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Character Names



  • SBRAAASBRAAA Member Posts: 29
    Boldar Battleaxe, dwarf in every sauce
    Something like 10 years ago I was creating a half-orc, watching from my seat everywhere to find an inspiration...and I found the little film KODAK...then the end GORDAK the barbarian!
  • DreamDream Member Posts: 52
    I always use Aravis or Fenris depending on gender.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Dinklemus Littlelog - Gnome Fighter/Illusionist
    Foolio Displasius - DESTROYER OF THE SEVEN SUNS, RARGH! - err, I mean, Human bard, shame on me :p

    Really use those two a lot. Quaint names :p

    Other than that, my legendary "William Petterpoth" Human fighter, whom I hit level 33 on Baldur's Gate 1 using a XP cap remover (simply by playing over and over)... Feels good having THAC0 -26 or stuff like that XD

    I've been using Lauron for my LP Fighter/Thief Half-elf and Cheesebelly for my MP Ranger/Cleric Half-elf

    For female characters I'll usually go with Selene, Fae or Cynthia, which are names of three characters of my own fiction.

    Been thinking about using Edward Norwall (classy nobleman) and Robert Stones (classy bastard) for male humans too (they both are characters of my own fiction) but thus far I've never used them.

    Other than that, I really named people a lot... sometimes I just trashed a few letters on the name bar and a magical name like Xyrophie appears... Hey, it surely is more lovely than "Portalbendarwinden" no? :p
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    Yikes. I played through it a bunch of times, most of them as some kind of mage (pure mages, or fighter/mage), and at least once as a paladin. They were either half-elves or human, and all of them had the same name (My RL one, I wasn't very creative...)
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    let's see, there was Bjjorick the paladin (inquisitor), Bjjorick the cleric/mage, bjjorick the wizard, bjjorick the fighter/mage (fav so far), bjjorick the (whatever yoshimo was, tired and can't think right), bjjorick the barbarian, and bjjorick the fighter/mage/cleric (for solo run).

    whew, took me awhile to remember all the names. I can be very creative when i choose to be.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I don't remember that many names, but I did play as Rhiannon, a human female fighter, another human female fighter named Lorianne and one name I created from different names from the original Forgotten Realms, Traith Selgard, a human female mage
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    LadyRhian said:

    I don't remember that many names, but I did play as Rhiannon, a human female fighter, another human female fighter named Lorianne and one name I created from different names from the original Forgotten Realms, Traith Selgard, a human female mage

    since your name is lady rhian, i assume that's the main name you use when you play, rhiannon? i like bjjorick because i can remember the many adventures he's had across many games/worlds/genres. From the days of the orginal FF, to BG and fallout, and on, with many many more to come. Not sure if i'm the only one though, and i have at times used other names depending on the game.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    edited August 2012
    MagiK - Female half Elf Mage
    Shade - Female half elf Thief
    Myst - Female Elf Mage/Theif
    Glorf - Male Elf Chaotic Neutral Fighter
    Grond - Male human Chaotic Evil Anti-Paladin
    Fineous - Male human Thief
    Fred - Male Human Fighter
    Charlie - Male Human Fighter
    Kask - Male Human Mage

    And the list goes on :D

    Grond, Fineous, Fred, Charlie and Kask go back to the Gold Box days ;)
  • EyebrowsEyebrows Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2012
    Archer, I'll give you 1 guess what he was.
    A monk
    *whispers again*
    Not really

    For my not so creative names
    Nadia Velori - A sorceress that I used in NWN/2 (and later in a game of BG/2/ToB)
    Jeric Canthar - Monk
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    edited August 2012
    @Bjjorick Actually, this name came out of a vampire character. I created a character, and her name is Rhiannon Sian Emyr. She's from Wales, and was born in 1167. That's where Rhiannon came from. My first character ever in P&P was Zenobia, named after Zenobia of Palmyra: I have a spiritual successor, Zenobia-I-Kalo, a mage from a desert land. She's part of a party I used to write about, which includes Benedicta Jerel, an elven Fighter-MagicUser, Katla "Fair Hair" Thrainsdottir (from a Scandinavian-like country), the aforementioned Lorianne Areen (6'5 in her stocking feet), a doughty fighter and Zahra Harper, a gypsy bard.
  • LeezlLeezl Member Posts: 8
    Tionne, a thief.
    Faere, a monk.
    Derrien, a ranger. Died of a broken arm.
  • Ulfgar_TorunnUlfgar_Torunn Member Posts: 169
    edited August 2012
    Ulfgar Torunn, an extremely min-maxed Dwarf Fighter/Cleric, was my first, and favourite character. The character portrait used is the one before you, with voice number 3 from BG 2.

