Wanted to ask a quick question, hope someone can help?

I was in another board a few nights ago and someone mentioned that all three of the new romances were bi. As in all of them would have an open romance with you regardless of your gender? I was wondering if this was the case and if there was maybe a link where it had been confirmed?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.
A final note I'd like to add is that I suspect it will likely be the wild mage that is Bi since the majority of their fan base seems to be male. Therefore I'd suspect the majority of them would be open to the idea of romancing the female character, not to mention there's only one female character and two male characters available for romancing. However this could just be rather presumptuous on my part. Plus I think people are being a little narrow minded on the whole bisexual thing. It's not like they would likely be hitting on you, so much as just chatting with you. It could simply be friendship, and there could easily be a dialogue option along the way that says something along the lines of, "I appreciate your friendship so and so." Thus negating it from being a 'romance' as most people would define it.
That is my 2 cents worth on the subject.
I actually fully expect that the "romances" in BGEE will only be a friendship. It'll probably only be in BG2 that the friendship actually becomes a romance.
@moosechangerpat that's part of the reason i didn't like the thought of it. a romance should be hard, challenging, and easily lost/broken, but very very very rewarding when done right. if it's just a matter of the npc throwing themselves at you no matter what you do *coughDRAGONAGE2cough*, what's the point?
@Bjjorick That's kind of what I was saying. It should be challenging, and as such it shouldn't be like they're actually hitting on you. To be honest I don't know if they've got writers capable of pulling it off, but I shall hope an pray that they do. From everything I've seen, this team hasn't greatly disappointed me with the content they've produced yet. Just their licencing issues. I am in 100% agreement with you on the concept that it should be challenging, and rewarding, NOT SOMETHING LIKE CASAVIR IN NWN2! *ahem* Sorry... that one still gets me.
I can't talk about beta stuff.
I myself have no problem with bisexual or homosexual romances whatsoever... as long as they are not INTRUSIVE. I am a heterosexual in real life and love my girlfriend very much. If I want to roleplay, I can roleplay any sexually oriented guy or gal I want, I have no problems there. I don't like however how Dragon Age 2 went around doing "stuff" (either be my romance option or I am your sworn enemy)
That really is the case with Aerie too actually, even if she's just for guys... You don't want to act like a jerk to her... and she falls in love with you. WHAT?! No, no! I don't wanna! I'm staying single for my run, THE END!
Hopefully I didn't end up offending anyone, but really, there should be a clear line between romance and friendship. Something I haven't seen in either Dragon Age 2, or in some instances in Aerie (which made it hard to romance her for me personally)
not sure why but when you said that, all i could think of was,
"The first rule of fight club is that you do NOT talk about fight club"
Well, when some of the fixed bugs trickle out I can talk about them. New content is a definite no-no though.
Lol, at least in Fight Club they didn't have to sign NDA's to join.
and then the bard/thief, name started with a Z. I didn't care for him at all. He would hit on you on every line, and even if you were friends, and you told him no, the wrong choice and you were suddenly dating.
Come part 2, and he plays every romancable npc.
@Cheesebelly Also, I totally feel for you with Aerie. Best way to avoid that, bring Haer'Dalis along, make HIM be the one stuck with her instead. :P And between your Boo icons and your hilarious comments I think your one of my favorite members on this forum xD.
There wasn't anything like that. I was just around since the project was announced so I got invited to the beta.
@MooseChangerPat : thank you very much, I feel special now
I am indeed bringing Haer'Dalis along, especially for my Let's Play, since I don't want to romance anyone in it. The other option is simply to kill Aerie or just trash her for 5 seconds and she "breaks up". Silly romances. Why couldn't Mazzy be romancable?! She's better than the rest of the girls in the game
@Tanthalas... dang... maybe I would have been invited if I actually had joined the forum when I first heard about it.
I still remember the outcry against Dragon Age 2 as with some characters it was so hard not to start such a relationship that some decided just not to add them to the party.
But independent of sexual orientation, sometimes you don't want to start a relationship greater than friendship with anyone in your party as @Cheesebelly it should be clearer that you can be nice to her without starting a romance, or, at elast have a way to lead her to a friendship if she falls in love.
Yesterday i pre-ordered the game, but there is no badge "BGEE Supporter" on my profile here. Not that I'm complaining, but it's strange, because some of you guys have it. Is it because of me being not logged in on forum while pre-ordering?
Not a big issue - still I'm a bit concerned. Cheers!
it's due to me logging in through gmail and using my yahoo main on beamdog
Thanks @azurit and @Bjjorick for a quick reply.