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Fellow blackguards rise up!! The paladins shall perish!!!! (rp forum)

xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
Welcome one and welcome all you black-hearted blackguards!! There is a prophecy stated by one of the high priests of candlekeep that the wall of balance between good and evil will eventually one day be overcome by one side and snuff out the other. I tell you this my fellow brothers and sisters that evil shall be the one to overcome the wall of balance for we are the ones who have the power to take what is rightfully ours and crush those who dare stand in our way! All that is good shall be washed away and we shall rule as mighty kings in the name of the dark gods we worship. We, the blackguards, shall carve our names into the corpses of our enemies and rule the fools of this plane of existence.

However, there is one sect of fools who actually think it is worth something to protect the fools who can't even protect themselves. The so-called "paladins" who champion the cause of good have stood in our path and disclaim what is rightfully ours. The fools!! We shall crush them in the name of our dark gods and stump out their temples that remain across the world!

And not only them, but good-hearted warriors, thieves, mages, the lesser beings of the world have also sided with these "paladins" to deny what is rightfully ours. My brothers and sisters I tell you now that I will not stand for this! I, Rielek bloodheart, will champion the true heart of evil and carve a path of blood and death to our right to rule!!

What say you my fellow blackguards? Are you ready to take your rightful place as the true rulers of faerun and rule as kings and queens of darkness? Who is with me?!?!


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Blood for the blood god!
    Skulls for the throne of... bhaal?
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160



    No no no, i just see life as a continuum that capriciously torments man, and for that reason i found it fitting to end the capricious joke as a whole!

    This torment and pain is the result of man and his actions, greed, lust, hypocrisy, whatever. He has raped the land and shattered dreams to achieve his own, he made the life of others his playground, waging wars as he sees fit. I'm looking at you Sarevok.

    I am smashing down this playground, ending man's wars, along with his race!! Mwahahahah!

    Ahem... yeah :P

  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Inspired speech good sir Bloodheart. Truly you aspire to bring all those who follow the path of chaotic stupidity to heights hitherto unexplored.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    This sounds like the speech of a particularly verbose and articulate orc chieftain...and that isn't a good thing.

    No, no, I'm afraid none of this "crushing" you're talking about sounds particularly productive, profitable, or even given much forethought at all.

    And what is all this hatred so specficially for Paladins? Was mummy or daddy a Paladin? Did they not love you enough? Did a Paladin beat you, take pity on you, and toss you into an Amnish prison for a few years? How very sad for you. I find their self-righteous nonsense as disgusting as anybody, but in order to consider them an enemy I'd have to first consider them a threat.
  • lmaoboatlmaoboat Member Posts: 72
    Can I join? I once did a rolling stop at a stop sign... and didn't report myself!
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    hm, quick to turn on one another, are we? hehe... :)
  • Flameguard27Flameguard27 Member Posts: 37
    Killing paladins! He says what we're all thinking!
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    We Paladins accept your challenge! May the wickedness in your hearts perish before the righteous light that burns within our souls!!!!
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2012
    But we are not evil!

    We are SAVING the world from the pain and sorrow that awaits everyone!

    Why can't anyone understand our heroic endeavor? :P

    Pff :P
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Ahh, but to make a choice for another against their will, that is the essence of evil, rather you do it for their good or bad. As a paladin, i will stand and deliver those who SEEK my aid, i will stand in protection of those who will ask my help, so long as they are pure of heart and seek to aid those who are in need and pain. To cut off a finger due to a splinter is not an act of kindness, but of laziness and evil.

    Should you take the quick and easy way in your desire to 'save people from their destiny', then we shall rise up, and stand between you and your goal. JUSTICE IS BLIND, BUT VENGEANCE DIVINE!!!!
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Bloodheart! By helm I swear that you and those of your kind shall NEVER rise as a power in the planes, you shall be vanquished, you shall be cast down into the black pits! Forever damned and tortured, your black soul deserves no better!
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2012
    Dear Paladin,

    I SEEK your aid, you have to help me, i have no one else to turn to. Please hold your sword extended at neck height. Then, turn the blade pointing at you, and thrust it into your neck with all your righteous might. Let the blood of a righteous warrior soil the land and make it prosper like it deserves. Make this sacrifice to uphold good and all that is righteous, so that i have one less paladin to deal with!

    With regards,

    Your friend, the Blackguard.


  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Dearest Mornmagor,

    I hear your request, and would be most happy to assist you. Your desire is dark hearted and bred in misconception. Were i to take my own life, my blood would no longer be that of a righteous warrior, and would stain the earth, leading to great decay and darkness. Such as that might be your desire, I shall inform you that I will fulfill your request, in that I shall be there waiting for your treachery to present itself, and i shall then spill your blood, the blood of the unclean, and bless it as it spills so that the land shall in turn be blessed.

    With sight beyond shallowness and foolishness, I await the day we shall meet. I pray that you shall bring many of your friends to meet me. It will be a good day to stand against the darkness of your hearts, and overcome you.

    With much anticipation, the Paladin
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    In Torms name I will not allow you to remove the hope and love of this land. I am a Cavalier in his name. I have defeated Demons, Devil and Evil Dragons. You are yet another misguided threat to the well being of the Realm. And I will fight you and stop you. With the help of Carsomyr, I will lead my allies against this gross affront to the realms.

  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    You foolish incompetent paladins!!! Do you have any idea whom you are dealing with? If someone came screaming to me about a splinter I would just as soon enjoy watching their head roll from their pathetic waste of a lifeless body!! I will come for you on September 18th and mark my words......

