Jon Irenicus - madman or genius?

Jon Irenicus decided to use his considerable magical powers to create a unique guardian for his dungeon. And what did he come up with?
A Sewage Golem.
Now since a Flesh Golem is made of flesh and a Clay Golem is made of clay, I'm guessing a Sewage Golem really doesn't smell like a summer meadow. However, you've got to hand it to Big Jon, it's a pretty clever creation. The thing is indestructible: you can hit it with an axe or fire a lightning bolt at it and it won't bat an eye. In fact, it appears to be impervious to everything including, somewhat ironically, the kitchen sink.
But does Irenicus use this amazing monster to help in his quest for power and revenge? No he uses it to open the doors to his overly-elaborate sewer system.
It's no wonder he is doomed to lose in the end.
Incidentally, it is possible to pick-pocket the Sewage Golem (but make sure you wash your hands after you do)
A Sewage Golem.
Now since a Flesh Golem is made of flesh and a Clay Golem is made of clay, I'm guessing a Sewage Golem really doesn't smell like a summer meadow. However, you've got to hand it to Big Jon, it's a pretty clever creation. The thing is indestructible: you can hit it with an axe or fire a lightning bolt at it and it won't bat an eye. In fact, it appears to be impervious to everything including, somewhat ironically, the kitchen sink.
But does Irenicus use this amazing monster to help in his quest for power and revenge? No he uses it to open the doors to his overly-elaborate sewer system.
It's no wonder he is doomed to lose in the end.
Incidentally, it is possible to pick-pocket the Sewage Golem (but make sure you wash your hands after you do)
Not to mention he also appears to have harnessed electricity with that generator in his dungeon. He could have discovered an alternate energy source to magic!
Also, as far as I'm aware in the Forgotten Realms universe, higher Intelligence = more potent magic. There is no need for explaining this one.
Yes, he is certainly a genius though his mind has taken quite a toll from his past experiences...
So, i've got this pile of feces. I don't feel like cleaning it, let's just give it life and then it can throw itself away? Pure genius.
from there, things went downhill for him.
don't get me wrong, i don't like him. i think anyone that would go to such lengths to steal your soul for no reason except that you're a lil different, is evil beyond anything i can appreciate. add to it that he was foolish enough to lose his soul, never showed remorse, no, i hate him and his char with a passion. His room in the first dungeon could have just been a piece of his soul or a motivational tool to keep him focused, maybe something to tell himself, when this is over, i'll appreciate this stuff again. Or, it could have been bohdi's room. who know?
Maybe if you conjure a Greater Water Elemental it would wash it away?
Man, i'm just wrong tonight.
he was an odd one, after all.
You have a faulty assumption in your original does not preclude the other...he can be both at the same time.
Man I wish you didn't had to kill him, I really liked the guy and wish that he either got his revenge or forgiving the Seldarine. Having him toned down in power and then thrown into your party would be legendary.
"I... I do not remember your love, Ellesime. I have tried. I have tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory, but it is gone... a hollow, dead thing. For years, I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing. The Seldarine took that from me, too. I look upon you and feel nothing. I remember nothing but you turning your back on me, along with all the others. Once my thirst for power was everything. And now I hunger only for revenge. And I... WILL... HAVE IT!!"
It is confirmed that Irenicus is at least a genius. As for a "madman", that's entirely subjective. Is revenge insane? Is stealing the eggs of a Silver Dragon matriarch insane? Is instigating conflict in the Underdark insane? Killing Cowled Wizards? The will to sacrifice your own race to further your own goals?
Insanity implies that you may and likely are unable to understand or accept the consequences of your actions.
I think that Irenicus was a genius with a very dark calling. He made all of the choices regarding my above questions consciously and willfully, and this does not make him mad. It makes him quite intelligent...and quite, quite Evil.
Madman Irenicus: "You got peanut butter on my chocolate."
He made bad choices that became evil choices and ended up destroying himself and those he loved.