charismatic, pleasant and even seeming kind... but it's not genuine. They only act like that to advance themselves into a better position and continue living what is really a very parasitic existence.
First important question: Does being polite mean someone cannot be evil? Senator Palpatine was very polite and even eloquent, well until the lightning bolts.
Another important consideration:
The whole luring countless people to their doom to bring about her escape thing. That and the slaughter of Clara when she was done with her was pretty stone cold.
I told the judge : This guy was such a lovely neighbour. Sure, he used to kill people. Trifle and peccadillo ! Always so polite, so thoughtful of others...
Nalia doesn't sneak out and murder anyone... at least she says she only sneaks away to help them. Like I said, psychopaths and sociopaths are both capable of being extremely charismatic, pleasant and even seeming kind... but it's not genuine. They only act like that to advance themselves into a better position and continue living what is really a very parasitic existence.
Again, I'm not saying Hexxat's alignment should have been set to non-evil, but rather that her interaction with the party should have reflected her evil alignment. Compare her to another neutral evil Viconia, who also has a dark nature. When faced with prejudice, Viconia firmly stands her ground. Hexxat could have done the same with civility, but she just takes whatever is thrown at her for some reason. As her kindness not being genuine, I don't see the point. She knows that her fellow party members know that she is a vampire, she doesn't really have much to hide from them.
@Mitchfork and @element (and others maybe), I accept your point that there is a difference between a sentient being like Hexxat and an instinctive animal like a wolf.
But let's define a few parameters, and then I'd be interested to see your position then. Assume that:
1) A vampire has no way of feeding off people without killing them.
2) A vampire will die if it doesn't feed regularly.
3) There is no convenient supply of 'bad people' to feed on.
In this situation, are you saying that the only non-evil option a vampire has is to willingly die?
Being a vampire complicates matters because a vampire is already dead, and it can be argued that seeking to prolong life via undeath and vampirism is evil itself, and the 'noble' thing for a vampire with a conscience is to surrender to absolute death.
So... what if I add a 4th condition.
4) Replace 'vampire' with 'blood elves', who are sentient beings who are mortal, but must drink the blood of other sentient beings to survive. Is this entire race, if it existed, irredeemably evil? And is extinction their only non-evil path?
Ok, let us first take this apart, point by point :
1) False - as outlined in OotS, it is entirely possible for a party of adventures with a Cleric or access to Restoration by some means to feed a vampire without death occuring.
2) It is not certain that a vampire will die if it doesn't feed regularly. In fact, many vampires have gone long lengths of time without feeding. They first weaken, then go dormant, and then, perhaps, may fade aways into a form of Undeath. Fact is, this process is not well explained in FR Lore.
3) There is ALWAYS a convenient supply of "bad people" to feed on, provided one looks for them! Not that feeding on bad people is not an evil act here - on the contrary, any type of "feeding" on an involuntary basis by the victim is, in fact, an evil act.
So. All 3 points are void.
But let us also consider the feeding on lesser animals as human. Can a vampire feed on animals? I think that they can. Life energy of an animal is like any other animal, and of course, humans are animals. This still does not change a primary fact of D&D, however, but perhaps feeding on the animal before the rest of the party then prepares and consumes it would get around that.
The primary fact of D&D to consider here is that only ACTIONS result in Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Good, Neutral, and Evil. These 9 cornerstones of the Planes are REAL things. In order to be Evil, one has to do Evil things. One has to commit evil acts.
Since Hexxat is evil, she has committed evil acts. That she remains evil, means that she is still committing evil acts.
Now we get to the more complicated part of the issue. Feeding.
When Hexxat feeds on an unwilling victim, that is an evil act. The question is, does the good part of it offset the evil part (for self-preservation). After all, animals eat other living things all the time. Of course, the killing is an evil act, but since those animals would perish without consuming another living being, that good offsets the evil (and normally results in neutral).
Well, Hexxat does have other options. She could ask her victims first, of course. And only feed on the willing (which, though it may sound far-fetched, is not as crazy as it may seem. There are those who WANT to become vampires, etc). She could feed only on animals. As I understand it, she only needs living blood - the life energy it contains is what seems to be important here.
