According to this test in particular, my stats would be as follows
STR 15 DEX 9 CON 15 INT 10 WIS 11 CHA 12
Not my favorite type of test, I can't help but feel that these kinds of tests don't ask the right questions. But I don't want this post to be about me whining or disagreeing, looks like I'd be leaning towards a fighter type if I were involved in this game.
STR - 15 DEX -13 CON - 15 INT - 12 WIS - 9 CHA - 11
I don't really agree with the test, but ah well! I don't see myself as being that physically strong, while i somehow get the feeling that i'm more charismatic.
And this test has made me look at certain NPC's in the game.
There is no way in hell that Edwin is THAT Intelligent.
@SionIV I think IQ to intelligence goes some thinning like this: (1)<50 (3)75 (6)85 (9)100 (12)110 (15)122 (17)130 (18)145 (19)160+ But people love to argue.
@SionIV I think IQ to intelligence goes some thinning like this: (1)<50 (3)75 (6)85 (9)100 (12)110 (15)122 (17)130 (18)145 (19)160+ But people love to argue. </p>
So Edwin is super awesomely intelligent and can run a mile in under 7 minutes without problem.
Let's not look at Sarevok. Talk about a Prodigy with his stat line of :
According to this test in particular, my stats would be as follows
STR 15 DEX 9 CON 15 INT 10 WIS 11 CHA 12
Not my favorite type of test, I can't help but feel that these kinds of tests don't ask the right questions. But I don't want this post to be about me whining or disagreeing, looks like I'd be leaning towards a fighter type if I were involved in this game.
feel free to use any particular stat line that you feels accurately fits you. I just found it an interesting way to make a character without making sure 18s were in all the primary stats.
for example. fighters having Str 18 Con 18 Dex 18 INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 10
In this thread about people's BG alter egos, I posted the following stats
STR: 10 DEX: 15 CON: 11 INT: 14 WIS: 15 CHA: 13
Taking class and alignment into account I would Korethil, a CN Elven Cleric (Feywarden of Corellon)/Thief, but I'd be open to play another role or race as well. What times would you be playing? I'm in the same timezone as you, but I can't play at night (only mornings, till 1:00pm and Sundays).
A human lawful neutral magic user would be my favorite character.
It's good that you seem concerned about gamey stats. How will the game be played? RP style? Try to avoid metagaming? Etc? Will it continue into BG2?
I can possibly be available US eastern time evenings, 8-midnight. Friday or Saturday would be my prefered, but other nights could be made to work. One day a week is sufficient.
Apparently I am a Neutral good human cleric and both tests agree that I have mediocre to bad strength ( 9 or 10), mediocre to slightly above average dexterity (12 or 13), mediocre constitution (10 or 12), high intelligence (17 or 20 - the IQ equivalents give me an 18), a good wisdom (15), and a good charisma (14 or 15)... that´s kind of funny, because I am a neutral good human cleric in real life... lol.
@cygnus . I'm open for any style of play. I'm not crazy into indepth RP but up for some variation. (not the type that spends an hour at the tavern telling tales and what.) I have nothing against that just not my cup of tea.
I mean I've gone through BG2 start to end a dozen times and god knows how many times I've beaten BG and ToTSC haha. So min maxing and metagaming have been done and don't present too much of a challenge and honestly are not that fun anymore. I tend to lose interest.
I'm open for any playing times. I'm not looking to power through and beat the games in a week or 2 by any means. Casual play with some extensive outings is up my alley. More extensive on the weekend works best for me.
I want to go from start to finish but anyone can just out after BGEE or jump in at the beginning of BG2EE. Once we have atleast 3 people set to play we can start whenever. I just use the tests as a base for ideas.
I think I'm going to have to nerf the stats I've gotten from those tests.
I got a CE or CN (1 point less) Human sorcerer with a ridiculous stat line. The more detailed test./The originial link I posted STR.18 / STR 17 DEX. 17 / DEX 17 CON. 16 / CON 16 INT 16 / INT 12 WIS 15 / WIS 12 CHA 16. / CHA 14
In defense, in my 20s. played division 1 collegiate sports and captain, certified crossfit and have a masters degree with a couple of bachelors.
I like the idea of a more roleplayed run, and like StrayedMonkey I'm in no rush.
As to my character, if I could play my preferred Cleric/Thief I'd be fine with Gnome and unkitted, so that we wouldn't have to tinker with any savegame editors.
