Why is Hexxat evil exactly?

Seems to me like she is easily the most apologetic NPC in the game. When faced with blatant prejudice, she just backs away for no apparent reason. On the other hand, most 'good' characters become very confrontational over far more pettier things. Any thoughts?
I would say the very first thing she does when you meet her should answer your question, anyway.
And the very first thing she does, IIRC, is apologizing to Clara and telling her how she has no choice but to kill her.
Anyhow, can you imagine the amount of crap that would clog up the forum if she -wasn't- evil? There's allready enough complaints about her romance, class kit and anti-dying mechanics. If she were good or neutral people would freak out even more than they allready do and noone needs that.
Hexxat: Thank you, Mazzy.
Mazzy: You have nothing to thank me for.
Hexxat: I saw what you did in that last fight. You put yourself in harm's way to protect me.
Mazzy: That was for CHARNAME, not you. As long as HE needs you, I will treat you like any other member of our party.
Hexxat: I appreciate it.
Mazzy: I am not required to be anything beyond cordial, however, I've no desire to speak with you unless it concerns the welfare of our group.
Hexxat: I'm sorry to hear that.
Mazzy: I am sorry to say it. But it's the truth nevertheless.
Hexxat: You've become quite the archmage, Nalia.
Nalia: What do you want?
Hexxat: To offer some advice. You are powerful, but do not...
Nalia: I can do without your advice, thank you.
Hexxat: Nothing good comes of hubris, mage. Remember that.
Hexxat: Can I help you, Aerie?
Aerie: What? No! No.
Hexxat: Forgive me. You look like you've something on your mind. Something you'd like to say to me, perhaps?
Aerie: Say to you? I... No. No. Sorry.
Hexxat: For what?
Aerie: For... I'm sorry.
Hexxat: What are you apologizing for? You've done nothing wrong.
Aerie: I don't know... I... I just...
Hexxat: Feel sorry.
Aerie: Yes. I guess.
Hexxat: You're my friend, Aerie. I don't want you to be sorry. I want you to be happy.
Aerie: You think we're friends?
Hexxat: Aren't we?
Aerie: No... I... Maybe? No... You're a vampire.
Hexxat: There's not much I can do about that.
Aerie: Yes, but... I can't talk to you about this.
Hexxat: That's a shame... I'm better qualified to talk about it than most. I see I'm making you nervous... Now I'm the one who must apologize.
Aerie: No, don't... I mean...
Hexxat: I'll go now. If you stop being sorry and want to talk to me about... anything, really... by all means, let me now.
You would expect these words from a neutral good character.
I'm really curious now... what was Aerie and Hexxat talking about? Something that Hexxat feels well qualified to talk about, but makes Aerie so uncomfortable?
its worth considering that vampires hiding there nature is a pretty common trait among many vampire stories which very often present them as a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' in fact its a common trait of many villains full stop. Hexxat could be less civil to party members but what would she gain from it she is after all concerned primarily with herself and her own well being making enemies is after all rarely more beneficial then friends. And the last thing something like Hexxat needs it a mob coming after her with pitch forks.
Also if I was being cynical I might say they were trying to make her appeal to as many people as possible and so gave her a lot of congenial dialogue to try and make her as accommodating as possible to different players which might also explain why so few characters respond hostilely to her when really a large portion of the cast should just want her dead on sight
So, for Hexxat being evil... the murdering is quite a big reason.
Personally I'd consider most selfish and rational behaviour to be neutral. And although I cannot comment on Hexxat in particular, vampires are traditionally supposed to need to feed on the blood of living people in order to survive, which makes them more like an predatory animal that feeds on human beings.
From a human perspective that may seem horrible and 'evil', but it is the natural law of the world. Does a wolf care about the innocence or not of the sheep it hunts? So why should vampires be overly bothered about which human being to target?
Also as @Viconia_DeVir and others have pointed out, civility has nothing to do with good or evil intentions. There is a Chinese saying which roughly translates as "hiding daggers in a smile", which points exactly to this point.
also as an aside, is it mandatory for vampires to kill? I don't know how the FR lore works in this respect
Also, for those who read OOTS, Hexxat could make a deal with charname or a party member like the one between Roy and Durkon - meaning, she would always feed on a party member who would receive Restoration right after.
And for those who don't, start doing it. If you care to participate in a discussion like this, you're involved enough in D&D to appreciate it! http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html
p.s. New comic is up.
To play a clichéd hypothetical moral game- if someone threatened to kill you (assume they have provided enough proof for you to believe they will follow through and succeed 100% of the time) unless you killed one person each day, every day, for the remainder of your life- what would be the "D&D-alignment good" actions? There aren't very many, and I don't think Hexxat really meets that criteria. I would entertain arguments that she is some neutral alignment (perhaps even True Neutral) but Neutral Evil works well enough.
Evil characters can still have genuine friends and loved ones, and will even behave selflessly under certain conditions. They just don't naturally tend towards doing so.
That's not good. That's not even neutral.
Hexxat is extremely civil, and does her best to work with characters no matter what their alignments and morals. That doesn't mean she's not draining blood of innocents, as your good characters will call her on (I believe Aerie in paticular does it during ToB). Hexxat might like to believe herself as good, but... draining blood of innocents rather then generic slavers and bandits. Not a good aligned move. I see no reason why your average good aligned character would put up with her.
But let's define a few parameters, and then I'd be interested to see your position then. Assume that:
1) A vampire has no way of feeding off people without killing them.
2) A vampire will die if it doesn't feed regularly.
3) There is no convenient supply of 'bad people' to feed on.
In this situation, are you saying that the only non-evil option a vampire has is to willingly die?
Being a vampire complicates matters because a vampire is already dead, and it can be argued that seeking to prolong life via undeath and vampirism is evil itself, and the 'noble' thing for a vampire with a conscience is to surrender to absolute death.
So... what if I add a 4th condition.
4) Replace 'vampire' with 'blood elves', who are sentient beings who are mortal, but must drink the blood of other sentient beings to survive. Is this entire race, if it existed, irredeemably evil? And is extinction their only non-evil path?
It's the epitome of neutral evil. You keep you friends close until you need them no longer.
Anyway, on the brink of starvation most of us would do terrible things. I could see a good vampire killing an innocent in order to survive, but before long they would either willingly die, or become numb to the guilt... at which point their goodness would be questionable.
No I'm not talking about Hexxat, I don't know much about her to be honest, other than that she's a vampire and likely quite objectively evil.
OP asked why is Hexxat evil, and raised objections primarily based on her civility, which has been refuted by most responses, including my first one. I then wanted to expand the question and ask 'what makes a vampire evil', is it the mere fact that they kill people, and what if they had no choice about it, what then?
So considering the game world truths, she is evil because she chooses to feed from good beings. If her choice was to feed exclusively from evil beings she could even be seen as a good character.
Now time for an analysis that was way more in-depth than was necessary:
A race built around the concept of feeding creates a lot of other problems, such as sustainable food supply/growth. If you have a modest group of 20 "Blood Elves," the body toll over a year of feeding would be pretty immense. Even assuming a pretty lax feeding schedule (1 body per week per Blood Elf) that's over 1000 people a year by the time things are said and done. If we use the current world rate of natural increase of 1.14%/year (this number takes into account births/year as well as deaths/year) then they'd need to be feeding on a population of around 88,000 or they'd (eventually) run out of people to feed on.