Dialogue options you really wish the game had.

Playing ToB I find there is more then once all my dialogue options seem nothing like what I'd want to say. For example, against Abazigal I had the options of saying "I WILL KILL YOU BECAUSE I AM GOOD AND YOU ARE BAD!" "I killed your son, hurr hurr" and "I am bhaalspawn I will nom your soul.". Admittingly I'm paraphrasing quite a bit but thats pretty much what I got. Usually my character did his duty, killing only out of a sense of need and not revenge or justice. This made the dialogue feel awkward, however this was fine. I can live with this.
What really annoys me is I can't say "I wasn't even there!" when Balthazar accuses me of destroying Saradash. Seriously, I was off in the mountains trying to get a couple of severed hearts and freeing random slave women who may or may not be succubi!
Does anyone else have little moments like this that seem to cause them an odd sense of annoyance with dialogue? I admit in my case these are minor and easily overlooked complaints, but hey, if you can't express minor and inconsequential complaints on a gaming forum where can you?
What really annoys me is I can't say "I wasn't even there!" when Balthazar accuses me of destroying Saradash. Seriously, I was off in the mountains trying to get a couple of severed hearts and freeing random slave women who may or may not be succubi!
Does anyone else have little moments like this that seem to cause them an odd sense of annoyance with dialogue? I admit in my case these are minor and easily overlooked complaints, but hey, if you can't express minor and inconsequential complaints on a gaming forum where can you?
In PS:T I also felt like sometimes some options were missing (although I liked it a lot for the high number it has of dialog options sometimes), but that's because you always think of something the creators didn't look much into.
The Baldur's Gate games do have the odd gem tucked away in terms of Chaotic, flippant or silly responses. "We're a horde of rampaginf Tarrasques! Krie! Krie!", anyone?
Baldur's Gate chaotic: "I am Foolius Displasus, destroyer of the Seven Suns!" and even "I come from the land of the nude nymphs where fish is not fish" maybe "We're a raving ma of lunatic caw caw caw caw!!" or "You bald virgin sucker! I got THE power now hahahaha!"
@Skaffen Its hard to describe. Essentially I get way too into the character I play to the point where their thoughts become my own. Roleplaying I calls it. Its basicly playing pretend for adults and having dialogue options that don't reflect what you're pretending you are is kinda grating. Honestly, BG is not the best place for serious RPing, your best bet for that is a regular table top game where you choose your own words. That being said, it can still be fun in BG and can inspire characters you might want to RP elsewhere.
Plus the option to tell everyone that they are crazy/you want to kill them.
In Candlekeep, after the assassination attempts. I either sound like a wuss or I deny it happened. I have more than one charname who wouldn't be shaken, but fascinated - my assassin thinks Shank and Carbos were his "graduation test" to join the Zhentarim, and was waiting for something like this to happen. He'd be secretive, but mostly proud he succeeded. My hobo priest would be intrigued by their death. I also can't see blackguards or other evil/bloodthirsty charnames to react with any of the offered lines. I wish there was an option like "Someone tried to kill me, but they underrated me/got what they deserved!" Generic enough to fit all sorts of non-shaken-for-whatever-reason characters.
Then, the re-join dialogues. Ugh. So the Harpers and Zhent start to fight as scripted and are all removed from my party. I have no choice but to get the re-join dialogue if I want Monty and Xzar back. I actively help them kill Khalid and Jaheira; it's obvious whose side I'm on. Re-join dialogue? "I hate you and you are nuts, but meh, come along anyway." Nope. My hobo priest thinks Xzar is the wisest guy to walk the realms. He doesn't realize Xzar is crazy. He doesn't hate him. He aspires to be like him.
Edwin, when I had to park him to get the gem bag/do Neera's quest, would also leave and re-join. Again, my only dialogue options are "you suck, come along" and "you suck, go away". At this point, my assassin has sworn to guard Edwin and considers him his "boss". He wouldn't speak to him like that, from lawful evil to lawful evil, there would be a certain respect. Other evil characters may actually like the attitude the one re-join dialogue critizes and prefer a (over)confident mage to a whiner like Neera or a depressive guy like Xan.
