Does anyone <i><b>NOT</b></i> suffer from Restartisis?
Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
Restartisis appears to be endemic on these forums. So much so that I am starting to wonder if it's a "cool disease" to have, and some people are deliberately contracting it to fit in. :P
I mean as far as diseases go, symptoms like "cannot stop starting new Baldur's Gate playthroughs" is not so bad... Though "being unable to finish a Baldur's Gate playthrough" is a pretty horrible consequence.
Anyway, does anyone here actually NOT suffer from the condition? Or am I the lone golem somehow immune to the effects of this affliction?
I am not saying that I have completed every playthrough I have attempted, but I've never given up for the reasons Restartisis sufferers normally state. (I have only given up where I've messed up my game somehow, and when I restarted, I did it with the exact same character.)
In fact because I am typically only interested in a very specific kind of character to fit a particular roleplaying theme, I have only played with 2 different Charnames so far, and it doesn't bother me at all. There are so many difference choices, NPCs and tactics that I could try that I don't feel the need to constantly change Charnames at all...
Don't burn me... XD
I mean as far as diseases go, symptoms like "cannot stop starting new Baldur's Gate playthroughs" is not so bad... Though "being unable to finish a Baldur's Gate playthrough" is a pretty horrible consequence.
Anyway, does anyone here actually NOT suffer from the condition? Or am I the lone golem somehow immune to the effects of this affliction?
I am not saying that I have completed every playthrough I have attempted, but I've never given up for the reasons Restartisis sufferers normally state. (I have only given up where I've messed up my game somehow, and when I restarted, I did it with the exact same character.)
In fact because I am typically only interested in a very specific kind of character to fit a particular roleplaying theme, I have only played with 2 different Charnames so far, and it doesn't bother me at all. There are so many difference choices, NPCs and tactics that I could try that I don't feel the need to constantly change Charnames at all...
Don't burn me... XD
Well... at least not until the next patch for BG2:EE comes out. My general practitioner warned me that a recrudescence of restartitis will be inevitable at that point.
So always thinking about different party compositions or Charname classes.
Either that or I must be bored at work anyway.
Having said all that, my current dual beserker / druid isn't doing badly at all. Apart from the 1.5 million XP wait I'm currently in to advance one level - I thought mages had it tough!
I have to say though...I have never played a game from beginning to end anywhere near as many times as this one. It's rare for me to play a game twice, and if I do there's usually a gap of at least a year in between. So despite my occasional fits of "restartitis" it's amazing how well a game I've been playing nonstop since I was a kid is still able to suck up hours of my time.
My primary is Jack-Jack, a Jester, still in BG1, definitely going through the whole saga. 9/10 times he's who I play.
I have a BG1 alternate, Vonotar, my new Cleric/Illusionist, based on a villain from my favorite series of fantasy books. If I enjoy him enough, I'll take him into BG2.
Finally, I have a BG2 only alternate, Jerrol, a cheesy Halfing Fighter/Shadowdancer.
What is odd is that I restart a lot when playing other RPGs, but never this one. I just like developing and roleplaying the same character throughout the story.
MMOs, Skyrim, any game that lets you create a custom character... I guess it's because I have so many character concepts in my head that I want to explore all of them! Maybe it's a curse for being a writer (and I usually add way too many characters in my written stories too... Gahhh, it's a disease!).
Hey I fancy myself a writer too :P Not published anything yet... but I'm young! Still got time... I created too many characters too, tried to tell the story from too many perspectives, which is typically a bad idea... except when George RR Martins broke every rule in the book and somehow created a masterpiece.
Anyway in gaming I'm totally different. I don't typically replay single player games too often (BG is an exception), and there's typically something very specific that drew me to a game. In Diablo 3 about 500 hrs of my 550 hrs were spent on Wizards, and about 450hrs spent on 1 single Wizard, with 50hrs on the perma-death hardcore mode Wizard. I only rolled other characters as trade mules.
I'm a writer, too, in my way (though all I write for is boring magazines- wee I'm anon I can say thatttt), and I just have so many ideas for characters. I can't imagine playing the same character over and over. That would be boring to me. Even if my character is the same class, race, and alignment as the last, they'd still have to be different in personality in someway to keep me going.
But then I come up with another character idea, and I'm starting another new game.
(Unless, you know, you break them badly. >_>;; )
The why, of course, is left up to the artist.
Other games differ, I've restarted Skyrim numerous times. I did restart my first ever play through about half an hour in, because everyone was trying to kill me because I attacked a chicken...
In Skyrim I like trying different characters, it's the first time I've really tried to roleplay in a PC game rather than playing myself. I imagine when BGEE comes out on Android I may do the same there too
Edit: I know, I'm boring.
The other reason I might sometimes fail to finish a game is that RL demands make it impossible. Then I'm faced with a question of whether to resume a game I left uncompleted many months ago. I can remember a couple of BGT games that were fine concept-wise, but nevertheless started to feel like a slog. Usually under that circumstance I will just start a fresh game instead.
Even when I have a lot of time to play, a run through the entire saga typically takes me 3-4 months. In the last few years I stopped trying to do that. The constant battle after battle and increased funneling of the game play starts to feel increasingly tedious to me somewhere around the Underdark--and I'm much less a fan of BG2(EE) compared with BGEE. I just play one game or the other now.