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Character Names

Bobby_SingerBobby_Singer Member Posts: 65
Do you remember what you named your created characters over the years and what class and race they were? Why did you name them what you did?

The only two that I remember off the top of my head are

Arielle, a half-elf mage that I named because I had a coworker with that name and I kinda liked it:

Bree, a paladin that I named after the town of Bree from LotR.



  • eainterplayeainterplay Member Posts: 55
    First ever character was Gaul the cleric. I know it's not very original, but I was 10 at the time and had just read about the anicent people of Gaul.

    Anyway for my eleven characters I always liked to use this name chart from this website to create a name:
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I kind of always use Tanthalas. >_>
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited August 2012
    I have some really stupid ones ... actually most of them are very stupid.

    These are fine:
    Quartz the Fighter/Cleric.
    Melody the Cleric.
    Zach the Conjurer.
    Dash the Archer.
    Wanera the Mage/Thief
    Teheiria the Druid
    Riordan the Paladin (Riordan is my name IRL)

    Now here's where it gets stupid ...

    Knux the Mage (charisma 3)
    Shenanigan Flanagan the Thief
    Badass Mothaf***a the Dwarven Fighter/Thief (I solo'd the game with him)
    Diana Scuttlefuttles the Paladin
    El Natural the Druid
    Hot Dice the Bard
    BubbleGumPinkSoldier the Fighter
    kill_zombies.exe the Fighter
    Tiki Man the Fighter/Illusionist
    Lolcakes the Archer
    Cures Light Wounds the Cleric (you can guess his favorite spell. FYI he was my first char to beat the game.)
    Hair of the Dog the Mage/Thief
    TASP the Mage (he was my save that I just abused cheat commands on for lulz. I called him "Tasp the Chicken Summoner, yes Cheats:TheGreatGonzo() is a personal favorite)
    Miss Akimbo the Swashbuckler (she dual-wielded, obviously)
    Destroyer of Worlds the Barbarian
    Boosh Kaboosh Toosh! the Berserker
    Shish-Kabob the Wild Mage
    Uber Swordsman the Fighter
    Tiki Man #69 the Fighter (he was evil, obviously)

    And now, since my mom was very amused by this thread, here are my mom's:
    Scamper Bout the Bard (she did whatever she wanted in BG1, she "scampered about" so it was fitting.)
    Twix the Mage
    Katt the Mage

    And I'll post my sister's, too:
    Ralensi Nirquis the Mage
    Andrew Syhe-Gen the Fighter/Mage/Thief
    Sheath the Mage (who she used all the tombs and a multiplayer save to give all 25s, ROFL)
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Though, now that I think about it, I did have to make a full party for the IWD games, I just don't remember them. >.<
  • Bobby_SingerBobby_Singer Member Posts: 65
    @Tanthalas I did a full party for IWD. Five paladins and a mage (I was feeling adventurous. I named them all after Arthurian knights except for the mage, Merlin (probably should have named him Steve or something more clever).

    @Quartz Ok, that all made me laugh. In my Pen and Paper game, I have an NPC bard that provides news to the town of Ashabenford. His name is Riordan. I thought I just made that name up!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited August 2012
    @Quartz Ok, that all made me laugh. In my Pen and Paper game, I have an NPC bard that provides news to the town of Ashabenford. His name is Riordan. I thought I just made that name up!
    Glad you enjoyed it. And yeah, I know what you mean! One time in DnD I named a character "Zane" only to find out around a year later that my dad had wanted to name me Zane! Thankfully my mom said NO and chose Riordan instead. Crazy stuff.
  • HalyssondHalyssond Member Posts: 6
    Algeas - The Mighty paladin.
  • Bobby_SingerBobby_Singer Member Posts: 65
    I'm just glad no one would EVER name their character something as lame as Abdel Adrian. Oh wait...
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    ...Xavioria... it's the name I've used for my female protagonist for pretty much everything. It's actually kind of funny because I made this name up when I was about 15 and spelled it wrong (Was TRYING to Spell Xaviera...) but ended up with this. Wrote a book. Then the games:
    World of Warcraft, BG1 and 2, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Runescape, and for Pokemon, because you're only allowed 6 letters, it's Xavi for short :)
  • MuninMunin Member Posts: 95
    Read LOTR at an impressionable age, so Gandalf the Mage was my first. Not real creative on my part but it worked.
  • Bobby_SingerBobby_Singer Member Posts: 65
    edited August 2012
    @Xavioria Hey, a good go-to name should be stuck with. I've had two stories published in anthologies and they used names that I have been using since I was a kid: Nick Valentine and JT Lancer. Obviously, those are not fantasy names.

    My fantasy go-to name for a female is Lorialis. I've used it quite a few times in Pen and Paper rpg, but now that I think about it, never for a Baldur's Gate character.

    @Munin I group I ran in the early nineties for several years had a mage named Gandalf in it. We thought that we were only going to play for a summer so nobody really minded the lack of creativity on that players part. But we had so much fun, we played with that group for a long time. After a couple of months, I have to admit, I did cringe at the name.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    My first Bhaalspawn was Selene, an elf sorceress - I named her after the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club from "Uncanny X-Men".

    Second time around was Grom, a half-orc barbarian based on Grom Hellscream from "Warcraft".