What, of course, is a major evil act is intentionally killing a sentient being for the sole purpose of drinking it's blood. Since we know that Hexxat does have other options available, this then is evil. And she does know what she is doing.
There is a banter she has with Dorn, I believe, where Dorn asks for this power...and Hexxat refuses to give it to him. Therefore, she is very aware of what she is doing, what vampirism is, and what it does.
We never really get an insight into how Hexxat feels about her feeding, tbh. Even if you romance her, she never "comes clean" about much of anything, really.
She is open, cordial, kind even...but that is superficial. We never really get to know the "real" Hexxat at all. We have no idea who she really is, how she really feels, whether or not she enjoys being a vampire or not.
Dorn is much more open than Hexxat is, as is Viconia. We learn much more about them than we ever get to learn about Hexxat.
"Hey Hexxat! Do you enjoy the hunt, then feasting, draining your prey dry, feeling the last bit of life slipping away from your victim?"
"Would you like to find out, dearest?"
You will not get an honest answer from Hexxat. She avoids such, and it seems that those who wrote her wanted it that way.
I don't think Hexxat is the manipulative witch you describe. Sure she is evil, but she is also neutral, were she as deceitful as you make her out to be she would probably belong to the chaotic evil category. Yes, she does feast, but if any of you had any experience with games such as Vampire: The Masquerade/Requiem you would see that mantaining a semblance of "goodness" as an unnatural abomination is highly futile. I believe vampirism is far more instinctual than that, while they might not need blood, they enjoy it much like a living person enjoys the pleasures of flesh - it is only natural for such a being to become reliant on it, a natural incentive for something that is supposed to allow its continued existence. Sure, she might be evil, but she is very much a minor one, at least for you - there are much larger threats in the world and adding a being as powerful and as difficult to kill as Hexxat to the ones against you would probably not bode well for your fate. Never turn away possible allies, while they might be involved in vile acts, they are nothing compared to the ones commited by the villains you face (Bodhi, Jon, Amelyssan...). By luring them to your cause, a greater good may be accomplished by halting the greater evils.
Yes, she does feast, but if any of you had any experience with games such as Vampire: The Masquerade/Requiem you would see that mantaining a semblance of "goodness" as an unnatural abomination is highly futile. I believe vampirism is far more instinctual than that, while they might not need blood, they enjoy it much like a living person enjoys the pleasures of flesh - it is only natural for such a being to become reliant on it, a natural incentive for something that is supposed to allow its continued existence.
The issue here becomes the fact that there are several easily available sources of blood available for a vampire adventurer, ranging from OOTS-style donations from the party as discussed above, to just chowing down on one or two of the roughly fifty idiots per day who try to kill Charname. Despite this, Hexxat still chooses to feed in secret on random innocents without asking permission from her party leader or even considering other options, presumably because she just enjoys it. That does scream 'manipulative' to me (as well as, honestly, not terribly smart... Even an evil character might be tempted to give her a sun bath for such a blatant action if he/she was trying to keep a low profile).
I don't think Hexxat is the manipulative witch you describe. Sure she is evil, but she is also neutral, were she as deceitful as you make her out to be she would probably belong to the chaotic evil category. Yes, she does feast, but if any of you had any experience with games such as Vampire: The Masquerade/Requiem you would see that mantaining a semblance of "goodness" as an unnatural abomination is highly futile. I believe vampirism is far more instinctual than that, while they might not need blood, they enjoy it much like a living person enjoys the pleasures of flesh - it is only natural for such a being to become reliant on it, a natural incentive for something that is supposed to allow its continued existence. Sure, she might be evil, but she is very much a minor one, at least for you - there are much larger threats in the world and adding a being as powerful and as difficult to kill as Hexxat to the ones against you would probably not bode well for your fate. Never turn away possible allies, while they might be involved in vile acts, they are nothing compared to the ones commited by the villains you face (Bodhi, Jon, Amelyssan...). By luring them to your cause, a greater good may be accomplished by halting the greater evils.
