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Jon Irenicus - madman or genius?



  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    mlnevese said:

    I really wish sometimes there was a way for redemption to Irenicus.

    He made bad choices that became evil choices and ended up destroying himself and those he loved.

    Irenicus chose his path, and paid the price for it. He was offered a chance of redemption in Suldanessellar, and declined it, making mention that he was too far gone. (Not in those exact words, but similar.)

    This again would suggest that he is not insane.

  • KraytKnightKraytKnight Member Posts: 31
    In my opinion, he was both a madman and a genius, think about it, being able to imprison your full party, including Minsc. He was a crazy mastermind.
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Umm that is what makes evil people....evil, they have choices...and they make the wrong/evil ones.....I hate it when people say "He wasnt a bad kid, He just made bad choices" its just a bunch of sophist bullhockey meant to absolve people from accountability and responsibility for their acts.
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