I think I'm going to have to nerf the stats I've gotten from those tests.
I got a CE or CN (1 point less) Human sorcerer with a ridiculous stat line. The more detailed test./The originial link I posted STR.18 / STR 17 DEX. 17 / DEX 17 CON. 16 / CON 16 INT 16 / INT 12 WIS 15 / WIS 12 CHA 16. / CHA 14
In defense, in my 20s. played division 1 collegiate sports and captain, certified crossfit and have a masters degree with a couple of bachelors.
Wow, we have our Bhaalspawn! You be the judge as to whether nerfing is in order. You'd make an awesome Fighter/Mage with those stats. I mean sorcerer is fine, but you wouldn't take advantage of your great physical stats...
I just did the test and I scored STR: 14 - DEX: 16 - CON: 12 - INT: 13 (15/11) - INT: 13 - WIS: 14 - CHA: 14, but I consider an 86 roll to be quite high, and think my STR isn't above average. Anyway I think the idea is to play a character that isn't min/maxed and whose stats more or less approximate one's RL stats. Therefore I'd stick with STR 12 - DEX 16 - CON 11 - INT 14 - WIS 15 - CHA 14 (i.e. an 82 roll), and hopefully Cleric/Thief.
Boy I really hope this thing is going to happen. I suppose we'd play unmodded BGEE, yes? I've never done multiplayer, and I'm actually very eager to try it out. And the concept of playing onself makes it even more appealing. We could need a warrior type though, maybe a Fighter/Cleric someone?
I might be slightly bias since it gave me ridiculous stats ^_^ but there are more questions and does provide all the stats compiled on a link for everyone that has taken the test so you can see averages, %s and what not. It also gives class and alignment and oddly enough level.
Yeah this will definitely happen and unmodded just makes things easier. as for rules Core would be my preference w/ changing for max HP or just taking what you get (up for you guys to decide). I just want to get atleast 3 preferably 4 people on the same page before we dive in.
Once we have the people and general idea of RL stats and possible classes we can micromanage to a small degree before jumping in. As in make sure we all dont choose the same class and same weapon.
Oh I should also say, go ahead and use a character editor to change the stats so you dont have to spend hours rerolling and if you want to change your appearance/colors/ or want a human multiclass.
@Blackraven@Cygnus given the RL stat line depending on how we role play it and everyone class choice. Id go with a Cavalier or Blackguard. I lean more towards the warrior role personally but stats open the door for really anything.
@Blackraven sounds good. As far as RP goes...playing more evil opposed to good might be a nice change. I enjoy the idea of a mercenary/adventuring type group. more concerned with personal gain, power and wealth.
I feel like the majority of play throughs are usually geared towards the Heroic, good side. Open to whatever fits the group though.
@StrayedMonkey, like that idea. Neutral/Evil could be interesting. I've limited experience with it. Find it difficult to RP cruel, sadistic etc. But ruthless mercenaries ('Sorry Brage, you killed a lot of people, and there be a bounty on your head') could be fun...
@Blackraven EXACTLY! Im not looking to run around killing all people and have 1 reputation. Ruthless mercenaries that are smart about getting what they want through deception and brute force. Not cruel or sadistic.
Oh. I somehow managed not to notice this topic, how could I. I did bothtests at some point and the results seem pretty consistent, so if you need a sorcerer, a mage, or thief-->mage, I'll try to find some time, especially that so called long weekend awaits :]
I think the best way to avoid min/maxing is to just give everyone a set amount of points (80 is reasonable in my opinion) and have a rule that no more than one 18 is allowed and no values below 10 allowed. STR limited to below 18/50. This way all characters can have the same total points and people can choose their class.
Ok, did the other test. Not sure how reliable it is. It seems easier to manipulate the outcome, more so than in the first test, though I filled it out as honestly as I could. Result: I'm a Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf Druid/Rogue (3rd/2nd Level), with STR 13, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 15, CHA 14. Like @Winters I just averaged stats of both tests, which gives me:
STR 14 DEX: 16 CON: 13 INT: 15 WIS: 15 CHA: 14
Again it turns out that CN Cleric/Thief seems to be the most representative class.
@Cygnus I was hoping for more of the close to real life stats, i only mentioned the make your own if your real life stats are something like 10-12 in every attribute (or ridiculously low). That just doesnt seem fun. Although that is a fun way to play.