Of course she is!
With a Cha that high, and being able to successfully disguise her nature, she is defacto a manipulative witch - does she ever really answer any of your questions about herself? She is coy and sly, that one.
Btw - deceit is not equal to chaotic evil. A being can be any type of evil (even Lawful) and still be deceitful. Just the method used differs (a Lawful Evil will twist the terms of a bargain, for instance, where a Chaotic Evil will just ignore the terms when convient. Neutral Evil will do what they deem is necessary, sometimes following things, sometimes not, as they see it).
Remember, she also has the Casque, which contains some quite unique powers, especially where Vampires are concerned - it seems to be on the level with an Artefact in power. As such, all the powers of the Casque (and cloak) have not been entirely revealed.
For one, it seems to make a Vampire healable with positive energy, somehow (because one can heal Hexxat normally instead of damaging her).
Two, she doesn't seem to be Turnable.
So we really do not know the extent of the Casque's powers. Who knows what else it is capable of, or does?
Maybe she likes the taste of the blood of innocents? I do agree it is kinda dumb of her to do that, and that that is pretty much the only reason she is evil. It is of no matter, though. Her abilities and attributes mean nothing since she is saddled with being a pure thief, one of the weakest classes when used alone - She is nowhere near as effective as Sarevok at backstabbing damage, nor Jan Jansen at backstabbing frequency. The only real reason to use her is if you want to romance her, seeing as Jan and Sarevok eventually completely outclass her at thievery (Jan with cheesy invisibility/staff of magi techniques, Sarevok with his special ability to instagib everything (I once glitched the game by killing Amelyssan too soon after some incredibly lucky rolls)). Her inability to deal with the sun without being gimped beyond salvage is also incredibly frustrating.
I am not saying CE is manipulative. Any alignment can be manipulative, even, no, especially my surly, snide and sardonic Half-Orc Paladin. I am saying that deceitfulness without purpose seems chaotic to me. Hexxat seems pretty straightforward about what she does from her talks with Aerie, where deceitfulness would likely benefit her. I really do not see what she would gain by acting nice all the time without ever dropping the façade, even during her most emotional states. Her sheer composture and properness leads me to believe that that is her actual personality, as she never even hints toward any other personality traits, so I cannot see why you would consider her "deceitful". Sure she is deflective about some things, but so is Chaotic Good Morte from PS:T, she does so to defend herself, which like many of you said, is part of human nature.
Hexxat wants to survive at all costs. Friends are better than enemies. I'd say that's a good purpose. I haven't done her quests so I can't say how important it is to her to have allies to help her with them.
Did we pop your alignment discussion cherry? This always happens!
People are getting way too conspiracy theorist about Hexxat and I find some of the statements to be... ridiculous, in danger of repeating myself. I've little wish to derail the thread though which would probably happen if I told people that "the earth is flat" seems reasonable compared to their statements, heh.
There is one thing I can truly agree with over the last few posts mind you:
Her sheer composture and properness leads me to believe that that is her actual personality, as she never even hints toward any other personality traits
Now if only I can resist clicking thread names with that small yellow "x new posts" text >.<
With Aerie Hexxat's evil alignment does come out, since she admits to still regularly feeding off innocent people and shows no empathy or remorse about it. Although granted it is just odd that she drops the ball so completely there.
But far from being a conspiracy theory at all, it's just classic sociopathy; feigning all this niceness in order to not be staked right away. But also she gets to pretend that it's everyone else who's at fault when they attack her because they're just so prejudiced against slaughtering and murdering people. Not understanding why sucking all the lifeblood out of other humans would be viewed as wrong and make other humanoids uncomfortable.
The real question is: is there a way to cure Hexxat's vampirism?
We gotta remember that she didn't become a vampire by choice, and she repeatedly states that she had no desire to be one. If there is no cure, then Hexxat's gotta do what she's gotta do. She will inevitably die if she does not consume living blood, be it evil or innocent or what have you. That is what vampires do.
