The Adventures of Dart Girl (iPad series playthrough)

The Adventures of Dart Girl exists but for one reason only: I find the idea of Grandmastery in Darts amusing. However, due to the fact that strength doesn't get added to Darts damage (sigh), means the damage is never going to be fantastic. Heck, Grandmastery in Darts in SOA with normal darts is dealing 6-8 damage a dart and 9/2 attacks per round, which is pretty abysmal. There are also problems in that Dart Girl is redundant against certain creatures, or at least severely limited as outside the Cloak of the Stars and it's low output of +5 Darts, the best Thac0 bonus is at +3. Therefore, damage output needs to be increased somehow. The only option I can see here is to dual-class, and the only option I can see that increases the damage output? Assassin.
However, with this being an iPad run, I'm not in a position to fiddle around with things like Shadowkeeper, so the intent is to play through BGEE with an Assassin, then to Dual Class into Fighter in SOA. This raises the question of when to Dual class.
10 increases the potency of my poison
11 gives me slightly better traps
12 gives me an additional use of poison
At present, I'm going with 10, however there is the chance that this might change, depending on how many poison uses I want to use, and as I want to become a Poison Dart Thrower ASAP.
In terms of thief skills, I'm putting all my points in HiS and MS, as it should hopefully make my BGEE playthrough a bit quicker as I'm now tired of it, with the rest of my party covering Find Traps and Open Locks.
I actually rolled really well with my stats and the only stat not at 18 is my Wisdom which is sitting at 3. My party is made up of
Charname-proficient in Quarterstaff and Longsword
Imoen-dualling to Mage when Thief Skills are high enough
Minsc-Battering all the things
And a mysterious final slot that I don't know who to use as my Thief or Mage, as Xan doesn't have decent damage spells-I love Magic Missile to stop spellcasting and Dynaheir can't cast sleep which makes farming Ankheggs a lot harder.
Any advice greatly appreciated!
However, with this being an iPad run, I'm not in a position to fiddle around with things like Shadowkeeper, so the intent is to play through BGEE with an Assassin, then to Dual Class into Fighter in SOA. This raises the question of when to Dual class.
10 increases the potency of my poison
11 gives me slightly better traps
12 gives me an additional use of poison
At present, I'm going with 10, however there is the chance that this might change, depending on how many poison uses I want to use, and as I want to become a Poison Dart Thrower ASAP.
In terms of thief skills, I'm putting all my points in HiS and MS, as it should hopefully make my BGEE playthrough a bit quicker as I'm now tired of it, with the rest of my party covering Find Traps and Open Locks.
I actually rolled really well with my stats and the only stat not at 18 is my Wisdom which is sitting at 3. My party is made up of
Charname-proficient in Quarterstaff and Longsword
Imoen-dualling to Mage when Thief Skills are high enough
Minsc-Battering all the things
And a mysterious final slot that I don't know who to use as my Thief or Mage, as Xan doesn't have decent damage spells-I love Magic Missile to stop spellcasting and Dynaheir can't cast sleep which makes farming Ankheggs a lot harder.
Any advice greatly appreciated!
I'm aware though that you'll probably want to use the poison weapon ability for most of the duration of your battles, which may be more than once per battle, and that you may be fighting more than one battle per day. So I reckon that a third poison weapon use would come in handy. If you have a clever strategy for the downtime it could be worth it to wait for level 12. E.g. dismiss al party members but one mage who's going to copy scrolls to his spellbook, collect XP rewards for already completed quests, do a number of non-violent quests such as Sir Sarles, and Wellin and the orphan at the Graveyard district.
As to who to use as a mage for BG1, I find Quayle a lot of fun (he's a multi, but in BG1 multis are only one level behind single classed mages). Edwin and Baeloth are of course very powerful but might not fit well with you neutral/good-aligned group. Neera is risky but could be fun, and is a well-written NPC imo.
Best of luck, and I look forward to following your play through.
At 5 APR (10 with improved haste) you will kill anything (even dragons) within the duration of 1 poison weapon. Therefore 2 uses could be enough (level 6).
Are you sure of your levels regarding the poison efficiency and additionnal use?
My understanding ( i could be competely wrong) was that :
- potency increases at the same level as traps : ie level 11
- extra use at level 1/5/9/13 (like backstab)
If you also take thieving skills into account :
- forget HIS/MS (too expensive, useless for a dart specialist)
- level 6 allows you to master one skill (find traps, set snare, detect illusion, open lock)
- level 11 allows you to master 2 skills
Dualling at 10 or 11 you would need to wait half of SOA to be able to use your character fully, unless you play solo
Therefore, my advice would be to dual at 6, which gives you 2 uses of poison weapon and 2 snares.
The dualling will be completed very eatly in BG1 especially if you solo the basilisks area to speed up the process.
Also darts are very strong in BGEE :
- no fantastic magical weapons like in BG2
- no 19+ str for everyone like in BG2
- very good selection of elemental damage, poison, stuns
- with 4 pips and gauntlets you will to 7-9 damage at 4 APR (not including elemental damage) which is actually very good in BG1
The file that gives a greater amount of poison damage as a characters level increased is SPCL422.spl. However, that file is not actually the one that is used for the blackguard/assassin poison weapon. As far as I'm aware it wasn't used in the original bg2 either (despite what a link like might say). In fact the only differences between the original bg2 and BGEE/BG2EE that deal with the ability are that its primary poison is now doing 2 damage/second for a round instead of 12 damage once a round and its secondary ability now allows for a save vs poison (apparently it used to allow for a save against a targets best saving throw rather than a save vs poison).
