Boo's NPC Polls Part 3: Who do you think is the Coolest Cleric?
Member Posts: 6,164
Part 3: Clerics
Please share your favorite and give a brief explanation if you so wish
Please share your favorite and give a brief explanation if you so wish
- Boo's NPC Polls Part 3: Who's do you think is the Coolest Cleric?118 votes
- Branwen (By Valkur's strapping buttocks is she awesome or what???)17.80%
- Viconia (Only the disgusting Rivvil would not appreciate her)41.53%
- Yeslick (Clangeddin's will be done)  4.24%
- Quayle (cuz he's soooo smrt)  2.54%
- Tiax (Rules!)  6.78%
- Anomen (Did you not hear about that time he killed those giants all by himself?)  5.93%
- Aerie (She's cooler than Chiktikka Fastpaws)15.25%
- Just show me the results (this option does NOT mean "all of the above")  5.93%
Post edited by booinyoureyes on
In BG1, I'm actually rather fond of Yeslick. BG needs some more wise and good, Durkon type dwarves. I wish Yeslick were in BG2.
I also really like Branwen. This poll list would be a hard choice for me if my Ano weren't on the list.
I also really love Berelinde's Gavin, who is unfortunately not compatible with EE at the moment.
She is very much part of my canon BG1 playthrough. She loves Kivan almost as much as I do
Totally understand Shandyr's indecision, and the creator of this poll is clearly a Chaotic Evil jerk for not giving the option of "other". Its tough with BG1 characters who are not in BG2. These are some very popular characters here (also three romance choices)
And for those complaining about her con: 20 HP is all that she loses, and her 65% magic resistance far more than makes up for that. She also has 19 Dexterity and 18 Wisdom, which grant her, respectively, incredibly low AC and THAC0 with Slings as well as very high priority on actions (iniative) (which means less likely to be interrupted), and a bunch of extra spell slots which can be used to memorize extra cures, sanctuaries (more on that later) and Create Undead.
Plus, her Command Undead ability is widely considered to be superior than a good cleric's Turn Undead, simply because it means she can walk through hallowed areas with Sanctuary activated while letting her army of zombies/skeletons/vampires or whatever rape, pillage and burn through the opposition.
With Call Upon Holy Might and a Mage's Strength she can easily reach over 23 Strength when necessary, which means she is no fragile flower, despite what people would like you to believe.
Her high Intelligence proves to be a boon when dealing with Illithids, which is especially useful as she is one of the few characters capable of undoing intelligence damage in the party.
Again, with Sanctuary and her 65% Magic Resistance she often needs not worry about being hit by stray fireballs or accidentally tripping a Skull Trap while moving through the battlefield to deliver support to party members, a thing Anomen is not even capable of dreaming to do so.
Plus, she has IMO the best romance path and is a complete woobie and a survivor who has had it far worse than even the fan-favorite attention whore Aerie, but does not constantly bring it up at every possible conversation, unlike the aforementioned fan-favorite attention whore.
She has great in-character interactions with the other Bioware NPC's, and her romance is doable as a friendship, and also references the events and stories of the BG1 NPC Project, if you've played her with that.
Sweet, but I have a confession to make... I've never played a modded BG. So I really don't know anything about modding it or mods themselves
arr that tormented me as soon as clicked it should have taken the neutral option
(your alignment has shifted 1 toward Lawful Evil)
Aerie (or Jaheira depending on the class of Charname)
I think that would be quite kickin.
I thought Viconia would win handily (I've never played with her... I am a disgrace) but I expected more love for Anomen and Aerie in particular. I think many consider Aerie more of a mage, which may factor in to the results of this poll.
Shocked I tell you, shocked!
Earlier on, when Aerie was WAY behind, I wondered if I should summon @Coutelier for a little backup.
But then I thought that'd be 'powergaming' the poll, and you know, I disapprove of powergaming.
Most megalomaniacal (I hope that's a word): Tiax
Most changed: Aerie
Most likely to use an Axe: Yeslick
Most likely to never be used: Quayle (stands back to wait for contrary responses!)
In truth, though, Branwen might be my favorite. Calm, confident, badass gal- and an excellent romance in BG1 NPC mod (who wrote that one?) carried forward to an excellent romance in BG2 by Kuylok. Probably my favorite romance with a female character by a male character. She's not the most powerful, no, but she is awesome.
I like Aerie and Viconia too, though, for different reasons, and Tiax amuses me. And there's nothing wrong with Yeslick. Um. Don't think I've ever used Quayle, though... can I vote for least favorite instead?