If, however, there is a cure to vampirism, it says a lot about Hexxat's morality if she decides to free herself of the curse. Maybe she hates killing innocent people...
if she hates it so much she should have lured someone to her tomb to stake her, not to get her out. failing that, every other course of action is evil.
The real question is: is there a way to cure Hexxat's vampirism?
We gotta remember that she didn't become a vampire by choice, and she repeatedly states that she had no desire to be one. If there is no cure, then Hexxat's gotta do what she's gotta do. She will inevitably die if she does not consume living blood, be it evil or innocent or what have you. That is what vampires do.
If, however, there is a cure to vampirism, it says a lot about Hexxat's morality if she decides to free herself of the curse. Maybe she hates killing innocent people...
if she hates it so much she should have lured someone to her tomb to stake her, not to get her out. failing that, every other course of action is evil.
Um... Did you actually read the rest of my post? I already said this was unlikely.
Or... (what I think is more likely) Hexxat couldn't give a two cents about her state of being. If she has to kill to survive, then so be it. In fact, after the many times she's drunken blood, she's begun to enjoy it. There is a point when the hunger and lust takes over and she loses herself, but that moment is the greatest high a vampire can achieve. She sneaks off to feed on innocents because they do not put up a fight; they make her life easier than, say, a rogue or a bandit. There's plenty of "meat" running around anyway; it's no different than humans killing animals and roasting them at home. Why should she care about them?
There are some issues with my post that suggest I should have done some more research on FR vampires before writing (by the way, awesome link @LiamEsler!), but lacking to indulge in Hexxat's bloodthirsty nature was not one of them.
Again, I'm not saying Hexxat's alignment should have been set to non-evil, but rather that her interaction with the party should have reflected her evil alignment. Compare her to another neutral evil Viconia, who also has a dark nature. When faced with prejudice, Viconia firmly stands her ground.
Which almost got her burned at the stake. Just saying.
Yeah i wasn't actually engaging you in a polemic, just pointing out what seems to me like the only non-evil solution to her state. Didn't come of right, sorry for the confusion.
Yeah i wasn't actually engaging you in a polemic, just pointing out what seems to me like the only non-evil solution to her state. Didn't come of right, sorry for the confusion.
That's all right, I was a little wordy myself. No offense taken, just a little head-scratching.
Have people gone through both SOA and TOB with Hexxat? I have yet to do so. I was wondering if her way of acting changes at all? Do we get any other glimpses at her true personality? If not then it would seem to me that the op is somewhat correct. Of all the evil characters she seems by far the least evil, even though she is a blood sucking vampire.
No, even through her romance and the hardships you face, she never loses her composture. Which leads me to believe that that is her actual personality. Really, not even a psychopath could see what she does without breaking their façade. Also, she is utterly outclassed by Jan and Sarevok as a thief by ToB, so much that the only reason you should keep her through the expansion is if you follow her romance.
We gotta remember that she didn't become a vampire by choice, and she repeatedly states that she had no desire to be one. If there is no cure, then Hexxat's gotta do what she's gotta do. She will inevitably die if she does not consume living blood, be it evil or innocent or what have you. That is what vampires do.
If, however, there is a cure to vampirism, it says a lot about Hexxat's morality if she decides to free herself of the curse. Maybe she hates killing innocent people. Maybe she hates the slick warmth sliding down her neck and nourishing her soul. Maybe she'd leap at the chance to free herself of the monster she's become.
Or... (what I think is more likely) Hexxat couldn't give a two cents about her state of being. If she has to kill to survive, then so be it. In fact, after the many times she's drunken blood, she's begun to enjoy it. There is a point when the hunger and lust takes over and she loses herself, but that moment is the greatest high a vampire can achieve. She sneaks off to feed on innocents because they do not put up a fight; they make her life easier than, say, a rogue or a bandit. There's plenty of "meat" running around anyway; it's no different than humans killing animals and roasting them at home. Why should she care about them?
If the above is true, then neutral evil suits her just fine. She's still civil. She still has her kind moments. She tries to not let her curse drag down the rest of the party. She makes friends with other companions. But that selfishness, the killing of others for her own gain--especially if it's possible to prevent--is what makes her evil.
