Ah, yes, that reminds me of the good old times when I still had (real, physical) people to play D&D with. An old RPG magazine called Casus Belli introduced a nice new spell for dungeon masters called "summon necropolis"... and it did exactly that. When the DM wanted to wipe the party, he usually just had to cast this RIGHT ABOVE US. When you see the shadow, it's already too late...
In the case of the first, I've come to calling the former two aesthetics "Clown Suit Gothic" - those designs tend to be just as unrealistic and exaggerated for males as well.
You can pick pretty much any tier of gear from a World of Warcraft raid as your exhibit A.
Other characteristics include huge spaulders, garish colors, parts (like straps) that serve no discernable purpose, and glowing bits.
Part of the reason I loved BG1 so much more than BG2 is that the art style was definitely more rooted in realism, and why it infuriated me beyond belief that the fools at Bioware had lost all the original art assets from it.
As for the second one, that describes me to a tee. XD
Now.... What these have in common with Baldur's Gate?
Well, the second one is obviously Melicamp running away from a rabid pack (pride? herd? deathtrap?) of rakshasas.
Yes. The first two reference Melicamp, Thalantyr, and a wild pack of rakshasas (thanks for that @Syntia13) while the second 2 are themed to explain what else is going on in the Forgotten Realms during the whole Bhaalspawn business. One talks about the coup d'etat of the Chultian gov't by werehippos, while the other talks about the spread of the Church of the Latter Day Werebears at the Spine of the World. Sorry I should have been more specific =p
nope it's definitely a trap. dwarf babies come from hook horrors (the underground equivalent of storks) dontcha know? =p
Every dog has his day
he sure will be. twice =p
2nd edition AD&D. Now with 100% more Safari Suits, Single raised eyebrows and High Camp.
I was chased by a camel once in Jordan XD
I was actually approached today by some Latter Day Saints which inspired the last one.
In the case of the first, I've come to calling the former two aesthetics "Clown Suit Gothic" - those designs tend to be just as unrealistic and exaggerated for males as well.
You can pick pretty much any tier of gear from a World of Warcraft raid as your exhibit A.
Other characteristics include huge spaulders, garish colors, parts (like straps) that serve no discernable purpose, and glowing bits.
Part of the reason I loved BG1 so much more than BG2 is that the art style was definitely more rooted in realism, and why it infuriated me beyond belief that the fools at Bioware had lost all the original art assets from it.
As for the second one, that describes me to a tee. XD