@Blackraven Both tests are fairly easy to manipulate once you take them more than once, answering them honestly is all i ask.
Looks like we have a cleric/theif and sorcercer or mage/thief. which is perfect.
I was thinking unkitted fighter or blackguard myself. The real question is to determine an accurate 18/xx.
@Cygnus do you think my 87 roll, @Winters' 90 roll and @StrayMoneky's 90+ roll would make the party too powerful? Compared to your roll, we have very high rolls. I haven't done multiplayer ever before, so I find it difficult to assess this. @StrayMonkey, I agree that the "playing yourself" idea would make this playthrough extra special.
Start up the game and create a new character. Choose a fighter and roll your stats. Re-roll several times and see how often numbers near 90 or higher come up. Then, take a look at the stats of the joinable NPCs in BG1. That will answer your question about "overpowered". But hey, I agree that a party of characters with Sarevok-like stats can be fun sometimes too, if that's what you are into. But for me, that gets old quick. 80 is a reasonable number.
Don't let me slow you down guys, there will be other games for me to join.
Start up the game and create a new character. Choose a fighter and roll your stats. Re-roll several times and see how often numbers near 90 or higher come up. Then, take a look at the stats of the joinable NPCs in BG1. That will answer your question about "overpowered". But hey, I agree that a party of characters with Sarevok-like stats can be fun sometimes too, if that's what you are into. But for me, that gets old quick. 80 is a reasonable number.
Well I think my 87 would still be within the NPC range (comparable to Ajantis, Imoen, Coran, Jaheira). But I agree that we'd best make the game harder rather than easier. So I have no problem with each of us playing an 80 character. You said something about allowing one 18. But I think that would only be if the actual tests gave an 18 score somewhere no? For example, my Cleric/Thief could have: STR 12 - DEX 18 - CON 10 - INT 12 - WIS 17 - CHA 11
But if I stayed truer to my RL stats, it would be something like: STR 11 - DEX 16 - CON 10 - INT 15 - WIS 15 - CHA 13
I guess you'd prefer the latter approach, and I'd be fine with that.
What's most important though is to have the rules "clear" and agreed upon by everyone.
STR 15
CON 15
INT 10
WIS 11
CHA 12
Not my favorite type of test, I can't help but feel that these kinds of tests don't ask the right questions. But I don't want this post to be about me whining or disagreeing, looks like I'd be leaning towards a fighter type if I were involved in this game.
DEX -13
CON - 15
INT - 12
WIS - 9
CHA - 11
I don't really agree with the test, but ah well! I don't see myself as being that physically strong, while i somehow get the feeling that i'm more charismatic.
And this test has made me look at certain NPC's in the game.
There is no way in hell that Edwin is THAT Intelligent.
(1)<50 (3)75 (6)85 (9)100 (12)110 (15)122 (17)130 (18)145 (19)160+
But people love to argue.
Let's not look at Sarevok. Talk about a Prodigy with his stat line of :
for example. fighters having
Str 18
Con 18
Dex 18
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10
STR: 10
DEX: 15
CON: 11
INT: 14
WIS: 15
CHA: 13
Taking class and alignment into account I would Korethil, a CN Elven Cleric (Feywarden of Corellon)/Thief, but I'd be open to play another role or race as well. What times would you be playing? I'm in the same timezone as you, but I can't play at night (only mornings, till 1:00pm and Sundays).
STR 10
DEX 10
CON 11
INT 14
WIS 13
CHA 12
A human lawful neutral magic user would be my favorite character.
It's good that you seem concerned about gamey stats. How will the game be played? RP style? Try to avoid metagaming? Etc? Will it continue into BG2?
I can possibly be available US eastern time evenings, 8-midnight. Friday or Saturday would be my prefered, but other nights could be made to work. One day a week is sufficient.
I mean I've gone through BG2 start to end a dozen times and god knows how many times I've beaten BG and ToTSC haha. So min maxing and metagaming have been done and don't present too much of a challenge and honestly are not that fun anymore. I tend to lose interest.
I'm open for any playing times. I'm not looking to power through and beat the games in a week or 2 by any means. Casual play with some extensive outings is up my alley. More extensive on the weekend works best for me.
I want to go from start to finish but anyone can just out after BGEE or jump in at the beginning of BG2EE.
Once we have atleast 3 people set to play we can start whenever. I just use the tests as a base for ideas.