The list goes on, and I wish there were more neutral/non-insulting options. Good, neutral, evil - they can all be polite and at least send someone on their way/request their support without insulting the ALLY.
"Hey Reiltar, you're pretty much an asshole and we've got proof of your crimes right here, but you should probably know your 'son' is a psychopath who lied to you and is probably planning to murder the hell out of you. Come quietly into custody and we can minimise the damage and get you a fair trial."
"Hey Gelena, praise be to Garl Glittergold. Could you send out a cart to this location? My foster father was murdered there yesterday evening and I'd like him raised soon. I'll pay you 50g if you fetch him and cast Gentle Repose to keep his body fresh, I'll be back soon with 5000g for the resurrection. He is my loving father and no brutal murderer will take him from me!"
Seriously. I did not side with those druids because my armor was chaffing. Stupid hunters.
And I get that Mr. Windspear is practically a hermit who's lived far outside of Athkatla for quite a while, but... Come on, you can't seriously expect me to believe that he still thinks I'm an innocent victim after he goes to talk to the Order.
I can just imagine how that talk would go...
Garren: "Alright, I know you heard about the killings of Ajantis and the other men in the Windspear Hills. But I assure you, not all is as it seems! These people were wrongfully tricked into killing the knights by the evil dragon Firkraag!"
Knight: "Hmm... Who did you say these people were again?"
Garren: "Um, well, there was this handsome half-elf fellow who dressed like a mage... A half-orc in dark armor--"
Knight: "A half-elf and half-orc!? Gods be, that's got to be them! Men! Send out a squadron immediately for the Windspear Hills! Time to gut those knight-killing bastards!"
I also get that there's little that Overhaul can do about this, since they can't alter any of the original content. But seriously, Firkraag. Tricking the Radiant Killer into murdering more knights, just to soil his already-horrific honor? Not your brightest playthrough, my scaly friend.
Context: Every time Dorn opens his stupid tusk face.
' you see Melissan despite the success of your transparent machinations you have in fact been dancing to my tune since the very beginning' charname to mellisan
"You know, you should really vary the place you drag me to each time I sever your connection. Look behind you." *Six simultaneous spike traps*
And maybe you have 18 INT and WIS.
I always found the dialogue options with Duke Eltan a bit forced. Before being asked to retrn to Candlekeep you get the option to say something like: "Nah, I'm no longer interested in working for you." And then you get insta-killed for plot purposes...
The authors could have either written dialogue options that don't need to be solved with aformentioned insta-kill, or a plot twist that forces you to go to Candlekeep anyway. The Marek/Lothander poison and geas storyline could have worked here, with the antidote being in Candlekeep.
For instance, some sort of way to side with the drow would be a nice alternative for evil players instead of getting railroaded into working with Solaufein and the good-aligned surface elves.
"Hey look Phaere, I know betrayal is kinda your thing and all, but how about I make you a better offer? I killed en elder brain, a kuo toa prince, and a elder orb in the few days you have known me-it's obvious that I have been an incredibly useful asset to you, and it would be a mistake to think that your summoned demon would be enough to take me down if I wanted to kill you-but it doesn't have to end that way-you know where Irenicus is and I know you have a surface elf problem you'd like taken care of, I'm sure we can think of something mutually beneficial." Something like that-(although shorter)
Likewise, a "This guy may have killed a bunch of people, you shouldn't go talk to him alone" dialogue option would be nice for the inspector in the bridge district.
(in the infernal fortress in ToB)
"I can summon any of my old party members? Alright, I summon Xan/Shar-Teel/etc"
They all strike me as illustrating those characters as untouchable and above all the other characters. And you can't really knock them down a notch. It's obnoxious. I'm sure someone will throw some counter-examples at me -- great. But there are a lot of examples out there of exactly what I'm saying.
And another thing someone will likely say is, "you just hate the EE NPCs because they're new, tinted glass lalalala~" and to that I reply: I felt that BioWare did the same thing with Korgan on occasion, and I don't like Korgan.
Long story short I *still* can't have a fun time playing an evil party in BGII! :DDDD