    You will suffer!!! YOU WILL ALL SUFFER!!!!
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    You speak of our incompetence but yet you constantly return to threaten and harass us. You try to seem overconfidence but your fear of our abilities is apparent. We will not stand idly by while you try to resurrect, or worse make yourself, the next God of Murder. And please note that not all paladins will stand by waiting to defend. Some of us know that the only way to defend against evil is to go out and confront it at its source.

    We know we cannot fail, and thus we will not fail.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197

    You speak of our incompetence but yet you constantly return to threaten and harass us. You try to seem overconfidence but your fear of our abilities is apparent. We will not stand idly by while you try to resurrect, or worse make yourself, the next God of Murder. And please note that not all paladins will stand by waiting to defend. Some of us know that the only way to defend against evil is to go out and confront it at its source.

    We know we cannot fail, and thus we will not fail.

    HAHA!!! Is this your pathetic attempt at humor? I have slain dragons, razed villages, executed countless civilians, and carved a swath of death through the nine hells, and you dare to say that I fear you? YOU?!?! Who are you to say that I fear the weak powers of a dying order? You are nothing to me! Another insect meant to be crushed in the palm of my hand!

    Come then "champion of righteousness" face me and meet your end at the tip of my blade!
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    You either fear me or are over confidant. Either way you set yourself at a disadvantage in combat. And with the Strength and Wisdom of Torm I will show you these "weak powers of a dying order". You are naught but another villain and will be treated as such. And I will meet the tip of your blade with my Greatsword. For HONOR AND JUSTICE!
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    *is a true neutral cleric* So... whose part has cookies? I'm joining that one. (note : never trust true neutral characters. They ought to be selfish bastards)
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2012

    You either fear me or are over confidant. Either way you set yourself at a disadvantage in combat. And with the Strength and Wisdom of Torm I will show you these "weak powers of a dying order". You are naught but another villain and will be treated as such. And I will meet the tip of your blade with my Greatsword. For HONOR AND JUSTICE!

    The only thing i fear is you presenting me as "another villain".

    That is why i will make you forget any other villain you faced.

    You want Justice? I will show you, JUSTICE OF THE GRAVE!!

    - insert evil and distorted laugh here.

    P.S. Dearest Paladins, i accept bribes of Red Dragon Scale and/or better to spare you. If you don't comply, i will be forced to lock you up and have Anomen hit on you FOR ALL ETERNITY!

    Hmph :P

    /throws back his cape and leaves
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Anomen can hit on me all he wants. I think I've done 2 romances with him and put him in his place in each one. Last time I had Carsomyr which helped to put him in his place.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Why is it that you constantly say that I "fear" you? Is fear a requirement for you when you face powerful enemies or do you fear me and so try not to show it by accusing your foe of their own fear? Fear is truly a powerful tool that can be manipulated in ways that only true wielders of it can possibly imagine like ME! You Fool...I sense your fear and see the sweat coming down your left brow! You know you are weak and pathetic and nowhere near as strong as I and so you falter and quiver like the foolish mortal you are! Go ahead and beg for mercy if you will for you shall have none from me!

    After I have finished you...I think I will pay a visit to the town you so delightfully died trying to defend! Don't worry...I'll be sure to take good of it haha!! HAHAHAHAH!!
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2012
    Damnit, how the heck did they find out how to handle Anomen!?
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Mornmagor said:

    P.S. Dearest Paladins, i accept bribes of Red Dragon Scale and/or better to spare you. If you don't comply, i will be forced to lock you up and have Anomen hit on you FOR ALL ETERNITY!

    /throws back his cape and leaves

    I can see now that there is no hint of kindness left within your dark and wicked heart. I will show you the love of justice before i give you the vengence you deserve. While i doubt even one as lost as you are, I will give you the chance to make peace with your ways before you perish. You speak of the weapons you wield, the power you possess, the enemies you have slain. You seek to make me fear you, but for all that you have slaughtered for your own wicked desires, for all those you have tortured and tormented, for all those who have suffered by your hands will i gain strength. You may come at me with an army at your back, but the faith i have will sustain me, and the strength i've been given shall end you.

    Forever more know the torment you have sowed. Forever more perish in the depths of the hell you have earned. Forever more will the innocent be protected. This i swear to you upon my very life's blood.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160

    Dedicated to my dearest paladins all over the world, since that's what's gonna happen when you meet me!

    Jump to 1:00 :P
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    edited August 2012
    ahhhh, yes, the words of the boisterous, tell me, will be so brave when this is you?

    my dear black knight, jump to 2:28 for your fight against me.

    Feel free to talk, to the point of death.

    and in the end, what will you do? Well, you will bleed....
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    A clear draw!

    Didn't you see how badass blackguards are, calling dismemberment flesh wounds :P
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    edited August 2012
    Yes, i did, and how easily the black knight suffers said 'flesh wounds'. Do not worry, i will no leave your head attached one you reach the point of your fellow black guard here. We paladins are a bit more caring then our brother you saw *EASILY* defeating your kind.

    btw, excellent fight against a common farm hand before facing a true warrior. I would almost be intimidated had i not known the poor mentally ill fellow your friend dispatched. His drool attack was effective as your bleeding attack shall be.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Hahaha, brave brave Blackguards, rise up against the paladins. Every attempt you have made so far as be easily thwarted. Every effort in vain. Give up your evil ways, or come and line up for your judgement.

    Brave brave blackguards, consider your fates.

    Brave brave blackguards, i shant let you run away. :)

    We will be waiting for you.
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