Boo's NPC Polls Part 8: Who's is your Favorite Fighter?

I often find fighters to be a bit boring and one-dimensional, but there are some great ones out there. I'd like to see your options
Of course, please vote and share if you wish to qualify your response.
Note: I included Dorn since it did not feel right to put him in the paladin poll, and Rasaad because this is the only place where he really fits. Also did not include duals or multis since space was limited.
Of course, please vote and share if you wish to qualify your response.
Note: I included Dorn since it did not feel right to put him in the paladin poll, and Rasaad because this is the only place where he really fits. Also did not include duals or multis since space was limited.
- Boo's NPC Polls Part 8: Who's is your Favorite Fighter?127 votes
- Sarevok (I will be the last... and you will vote first)26.77%
- Mazzy (Adventure and virtue mesh well, I think)21.26%
- Khalid (Vote for someone your own size!)10.24%
- Korgan (The firs' ta vote fo' the other gits gets me axe in thar skull, groundlings!)11.02%
- Kagain (For the love of money)  3.15%
- Shar-Teel (If it bleeds, she can kill it)  7.87%
- Wilson (He's better than your average bear!)  1.57%
- Rasaad (Just give him something to punch and kick)  3.94%
- Dorn (Man... he's even bloodier than I hoped!)10.24%
- Just show me the results (this option does NOT mean "all of the above")  3.94%
also you forgot Jahera
Fuuuuuuuu -- This was a toughie. I went with Sarevok, but Kagain would certainly be next.
Sometimes I feel like~
I'm the only one who loves Dorn~
Sometimes I feel like~
There's only room for scorn~
I love Mazzy too (can't believe I never actually voted for her on any of the polls, and she was an option on quite a few)
I really like Rasaad as well. After finishing his story into ToB his stock may rise.
Dorn seems to be really popular around these parts, actually. I think that all EE NPCs are at a disadvantage due to familiarity and nostalgia, though I suppose some people will favor fresh options.
"Between me and WHO?"
Did I say Khalid? I meant Sarevok. Yup. Because you are tooootally more manly than Sarevok. C'mon, Koveras? *snicker**snicker*
In other news, yay! I'm not alone on the poll anymore!
His dedication to revenge is respectable but in ToB you realize that its more than that - it's an obsession to him. He does a total 180 in character when assaulting the Deepstone Clanhold and the reaction it got from me was, "Holy crap, this guy means BUSINESS." Thankfully he didn't freak out on us like Exiled Anomen, and once we "killed" Alorgoth, it was like rescuing Rasaad from the deep end.
Rasaad's a great NPC. I wonder if Cuv has anything in mind for him in the new Ascension, like helping you convince Balthazar to stand down.
But Sarevok, come on, son of a God, gets the cool armour and sword, (almost) starts a war, dies twice and still gets redeemed!
Did I mention the deathbringer assault yet?
There are many great fighters in this series. I love Mazzy. Khalid has carried me through many BG1 games. Dorn and Rasaad I both enjoy. Our dour dwarves are always fun. Wilson is a freakin' bear, man. Shar-Teel has an excellent BG1 romance.
But dear brother is perhaps the most excellent fighter you can find, deathbringer assault brings doom to all who face him, and SAREVOK STANDS READY. He'll stand at your side as your Herald if you Ascend evily, or conquer countries in the wake of mourning his girlfriend if you redeem him. No matter what path he takes, it's the path of awesome. Cheers to you, dear brother. Let's take on the world.
Interesting to see how it turns out! Polling closes at midnight on Teusday the 18th Eastern Time!
That Malaysian medicine student and the shrewd feminist from my school I'm bangin' would beg to differ