What Pen and Paper weapons would you like to see in BG?

I'm about to continue DMing a game with some friends from back home this week. When we started they were all first time players and I was a first time DM (my only experience being as a player in one 3x/month game, but with pretty long sessions) but we learned fast and most importantly have fun.
My friends seem to love a bunch of exotic weapons, from sickles to "splash weapons" to shurikens. One guy was even considering a net! It got me thinking about what cool weapons I'd like to see in BG. Temple of Elemental Evil along with some of its mods had some cool weapons, like falchions and stuff,
Was wondering if anyone had any unique weapons that they'd like to see in the game. Or just items in general.
For me, I'd like to see shuriken for a shadowdancer-type character, or a two handed axe (they just look so badass). Scythes would look baller on a Blackguard as well. I'd love monks to use quarterstaves, but if not any monk unique weapons would be cool. Overall my favorite experience was my bard using a trident (Poseidon-style)
Please share your preferences, no matter how unique, different or bizarre (even if it involves Viconia and grand mastery in whips...)
My friends seem to love a bunch of exotic weapons, from sickles to "splash weapons" to shurikens. One guy was even considering a net! It got me thinking about what cool weapons I'd like to see in BG. Temple of Elemental Evil along with some of its mods had some cool weapons, like falchions and stuff,
Was wondering if anyone had any unique weapons that they'd like to see in the game. Or just items in general.
For me, I'd like to see shuriken for a shadowdancer-type character, or a two handed axe (they just look so badass). Scythes would look baller on a Blackguard as well. I'd love monks to use quarterstaves, but if not any monk unique weapons would be cool. Overall my favorite experience was my bard using a trident (Poseidon-style)
Please share your preferences, no matter how unique, different or bizarre (even if it involves Viconia and grand mastery in whips...)
Post edited by booinyoureyes on
Claws for Monks might be cool, so long as they didn't venture into JRPG territory.
Razor sharp metal throwing discs, garrotes, and main gauches for rogue-types.
And yeah, the Viconia whip thing.
For those interested in knowing what other kinds of weapons AD&D had can refer to my old The hypothetical weapons thread poll.
Also, I still can't understand why monks aren't allowed to use staffs, for me it's an iconic weapon for monks.
1. Kusarigama
Attacking with the weapon usually entailed swinging the weighted chain in a large circle over one's head, and then whipping it forward to entangle an opponent's spear, sword, or other weapon, or immobilizing his arms or legs. This allows the kusarigama user to easily rush forward and strike with the sickle.
2. Naginata
Naginata can be used to batter, stab or hook an opponent but due to their relatively balanced center of mass, are often spun and turned to proscribe a large radius of reach. The curved blade makes for an effective tool for cutting due to the increased length of cutting surface. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, one 5-foot (1.5 m) tall wielder could conceivably cover and attack in 484 square feet (45 square meters) of open, level ground with a 5-foot (1.5 m) shaft, 3-foot (0.9 m) blade, 3-foot (0.9 m) reach.
3. War fan
As the name suggest, the steel fan is exactly that, steel spines with silk in between. Folded, think of it as a club, used as a strike to key spots.
The master just stared at me.
I've dared no more.
well id take a parker ballpoint pen and an origami swan as my weapons of choice
actually although Its not technically new id like a short spear and shield style most
other wise id like Naginta and warpicks,
@Bengoshi your "war fan" may be of interest to one of @Heindrich's characters in his Black Pits playthrough
@jackjack I thought the claws would be cool too, but I was thinking that making an item like that as a ring would make a lot of sense. Like have a ring only usable by monks that adds 2 slashing or piercing damage would make sense as a brass-knuckles type of deal
Other than that I think one clever way to implement the weapons is to add them under current available proficiencies. Like:
-Falchion under two handed sword
-Trident under spear (10% chance of triple damage! lol)
-Shuriken under darts
-Rapier under short sword (add a +1 piercing damage on top or something)
-Javelin could be a "throwing spear" the way that there are throwing axes and throwing hammers (the Greek in me would love this option"
Also I would also like a cool shield that can serve as a bludgeoning weapon in the off-hand. You could maybe have it as an off-hand weapon or give it a special "shield bash" special ability to be activated like the ring of the ram or something like that
PS: LOL @Element
EDIT: I've just seen that you've posted an image, but from my work laptop I can't see it.
Couldn't you download it on your pc and then upload it with the "attach a file" option?
Generally speaking I like the option of adding two hand versions of existing weapons, like hammers, axes, etc.
Personally (maybe a TAD BIT bias here) I'd love to be able to use a polearm, particularly a spear, with a small shield of some sort. A trident and shield style would fit an NPC mod that I would make if I had any skill with computers.
Something I´d love to be added too would be the Monkey Grip feat from NWN 2 - though I never played the game, this feat of wielding two two-handed weapons seemed to be really funny!
You can launch the Halfling up to 25 feets, it takes one round to pick him up and throw him.