Arnise Keep: who is "Stronger"?

For me it looks like one of those side plots they just forgot about or decided it was not worthy; Tor'Gal, the troll leader says he is taking orders from someone above, someone that was able to give him "land and meat". Previously Glacias, the former Arnise bodyguard, talks about a master "whom sorcery has showed him the way". What was all that about? The Roenalls? One of the guys you rescue says the trolls were behaving strangely for their kin, kind of preservig the fortress and heading straight to the dungeons... But the roenalls look to pathetic to be able to support such an invasion: Trolls, Yuan-Ti, Umber Hulks... it sounds like someone really big backing up the hole operation. Someone somewhere made a smart guess: Could not be the rakshasa or some of their foes seeking the flail of ages?
De'Arnise Keep is overrun by Trolls, Umberhulks, and Yuan-Ti. And in the Druids Grove area, you find...a Troll cave, with Trolls. Hmmm...
Umberhulks come from the Underdark...what are they doing so close to the surface? And working together with Trolls? That is...pretty weird, in and of itself.
I think it is all a plot of the Twisted Rune, myself (and I think that the Alhoon was a member). It is mentioned that a member of the Twisted Rune is an Alhoon.
Unfortunately, we will never know, as it all lies too far in the past, and David&Co. can no longer remember exactly what sort of Unfinished Business was planned with it all.
There are tidbits in the original code, and parts in Unfinished Business (the Mod) that speak abit about this, but nothing complete, unfortunately.
And so it shall remain a mystery...forever.
The machinations of the Twisted Rune, scheming Roenalls, Rakshasa or undead illithid are nothing compared to a pie-maker scorned, friends...
However, I think some of the stuff in BG2 is much less conscious and intentional than that.
On the Alhoon/Firkraag thing: Let us not forget that, for some unknow reason, the sewers key was in possession of Tazok. Sure the old Red fella had some dealings with those creatures, maybe linked with the keep invasion...
The twisted web of deceit and deception that he weaves to bring Gorion's Charge to him is a sign of high intelligence and patience. I think that being a member of The Twisted Rune might have advantages that Firkraag could use...
And yes, he displays a high inteligence degree, but he is a total wacko. I remember seeing his stats somewhere: INT 18 or higher and WIS 3. Even for Minsc, this is damn low! But yes, I have to agree, he is quite ambitious for a dragon; he brokes the "Tolkien like" Steriotipe of a big wyrm laying over a pile of treasure and start to breed an army of goblinoids, werewolves, undead, golems and the like, besides taking the lands of windspear for himself. Impossible to guess what were his long life plans(if there is any); but I usually do let him live, just to find out (Carsomyr sucks anyway)... and you know, help to make the realms a worst place to be in.
Firkraag would probably be a pawn of Twisted Rune, they are implausibly powerful. Also, they have a Dracolich. The full members iirc are all old undead casters. He probably isnt personally powerful enough to compete, and probably too dumb. Shangalar is better than the game suggests, and I didnt think he was their best mage.