    They were also both part of my IWD2 team, along with my other BioWare protagonists Brianna Cousland (Dragon Age), Aria Hawke (Dragon Age 2), Zhao Feng (Jade Empire) and Matthias di Vydran (Neverwinter Nights). :)
  • jmanreisjmanreis Member Posts: 39
    Some of my favs included:
    Gor Stonebeard - you guessed it, Dwarven Fighter
    Hordrum the Tall - Human Paladin
    Skulkarn - Orc Barbarian

    Some not so great:
    Damien - Cleric, the priest's name from the Exorcist
    Silon - Fighter, I was influenced by Battlestar Galactica but that was back in the early 80's, not the remake.

    For the future:
    Trazen - I always like the Roman Emperor's name Trajan
    Kestril - Halfling
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    Roland is my Paladin
    Brinn is my rogue
    Kurgan is my Barbarian
  • SynergeticSynergetic Member Posts: 69
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150


    A Swashbuckler, I presume?
  • Bobby_SingerBobby_Singer Member Posts: 65
    @Millard Ok, so I'm guessing... Roland = either Song of Roland or Dark Tower.
    Kurgan = Highlander
    Brinn =?
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150

    @Millard Ok, so I'm guessing... Roland = either Song of Roland or Dark Tower.
    Kurgan = Highlander
    Brinn =?

    Roland comes from the Song of Roland.
    Kurgan comes from Highlander.
    Brinn isn't from anything in particular. It just sounded like a good chaotic neutral loveable rogue swashbuckler name.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    I use to use Silasire for my elves, as I was into Quenya as a teenager.
  • SynergeticSynergetic Member Posts: 69


    A Swashbuckler, I presume?
    The best in all of Faerûn!
  • lmaoboatlmaoboat Member Posts: 72
    edited August 2012
    I was never very creative, so it would always end up something like "ROFLCOPTER, Elven archmage, heir to the throne of Bhaal."
  • SynergeticSynergetic Member Posts: 69
    ROFLCOPTER is so 2K5....
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106
    I favour names that reflect the nature of the character in some way.

    Malbortus, (fallen) paladin dual classed sorcerer. The latin form fits the christian background of the paladin order, and the 'mal' makes his evil tendencies clear.

    10:30, half-elven bard -- if '50 Cents' works as an artist's name, then why not this.

    Dimwid, half-orc barbarian: so dumb he can't speel right.

    Snotshank, goblin rogue. Just look at the profile picture. ;)

    In p&p, I currently play a genasi swordmage named 'Jafeer': he was named after the genie NPC in BG2. He hails from Akanûl and I RP him as half a genie (elemental tempest paragon path).
  • Gun19Gun19 Member Posts: 48
    Dante - Paladin
    Kai - Fighter / Assassin
    Galen - Mage
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Ah, i was a 14 year old kid who didnt know a damn thing about D&D. I didnt even know BG was D&D (I was raised in a christian home and D&D was "the devils game" But since BG didnt really have "D&D" on the start-up screen, i didnt know better.

    It was my uncles games and i wanted to try it because my cousin played it ALL the time (she was 10 and was really into the drizzt books, which i didnt quite get).

    SO i start it up and create a character.

    "Sex" ...Well im a boy duh!

    "Race" I had no idea what a "halfling" was, and i know dwarfs were little people. but i was tall! and i knew i was human so i chose that!

    Then came classes. I figured "fighter" sounded good, cause i didnt want to be a thief and i didnt understand what "cleric" or "ranger" meant. but for some reason i though "Paladin" sounded cool so i chose that, and then it would only let me choose "Lawful Good" so i chose that (I didnt comprehend alignments anyway)

    AH abilities "Whats charisma? Dexterity? I didnt get that BUT there was + and - buttons! I made my charisma 17 (it wouldnt let me go lower) and i did the same with wis/dex to 3, then i put my str and con at 18 and i put the rest in int (cause i wanted to be smart!)

    SO back to OT, we came to name. My first character was "Johnny" (Because thats my name!)

    After that my uncle got me my own 5-disc big-box copy of bg for my 15th gateway drug. BEST. PRESENT. EVER.

    Nowadays I name all of my human characters (especially my paladins) "Xanderd" (short for Alexander D'alecor)
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    I don't remember who I used in BG but my IWD party was

    Stelam Radaik - Half-elf Fighter, Leader of the group
    Rhvaurek Radaik - Half-elf Ranger, Brother of Stelam
    Ael Radaik, Half-elf Fighter\Thief, Daughter of Stelam
    Vierna Kilsek - Elf, Cleric\Mage, Second wife of Stelam
    Benelux Kilsek - Elf Cleric\Mage, Sister to Vierna
    Tebryn Trel - Elf, Bard, Son of Jolanthus (my forum name)

    Adventuring was kept all in family
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2012
    Kenji - Neutral Evil, Human Male, Fighter dual Assassin (Kit made possible by Gate Keeper)

    Gearhardt - Lawful Neutral, Human Male, Fighter dual Cleric

    Jheru - True Neutral, Human Male, Lorekeeper of Oghma (Kit by a mod named Divine Remix)

    Trenshia - Lawful Evil, Human Female, Blackguard of Gargauth (Just an evil fighter, embracing corruption and bribery at every turn to make her life easier while her rivalry's more miserable)

    It's in my personal nature that I liked lawful/neutral/non-good/non-chaotic characters best; I think over time I favored my Lorekeeper the most.
    And I've got tons for IWD, but that's another textblock for another franchise.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    "Lemernis" was the just first thing that floated up in my mind when I was trying to think of a name for my first BG1 PC, a half-elf fighter-mage, as I looked at the custom portrait I chose for it. It then seemed as good a nick as any to use on the PBG forum when I went there a dozen years ago to ask a question or two.

  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Bob, a chaotic good fighter.
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