@secretmantra I fixed up your links. Syntax is <img src=url_here />, and you have to post the address of the actual image, not qm.gif (which is just a blank dot). With quickmeme, you can't just right-click and copy the location; you have to either view the page's source or (in Firefox) right-click and choose View Image Info, then copy the url above the highlighted one.
It's actually pretty easy to do with the right buffs, dude.
And pretty much equally easy to tank with any other weapon as with the moonblade.
And who cares? It's fun as hell, and it's amusing. Also, the more adaptable I can make my favorite character, the better.
Adding to this; I actually *had* to tank with Xan once, so it being "equally easy" is not really a good dismissal statement. The capability of doing it, while situational at best, is certainly a blessing. I was in the Bandit Camp tent and literally everyone in my party except Xan was Horrified and/or webbed and/or stinking clouded. Xan already had a Mirror Image active, so I had him chug a Potion of Fortitude and start swinging. I had to re-mirror image once, but he ended up killing all the dudes in there and finishing the battle all on his own.
I had something suitably snarky but can't get it to post.
trolled, nothing.
I just really like Xan. ^_^;