    He will always be remembered for 'endeavouring to be an inspiring example.'
    Post edited by Ulfgar_Torunn on
  • Sir_CarnifexSir_Carnifex Member Posts: 47
    Laugh if you will, but my first character name was Alaric the Cleric. I also had Lostenspayz, Garren, Arath, and a bunch of others that I don't remember.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    In any game I play for the first time, my female character is named Ninafer.
  • ElzarathElzarath Member Posts: 173
    Pretty much always an play a game first time round as Elven Sorcerer named Elzarath. Also use:
    Anduralis thief (Human, but next play through gnome or dwarf)
    Issald fighter human (current play through)
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    maybe it's just me, and as i've said earlier, i'm not good with names, but i don't understand why you change the names of the char with each playthrough? i understand for different genders, but hmmm.

    but then i do dread games where you build the party from the start because you have to name 4-6 players, i spend more time there then on rerolls. Luckily, disgaea had a name generator built in for each class.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2012
    Whenever I play an Elf I will call myself Drizzt, especially as an evil elf. The last time I did this was with my evil swashbuckler a month or so ago. Easily my favourite non-spell casting class to play as. Unfortunately though I don't have any other characters whose names I can recall at the moment. The one I'm playing now is using my own first name, not particularly original I just didn't think much about what to call myself. It's not a particularly gnomish sounding name either.
  • SmaugSmaug Member Posts: 216
    edited August 2012
    All of my RPG characters, even the PnP ones (much to the chagrin of my fellow players), use the same charname: Dr (doctor) Orcenstein.

    @Malbortus Malbortus kind of sounds like a Latin name for a medical condition that results in miscarriages. "Mrs Smith, I believe you have miscarried your last 3 children because you have a condition known as Malbortus, and it has gone undiagnosed until now."
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Smaug said:

    All of my RPG characters, even the PnP ones (much to the chagrin of my fellow players), use the same charname: Dr (doctor) Orcenstein.

    YAY!!! i'm not the only one, thank you.... there's a reason i use bjjorick, and it's not perverted like some think, it's actually a very sincere reason that has it's footing in first love, shakesphere, and star wars. Loooooong story.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Bjjorick Alas, poor BJJorick...? ;)
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    Aerys... I've used that name for a character of every race and class in BG2.
    Anduril was an Elven Fighter in Neverwinter Nights... I played a Elven Warrior named Alora Dragonslayer, the name was less then inspiring on a server there, and an LE Elven Assassin named Iluris S'ilureya. Those are the only names I can remember. My favorite's Iluris :D
  • ElzarathElzarath Member Posts: 173
    Always thought of it as separate characters / people and playing through different experiences - different alignments, party members, spells, etc. so for me Elzarath couldn't be a fighter or monk or paladin because he's a sorcerer
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    I didnt even know BG was D&D (I was raised in a christian home and D&D was "the devils game" But since BG didnt really have "D&D" on the start-up screen, i didnt know better.

    Lol yah, I come across that dogma once in a while. Thankfully not too much. >_>
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @LadyRhian did you know him well?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Bjjorick I knew him, Horatio! A man of infinite jest...
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @LadyRhian lest i get teary eyed from the many splenders that just the thought of such a wonderful man would bring to mind, let me instead ponder the wonders of having known him them the death of sorrow from losing such as he.

    Alas, i have never read this play (oddly the only one i haven't, hmmmmm)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Bjjorick The rest of the quote goes, "of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now?"
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @ladyrhian hmmmm, i just remember why i put it down. this line struck me as very homo erotic, and that's not something i feel that i can appreciate. but if you want to talk any other the other works of the bard, i'd be more then happy to indulge you, especially macbeth, after a moment to recall the story or othello, in which i played his wife in a play. Wanted to go for a true spirit of the time, but alas, was the only male in a class of 15.

    We got a standing ovation though, and my friends (male friends sadly) told me that i made quite an attractive woman. Good memory or bad? oy.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Bjjorick I viewed it as he helped raise Hamlet as a boy. Riding on his back= playing "Horsie" and people in medieval times would have viewed kisses on the lips less homoerotically than we did now. A kiss on the lips from a King was known as "The Kiss of Peace" and meant to be a sign of ultimate forgiveness. I mean, just from the Bible, there is that whole "Beloved Disciple" in the gospel of John, who, at the last supper and in the original Greek was "Reclining on the bosom of Jesus". This can also be read in a very homoerotic fashion, not to mention the same disciple is supposedly called "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved" in the early scene at the tomb.

    I'm not arguing for a homosexual interpretation of these things, just that, judging other societies by the standards of today is ridiculous. To paraphrase, if it seems to look like a duck and quacks like a duck, it may just be a waterfowl.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    edited August 2012
    @ladyrhian nah, not saying it was homoerotic, just that it struck me that way. the bard is known for his comment about the beast with two backs, and two men could make that beast in a different fashion, but in truth, it was more likely that it would be a manner of 'bearing him upon his back'. My gorge rises? Isn't that bascially, my chest heaves in the fond memory of it. sadness or arousal? the lips i have kissed was the least of my line of thinking of this part. Also, correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't this one of the more erotic books/plays that has next to no limits, even in the society of that time?

    While i understand what you say about the bible, and nice getting to know your opponent, the kind of love Jesus spoke of was not a romantic love, but a love to last through all time. While we most often think romantic love will last, in many cases, it cools quickly, and were we to live longer, would rarely last past a single lifetime. I don't fully believe that, but i know it has truth in it.

    Also, look at the context. Jesus was about to die, and it was a moment of knowing that death had already visited. In this case, death had already happened and it struck me as a last moment between two. I never felt this scene happened with anyone else present (as the writer was the invisible/omnipresent type). While i agree with your arguement as being logical, i can't help but feel that there is more here. That these two were friends who grew to be lovers, and once more, i seem to recall that this char was not the most moral. Homosexuality was not accepted at that time either, afaik, but it was still practiced.

    Edit: don't you just love a good wall of text?
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