I think I'm going to have to nerf the stats I've gotten from those tests.
I got a CE or CN (1 point less) Human sorcerer with a ridiculous stat line.
The more detailed test./The originial link I posted
STR.18 / STR 17
DEX. 17 / DEX 17
CON. 16 / CON 16
INT 16 / INT 12
WIS 15 / WIS 12
CHA 16. / CHA 14
In defense, in my 20s. played division 1 collegiate sports and captain, certified crossfit and have a masters degree with a couple of bachelors.
I like the idea of a more roleplayed run, and like StrayedMonkey I'm in no rush.
As to my character, if I could play my preferred Cleric/Thief I'd be fine with Gnome and unkitted, so that we wouldn't have to tinker with any savegame editors.
You'd make an awesome Fighter/Mage with those stats. I mean sorcerer is fine, but you wouldn't take advantage of your great physical stats...
I just did the test and I scored STR: 14 - DEX: 16 - CON: 12 - INT: 13 (15/11) - INT: 13 - WIS: 14 - CHA: 14, but I consider an 86 roll to be quite high, and think my STR isn't above average. Anyway I think the idea is to play a character that isn't min/maxed and whose stats more or less approximate one's RL stats.
Therefore I'd stick with STR 12 - DEX 16 - CON 11 - INT 14 - WIS 15 - CHA 14 (i.e. an 82 roll), and hopefully Cleric/Thief.
Boy I really hope this thing is going to happen. I suppose we'd play unmodded BGEE, yes? I've never done multiplayer, and I'm actually very eager to try it out. And the concept of playing onself makes it even more appealing. We could need a warrior type though, maybe a Fighter/Cleric someone?
try the the more detailed test, you might like your results.
I might be slightly bias since it gave me ridiculous stats ^_^ but there are more questions and does provide all the stats compiled on a link for everyone that has taken the test so you can see averages, %s and what not. It also gives class and alignment and oddly enough level.
Yeah this will definitely happen and unmodded just makes things easier. as for rules Core would be my preference w/ changing for max HP or just taking what you get (up for you guys to decide). I just want to get atleast 3 preferably 4 people on the same page before we dive in.
Once we have the people and general idea of RL stats and possible classes we can micromanage to a small degree before jumping in. As in make sure we all dont choose the same class and same weapon.
Oh I should also say, go ahead and use a character editor to change the stats so you dont have to spend hours rerolling and if you want to change your appearance/colors/ or want a human multiclass.
I feel like the majority of play throughs are usually geared towards the Heroic, good side. Open to whatever fits the group though.
Taking average result, I got:
STR: 12
DEX: 16
CON: 15
INT: 18
WIS: 14
CHA: 15
It seems that I'm Imoen's (not quite) evil twin.
Ok, did the other test. Not sure how reliable it is. It seems easier to manipulate the outcome, more so than in the first test, though I filled it out as honestly as I could.
Result: I'm a Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf Druid/Rogue (3rd/2nd Level), with STR 13, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 15, CHA 14. Like @Winters I just averaged stats of both tests, which gives me:
STR 14
DEX: 16
CON: 13
INT: 15
WIS: 15
CHA: 14
Again it turns out that CN Cleric/Thief seems to be the most representative class.
@Cygnus I was hoping for more of the close to real life stats, i only mentioned the make your own if your real life stats are something like 10-12 in every attribute (or ridiculously low). That just doesnt seem fun. Although that is a fun way to play.
@Blackraven Both tests are fairly easy to manipulate once you take them more than once, answering them honestly is all i ask.
Looks like we have a cleric/theif and sorcercer or mage/thief. which is perfect.
I was thinking unkitted fighter or blackguard myself. The real question is to determine an accurate 18/xx.
I haven't done multiplayer ever before, so I find it difficult to assess this.
@StrayMonkey, I agree that the "playing yourself" idea would make this playthrough extra special.
Don't let me slow you down guys, there will be other games for me to join.
For example, my Cleric/Thief could have:
STR 12 - DEX 18 - CON 10 - INT 12 - WIS 17 - CHA 11
But if I stayed truer to my RL stats, it would be something like:
STR 11 - DEX 16 - CON 10 - INT 15 - WIS 15 - CHA 13
I guess you'd prefer the latter approach, and I'd be fine with that.
What's most important though is to have the rules "clear" and agreed upon by everyone.