To delve into game mechanics a bit further here (not Ipad related)
In short, if you want to make a low level assassin dual class the only difference from a Poison Weapon standpoint that you are going to see is the number of times you can activate the ability.
What I don't understand is why you would pick quarterstaff and longsword for level one proficiencies, if a dart grandmaster is your goal. I can get it if you want to give her one backstabbing weapon, but not two. As for BG1 and darts, since this isn't a solo run, why not just let your front-liners, mages and clerics keep you free of aggro through BG1? You can do an enormous amount of damage with darts throughout the game as long as you are part of a team.
So why wouldn't you take at least one proficiency pip in darts at character creation, if your whole character concept is based on darts?
Long sword is a good melee weapon for thieves and staves are good for backstab.
The break points are 5/9/13.
I still think that 6 is the good choice :
- every point in set snare to get some versatility
- 2 uses of poison weapon is enough
- fully functionnal very early
One thing you might want to keep in mind should you allow Dart Girl to melee-attack time and again, is that the backstab multiplier reaches x4 at level 9.
She will end up with GM in scimitars and will slaughter everything in 1 round.
Furthermore to be use backstab consistentlym you need to invest lots of points in HIS/MS. Given the assassin low skill point progression, you will be basically prevented to raise another skil to efficient levels.
I'm not sure whether allowing occasional melee attacks (or at least backstabs) would kill the character concept as you say. One doesn't have to dualwield and grandmaster scimitars. Why not use a buckler and daggers instead? I think most people equip even their Archers with a melee weapon in case they have no choice but to melee. This doesn't necessarily spoil the Archer concept IMO. An option could also be to allow only one proficiency point in any weapon other than darts (similar to the Archer's limitation re: melee weapons, stricter even).
Anyhow I considered the x4 backstab multiplier at level 9 worth mentioning.
Limiting proficiency to 1 PIP could be a solution
I'm going to need a backup melee weapon regardless, as I know there's going to be some issues with Demi-Liches and so on as the most +5 Darts I'll ever have is 10 I believe, so it's likely going to be something blunt-possibly even Sticking with quarter staffs and praying that this time round, Watcher's Keep doesn't bug on me in the Maze.
Isn't the next patch supposed to fix the Strength thing with thrown weapons? WHERE IS OUR DANCE STUDIO
nerf warlocks buff droods and shammys k
I do feel like Dart Girl needs a sidekick. It would be fun to make a custom party of goofy "teenage costumed adventurers" that all used odd weapons that are usually overlooked. Like Halberd Harry and Candy the Clubber. I always like the idea of a little halfling or gnome chick using some massive unwieldly two-hander or blugdeon and some giant muscl-bound half-orc who dual wields tiny delicate throwing daggers.
So today started like any other, waking up to the random musings that being a weirdly named young woman in what is effectively a monastery. I mean seriously, who in their right mind names their daughter Dart Girl? I don’t even know how to use darts… More to the point, given that pretty much everyone here is a wizard or a warrior, who is it that trained me in how to set traps and use poisons? Is it just innate knowledge? Am I meant for something bigger than just meandering this library for all time? Why am I even asking these questions? What’s with all this inner monologue, its like I’m meant to be going off on some great adventure. Anyway, today I got summoned to meet Gorion my foster father, and it kinda went downhill from there… I’d heard whisperings from my friend Imoen that we were going to go on a journey, so I prepared myself the only way my skills knew how. Setting traps to kill the guards and sell their armor to the local barman. Question: Why the hell does a barman buy armor anyway? There were also a few clichéd odd jobs that needed to be done first-notably killing some rats (seriously, rats, why me?), and taking a scroll that I could’ve sold from one part of the monastery to another for some dude called Firebeard. He didn’t even have red hair…
So I met with Gorion, and just like Imoen said, we were indeed going on a journey, and just as we left, Gorion told me that should we separated, I was to head to meet his associates at the Friendly Arm Inn. You’d think there was a sense of foreboding, as sadly around eight hours later, he was struck down by some warrior in spiked armor and a huge sword. I cried myself to sleep, and was woken by Imoen, who had decided to join us. We made our way to the Inn, pausing only when we saw some sparkling jewelry and gems…
Man, I gained 3 levels just doing this. I've actually lost count of how many times I've done this intro, though bizarrely, I've only finished the whole saga twice... I'm actually about to hit Nashkel mines, Party consists of Charname, Imoen (just dual-classed to Mage), Branwen, and Ajantis. Going to try and keep the party small, but I'll switch out Ajantis for Dorn to pick up Albruin for Ajantis to wield. Other random bits of info? I'm likely gonna drop rep a bit just to get Horror.
Current Party
Charname: Assassin 4
Ajantis: Paladin 3
Imoen: Thief 5 Mage 1
Branwen: Cleric 3
Stats are:
Assassin 6/Fighter 8
Long Sword *
Short Sword *
Flail * (picked for Flail of Ages as a +5 weapon as Watcher's Keep tends to bug on me)
Quarterstaff *
Darts ****
Two-Handed Weapon Style * (I plan on Quarterstaff being my backup weapon in SOA)
And almost all my Thief points went into traps.
I'm really happy with the damage output of Dart Girl, using +1 Darts she's dealing an average 40 damage a round pre-poison, with a current THAC0 of 3, but she's only using the poison in group fights. With a bit of micromanagement though she can hit 4 bad guys with poison no issues though. I'm gonna get Branwen to 8 and shop for potions etc for everyone, then head into the endgame, transfer DG to BG2, then take a break from BG for a week or two, and work out my party for the sequel! Ideas welcome, but I, hoping to run a small group again...