And you know? I love her all the more for it.
The problem with our supernatural vampires who kill each time they feed is that they're forced to kill other intelligent beings of their own species. In order to do that and not be consumed themselves by guilt, they would have to not feel any empathy for their victims so basically they're forced to become psychopaths.
Firstly, the only person Hexxat cares about is herself. She will do anything and say anything if it is to her advantage.
Secondly, might be worth reading up on vampires in the Forgotten Realms.
Another important consideration:
This guy was such a lovely neighbour.
Sure, he used to kill people. Trifle and peccadillo !
Always so polite, so thoughtful of others...
She will try to be charming with everyone and everywhere untill someone have a personal problem with her.
For example when Korgan say "he will like to eat some black meat" and she mention her ability to drain from all blood a certain dwarf.
I thinking that Hexxat is not less evil than any other of the other evil characters Dorn included.
1) False - as outlined in OotS, it is entirely possible for a party of adventures with a Cleric or access to Restoration by some means to feed a vampire without death occuring.
2) It is not certain that a vampire will die if it doesn't feed regularly. In fact, many vampires have gone long lengths of time without feeding. They first weaken, then go dormant, and then, perhaps, may fade aways into a form of Undeath. Fact is, this process is not well explained in FR Lore.
3) There is ALWAYS a convenient supply of "bad people" to feed on, provided one looks for them! Not that feeding on bad people is not an evil act here - on the contrary, any type of "feeding" on an involuntary basis by the victim is, in fact, an evil act.
So. All 3 points are void.
But let us also consider the feeding on lesser animals as human. Can a vampire feed on animals? I think that they can. Life energy of an animal is like any other animal, and of course, humans are animals. This still does not change a primary fact of D&D, however, but perhaps feeding on the animal before the rest of the party then prepares and consumes it would get around that.
The primary fact of D&D to consider here is that only ACTIONS result in Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Good, Neutral, and Evil. These 9 cornerstones of the Planes are REAL things. In order to be Evil, one has to do Evil things. One has to commit evil acts.
Since Hexxat is evil, she has committed evil acts. That she remains evil, means that she is still committing evil acts.
Now we get to the more complicated part of the issue. Feeding.
When Hexxat feeds on an unwilling victim, that is an evil act. The question is, does the good part of it offset the evil part (for self-preservation). After all, animals eat other living things all the time. Of course, the killing is an evil act, but since those animals would perish without consuming another living being, that good offsets the evil (and normally results in neutral).
Well, Hexxat does have other options. She could ask her victims first, of course. And only feed on the willing (which, though it may sound far-fetched, is not as crazy as it may seem. There are those who WANT to become vampires, etc). She could feed only on animals. As I understand it, she only needs living blood - the life energy it contains is what seems to be important here.
What, of course, is a major evil act is intentionally killing a sentient being for the sole purpose of drinking it's blood. Since we know that Hexxat does have other options available, this then is evil. And she does know what she is doing.
There is a banter she has with Dorn, I believe, where Dorn asks for this power...and Hexxat refuses to give it to him. Therefore, she is very aware of what she is doing, what vampirism is, and what it does.
We never really get an insight into how Hexxat feels about her feeding, tbh. Even if you romance her, she never "comes clean" about much of anything, really.
She is open, cordial, kind even...but that is superficial. We never really get to know the "real" Hexxat at all. We have no idea who she really is, how she really feels, whether or not she enjoys being a vampire or not.
Dorn is much more open than Hexxat is, as is Viconia. We learn much more about them than we ever get to learn about Hexxat.
"Hey Hexxat! Do you enjoy the hunt, then feasting, draining your prey dry, feeling the last bit of life slipping away from your victim?"
"Would you like to find out, dearest?"
You will not get an honest answer from Hexxat. She avoids such, and it seems that those who wrote her wanted it that way.
Sure she is evil, but she is also neutral, were she as deceitful as you make her out to be she would probably belong to the chaotic evil category.
Yes, she does feast, but if any of you had any experience with games such as Vampire: The Masquerade/Requiem you would see that mantaining a semblance of "goodness" as an unnatural abomination is highly futile. I believe vampirism is far more instinctual than that, while they might not need blood, they enjoy it much like a living person enjoys the pleasures of flesh - it is only natural for such a being to become reliant on it, a natural incentive for something that is supposed to allow its continued existence.
Sure, she might be evil, but she is very much a minor one, at least for you - there are much larger threats in the world and adding a being as powerful and as difficult to kill as Hexxat to the ones against you would probably not bode well for your fate.
Never turn away possible allies, while they might be involved in vile acts, they are nothing compared to the ones commited by the villains you face (Bodhi, Jon, Amelyssan...). By luring them to your cause, a greater good may be accomplished by halting the greater evils.
With a Cha that high, and being able to successfully disguise her nature, she is defacto a manipulative witch - does she ever really answer any of your questions about herself? She is coy and sly, that one.
Btw - deceit is not equal to chaotic evil. A being can be any type of evil (even Lawful) and still be deceitful. Just the method used differs (a Lawful Evil will twist the terms of a bargain, for instance, where a Chaotic Evil will just ignore the terms when convient. Neutral Evil will do what they deem is necessary, sometimes following things, sometimes not, as they see it).
Remember, she also has the Casque, which contains some quite unique powers, especially where Vampires are concerned - it seems to be on the level with an Artefact in power. As such, all the powers of the Casque (and cloak) have not been entirely revealed.
For one, it seems to make a Vampire healable with positive energy, somehow (because one can heal Hexxat normally instead of damaging her).
Two, she doesn't seem to be Turnable.
So we really do not know the extent of the Casque's powers. Who knows what else it is capable of, or does?
I do agree it is kinda dumb of her to do that, and that that is pretty much the only reason she is evil.
It is of no matter, though. Her abilities and attributes mean nothing since she is saddled with being a pure thief, one of the weakest classes when used alone - She is nowhere near as effective as Sarevok at backstabbing damage, nor Jan Jansen at backstabbing frequency. The only real reason to use her is if you want to romance her, seeing as Jan and Sarevok eventually completely outclass her at thievery (Jan with cheesy invisibility/staff of magi techniques, Sarevok with his special ability to instagib everything (I once glitched the game by killing Amelyssan too soon after some incredibly lucky rolls)). Her inability to deal with the sun without being gimped beyond salvage is also incredibly frustrating.
Why do you say CE is manipulative? Korgan is CE and I find him pretty upfront about his psychopathy.
If anything LE feels the most manipulative to me, not the least because it's the devil alignment.
I am saying that deceitfulness without purpose seems chaotic to me. Hexxat seems pretty straightforward about what she does from her talks with Aerie, where deceitfulness would likely benefit her. I really do not see what she would gain by acting nice all the time without ever dropping the façade, even during her most emotional states. Her sheer composture and properness leads me to believe that that is her actual personality, as she never even hints toward any other personality traits, so I cannot see why you would consider her "deceitful". Sure she is deflective about some things, but so is Chaotic Good Morte from PS:T, she does so to defend herself, which like many of you said, is part of human nature.
There is one thing I can truly agree with over the last few posts mind you: Now if only I can resist clicking thread names with that small yellow "x new posts" text >.<
But far from being a conspiracy theory at all, it's just classic sociopathy; feigning all this niceness in order to not be staked right away. But also she gets to pretend that it's everyone else who's at fault when they attack her because they're just so prejudiced against slaughtering and murdering people. Not understanding why sucking all the lifeblood out of other humans would be viewed as wrong and make other humanoids uncomfortable.
Which leads me to believe that that is her actual personality. Really, not even a psychopath could see what she does without breaking their façade.
Also, she is utterly outclassed by Jan and Sarevok as a thief by ToB, so much that the only reason you should keep her through the expansion is if you follow her romance.
You can be a horribly evil person while being polite.
...I mean, Sarevok's second line is "I'm sorry that you feel that way, old man"